Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

"See you soon," she replied, nodding. The woman then walked down the ramp and was greeted by Jalmari.

Jalmarie was dressed in similar Mandalorian garb, but hers was more of a bronze color, accented with black. "Welcome back, Gra'tia," she said warmly. She was a tall woman, and her voice had a rich lower tone to it.

"Thank you," the Mandalorian replied with a smile under her helmet. "We managed to get here in one piece, despite a few hardships."

The other woman examined the ship, quietly studying the laser scars that had cut through the hull. "I'll say. The ship is lucky it still has structural integrity. A few more inches and it would have hit some very vital parts of the ship's circuitry. We'll have to see about getting it repaired before you take off again."

A bit of hope sparked in Gra'tia's chest, "are you saying that myself and Radar will be sent on another retrieval mission?"

"Not... exactly. What we need is something a little different, and we would need to discuss it with both yourself and the smuggler present."
Taking off the panels and peeking inside, the cargo appeared to be in one piece, despite everything that happened. A smile on my face I stood up and walked out. Going down the ramp and dusting off my hands, first thing that caught my eye was Gra'tia and this other Mandalorian.

"Hello there" I said raising my right hand. "I'm Redar. This is the Outlander," slowly waving my hand towards the scared ship. "Good news is, your cargo is safely on board," nodding slightly to this other Mandalorian. "Going to need some hands to get it all off loaded."

For the moment I didn't bring up what we encountered out there, like Sigrun. For I didn't know who or what sent that woman to go after Gra'tia. If they didn't bring it up, I wasn't going to do it either.

For the moment I looked this other Mandalorian over. Similar to Gra'tia in many respects but also different with its different color schemes.
"Well met, Redar," he was greeted with a polite and respectful bow. "It is so difficult these days to find those who are able to do this same task to completion, so it speaks to your skill. On behalf of Mandalore, we thank you for taking on this job for us, but do not fear: we will not only speak words of gratