Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

Eyebrows buckling, and turning to her, "Are you feeling okay?" I asked.

Dank Ferrick! Did I press the wrong button again? Wondering to myself, this was like tip-toeing through a minefield. At this point, I felt, I should just keep my trap shut. This is just going to make the situation worse. The woman was in pain both physically and mentally, and all I'm doing is driving in another nail.

My tact with women is terrible.

"I'm sorry, Gra'tia, I didn't mean to cause you any more pain. I was just curious..." speaking while still seated and walking her figure stagger out of the cockpit.
“It’s-it’s okay…” she gasped before disappearing around the corner. She wobbled into the medical bay and addressed the droid.

“My head is splitting! I need medical help!” She urged.

The droid beeped in confusion. “The bacta left you in perfect physical condition- I did the tests myself.” It then conducted an examination, asking questions about what happened and such. When they were done, Gra’tia emerged from the medical bay and went to find Redar.

She stood awkwardly at the entrance and cleared her throat, “So… the droid tells me that I am in perfect physical condition. However, apparently I have both amnesia and trauma that was unaware of. I don’t know who… that person is, but apparently their name triggers something in my mind that causes me pain.”
When the door opened, I spun around in the chair, and almost stood up. Pausing and sitting back down, I let her speak, and looked at her in silence. Amnesia and trauma? 'Maybe it has to do with something from her childhood!' encouraged my brain. 'If there's candy involved, then it has to be from her childhood!' A brilliant source of deduction. One that I couldn't trust because it's what put me in this situation to begin with. 'Just shut up, brain!'

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry that I said anything. Just something that I was curious about," looking at her figure in silence once more and curling my lips inward, "If it will help, we still have time before we reach Mandalore, why don't you get some sleep, and we can try again when you're rested," speaking in a soft tone, not to force or compel her to do so. More of a suggestion.
She held her hands up slightly, “no, no! You don’t have to be sorry, Redar. Please feel free to ask me anything you like and I will answer to the best of my ability. I feel… comfortable when I talk to you.”

For a moment she wondered if that was an awkward thing to say, but decided that it was best to pretend that it wasn’t. “Anyway, I think I could do with some rest. You’re right. Thank you…” the woman lingered for a moment as though she wanted to say more before she turned away and walked to her room.
She was walking away. Should I say something? 'Tell her something!' screamed my mind. "Gra'tia, wait..." the words just came tumbling out of my mouth, that I couldn't stop. Plus I didn't know what I was going to say after that, conciously, that is.

"I-I do feel comfortable talking to you as well. You're certainly someone interesting to talk to. You're the first Mandalorian that I ever met." That was a good start. Don't insult her. "It's been quite an adventure we have been on together. I didn't think it would be this exciting!"
Gra’tia stopped and turned toward him, surprised at his words. Surprised but very pleased. Her helmet tipped as she looked at the ground before she looked back up at him, presumably looking him in the eye.

“It has been quite the journey, hasn’t it? When I met you, I wondered if you were going to be a handsome man with an inflated ego, but as I’ve come to know you, I began to see that you were a man of character. I saw that you were brave, skilled, and kind. It has been an honor to travel with you.” Her voice was warm.
Those words struck me dumb. Don't think anyone has ever said such nice things about me before. Yeah, those dockside whores will tell you anything you want to hear, so long as the credits kept coming. To hear her say it, felt so honest and sincere that my heart skipped a beat.

Head tilted downward, lips curled inward, hands on my knees, it took a moment for me to think of a proper response. 'Think. Think. Think! Don't tell her what you think she wants to hear. Tell her what you really feel about her. Not the sexy shit. About who Gra'tia really is. She's a Mandalorian. A warrior. A fighter. A woman. All of those things rolled into one, and who is standing right in front of you, looking for a response.

"Well, Gra'tia, I must say, it's been a honor to travel with you as well. When I met you, I didn't know if you were...well, I didn't know what to expect. Like I said, I've never met a Mandalorian before. In the short time that I've gotten to know you, you're certainly a woman of character, too. Definately skilled and proficient. If things had turned out different, I would have asked you to be a member of my crew. Could certainly use someone of your talent, and I don't think I have ever put so much trust in another person before."

Once I started all of the other words came tumbling out. Halfway through I was wondering if anything was making any sense. When the last words did leave me, I sat back against the rigid back of the chair with a bit of confidence on my face. Nailed it! So, I thought.

Was never good with making speeches and telling people how I felt, deep down that is.
The woman shifted on her feet slightly, and once again she looked down before meeting his eyes. To be honest, she was very touched by his words. The smuggler who was suspicious of everyone felt confident enough in her character to feel she had a place on his ship, and that spoke volumes about what he thought of her.

"To be trusted is a very meaningful compliment, and one I can gladly return to you. Were I given the chance, I too would find it rewarding to assist you with your work. Unfortunately, it's possible that our slime trip may be postponed if Mandalore requires me to see to another task." She sighed, part of her wishing that she was free to do as she liked. The Way was her life, but it also weighed heavy on her shoulders at times. What would it be like to make decisions based on what she herself wanted to do? To go with the wind like Redar did? In that way, she truly envied the man.

"I do not wish for our trip to be postponed," she admitted, "but I would be unable to refuse, should I be given a direct order."
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, allowed me to put things into perspective. Gra'tia had people. I didn't. She could go home. She had family. Not me. This ship was my home. Had been for some time. "Well, that's if Mandalore has another task for you," smirking.

Perhaps there was a chance that our adventures could continue. After all, we didn't know what would occur after this shipment was delivered. Who knows, maybe they would have us on another fetch quest. I wouldn't mind that, so long as I was paid and Gra'tia was with me.

Having her around would mean I didn't have to keep an eye on the back of my head. Someone watching my back, and a Mandalorian no less. Someone that can fight.

"If they do ask for something else, I will specifically ask that you come with me. If they refuse that, then I will refuse the task, because I don't want anyone else with me except you."
Why were her cheeks so warm? She felt like a tingle had gone through her stomach, and she was speechless for a moment before she replied, "... I would like that very much."

Gra'tia didn't know what else to say, flustered as she was. "I-I think I'll go lay down now. We will see what Mandalore says once we arrive." With that, she retreated to her room. She sat on her bed and stared at the opposite wall. Was that too awkward? Did she act oddly?
She left and I couldn't help but smile. Looks like I finally nailed it. Couldn't help but hold a clenched fist and pump it, once the door to the cockpit was closed, so she wouldn't see me. 'Ahh. Now I can relax.' With that i turned towards the windscreen, at the blue and white tunnel.

Cracking my knuckles and reclining against the rigid seat, heels kicked up onto the counter. This would be the spot where I go to bed. This area, I found, was surprisingly more comfortable to be at than inside my own bunk.
She did end up taking a nap for a while. When she woke up, she dressed back in her armor and headed for the cockpit. It was at that point that a planet had come into sight- one that she recognized. It was Mandalore. Her heart swelled at the sight and she gazed at it fondly as they approached, only looking away when she heard the comms beep from an incoming hale.

"Identify yourself, aircraft. This is private territory, so unless you have business here, you need to leave." It was a stern-sounding man who spoke, the Mandalorians obviously being suspicious of his ship as they would for any unknown ship that approached.
Don't know when I fell asleep. That was the best part about hyperspace watching. It lulls you into sleep with its hypnotic colors. Dozing off my dreams were very mixed. It's like watching the holo-net, except you don't have control of the frequencies. Just alternating to the most random of channels. Before you can set to understand one, it flips to another.

The glimpses I do remember, a Mandalorian and a Twi'lek. Space rocks. Some sort of solar eclipse, I think. More space rocks. Then a howling monster. One I could only hear, not see. It had an odd noise, a 'Oh-yee-oh-yee-oh-yee' That's when my eyes and opened and glanced to the left.

"Oh, shit!" catching myself from falling over. It was the NAVI-computer warning me we are reaching our destination. Reaching out and touching the warning off button with the tip of an extended finger, I leaned forward in the seat and grasped the throttle, ready for when the NAVI-computer would drop us out of hyperspace.

The tunnel disappeared. Then came the streaks of white light collapsing onto themselves to reveal the starry field and a looming planet. 'That's Mandalore?' I thought. 'Didn't look all that impressive to me.' Maybe once I'm down on the surface things will be better. Maybe they're advanced techologically.

The cockpit door slid open, before I could look at Gra'tia, the voice came over warning us.

Oh, boy. That was a cold greeting. Reaching out and touching the Transmit Button, nothing came out of my mouth. Pausing myself, and thinking, what am I to say. That's when I rememered, "Okay. I think you should speak to them, Gra'tia," turning my head to her.
She nodded at him and strode forward, hitting the transmit the button and leaning close to the console.

"This is Gra'tia Wren, requesting permission to land at dock TG03B12. With me, I have Redar, the smuggler we hired to ferry the cargo to Mandalore."

Immediately, the tone of the man changed as he warmly greeted her, "Gra'tia! It's good to see you back alive and well. You couldn't have arrived at a better time. Please enter the planet's atmosphere and proceed to the dock. Jalmari needs to speak with the two of you once you arrive, so stick around the dock. She's on her way over."

"Thank you Deetiri, we will do as you suggest." Though her tone was even as it usually was, there was definitely fondness in her tone.

She then let go of the comms button and nodded at Redar. "Alright, we're cleared. Mandalore isn't a technological marvel, nor is it the most interesting place for travelers, but at the very least we will have good food and comfortable accommodations for you."
"Good to hear," nodding to her, without a hint of sarcasm in my voice. Not picturing the lavish casinos were departed from. Led me to wonder, do all Mandalorians dress at Gra'tia and Sigrun? The NAVI-computer beeped. Information was sent to it mapping out where we needed to go. "Okay. Here we go" I replied, grasping the throttle with the right hand and the stick with the left.

Closer we came to the planet, the more I couldn't make out a lot of details of the surface because of heavy cloud cover. Before we entered the atmosphere I rolled the Outlander to match the curvature of the planet's surface so we came down without being inverted.

Without taking my eyes on my ask, I asked Gra'tia, "Do you know this person, the one you were talking to? What was it, Deetiri?"
"Yes, he was the one who taught me how to fire a blaster," she responded as though it was a fond memory. "Though he doesn't teach much anymore. He's a respected member of the community, and he currently manages communications."

Gra'tia was lost in thought for a moment, her memory cast back in the day to when she was receiving her training. He had been a strict teacher, but thanks to him she was as accurate and quick with a blaster as can be. She remembered spending long days and nights, trying to shoot the required amount of beetles, and the day when she finally succeeded.

"Who taught you how to shoot, by the way?" she asked curiously.
"Me? Oh, his name was Brigido. A runner from the Core Worlds. He was the first to take me in. Made me part of his crew. Ran with him for awhile. He tought me the basics, including how to shoot," glancing up at her with a firm nod."

There were fond memories of that guy. Mostly fond. Some are bad. Like the time a fire broke out on our ship, and one of our crew was killed. The first time I had ever seen a man die. It was horrific and never left my mind since. Brigido said there's always a price. In this case, that man's life was the price to be paid for this line of work.

"I stayed with Brigido for about a year or so. Then I decided to strike out on my own. Don't know what happened to Brigido afterwards. I hope he's okay," I said looking forward as we pierced the atmosphere.
"Hm," she nodded, "I too hope your mentor is okay. He must be a decent person if he took you in and taught you how to defend yourself." She looked forward as they continued on. The surface of the planet was... horrible, most would say. The Imperial bombings had done a number on the planet's surface, and it certainly showed it. Large craters of barren landscape were as far as the eye could see, dotted with cities that looked partially destroyed.

Her voice became quiet as she said, "Mandalore is still healing. It doesn't look like much now, but it used to be beautiful, and it can be beautiful again... It just needs time and care. Please don't judge it too harshly."
'What happened here? The place looks like a war zone...' thinking to myself. Countless craters. Barren landscape. The look of it took my thoughts away. I have seen a lot of horrible landscapes before in my life. This...Mandalore...looked like horror on a grand scale.

I just couldn't come up with anything to say. Instead I just shook my head lightly and closed my eyes. Trying to seal it away, my thoughts. Don't dwell on them or else it would only worsen. This is Gra'tia's world. Best get use to it. At least for the time being.

The NAVI-computer chirped once more, plotting the course to our destination. "It's about another five minutes to our destination," I said pulling the switch to lower the landing gear.
She nodded. He hadn't asked, but she decided to talk about it anyway; she imagined was curious about the place. "There have been many civil wars between those of us who live a predominantly war-like lifestyle, and those who prefer to fight for peace. However, the scars you see on the planet's surface are from when the Imperials laid siege to the planet. They bombed the surface twice, making sure that no survivors were able to survive. The planet was uninhabitable, save for the creatures who lived in the caves. Now we have hope: plants are starting to grow in certain places again, and the great forge is lit."
"The Great Forge? What's the Great Forge?" cocking my head up to meet her's. Before my gaze turned back towards our path. Carefully looking over the surface as it rolled by us, crater upon craters. The Imps are a ruthless bunch. Wouldn't surprise me they would carpet bomb this place. Some would call it overkill. 'Protocol' Imps would call it.

Still it was good that nature was starting to come back. It was in its infancy. What little I knew about flaura and fauna, it was as ruthless as the Imps. In that it would always find a way to grow and keep on growing, regardless of how much you try to punish it.
"The Great Forge is the heart of Mandalore, and it is where we forge our Beskar armor," she replied, looking down at her armor for a moment. "Most of my armor was forged in a separate forge on another planet, but this..." she tapped one of her arm-plates, "-was forged in the Great Forge. Perhaps someday I can gift you a piece of Beskar."
Buckling my eyebrows and stealing a glance at her, my smile grew. "That would be great," I replied. Beskar was sacred to them, yes? If they give me a piece of it, that would be worth more than a mountain of credits. She was wearing a full suit of the stuff. Sigrun was also wearing a full set. Was her's made in the Great Forge as well? Be a shame for it to be destroyed back there. Oh, well. She had it coming. All that Beskar that two-bit slut was wearing wasn't worth Gra'tia's life.

Once more the NAVI-computer beeped. Slight course correction. "Okay. About a minute from touch down," looking over the instrument panel. Legs down and locked. Easing off on the speed. Gradually losing altitude.
They headed for a dock that slowly came into view. It was a very standard looking dock with no extras or fancy architecture. Just simple landing pads for landing.

When they touched down, she sighed and nodded. "It's good to be back here, and I look forward to introducing you to some of the clan." Gra'tia's voice sounded a touch excited as she unbuckled her seat belt and stood up.
Following her with my eyes I felt a bitnup beat. No sense of danger. Good. I like a warm reception. Not a hot one. Plus I don't knownif I could make a hasty exit.

Once the ship touched down and the engines powered down, I lowered the ramp, stood and walked nit to the ramp but to the concealed cargo bay, to check on the cargo.

I don't want to hand over a bunch of broken crates. "I'll be with ya in a moment," I said to Gra'tia.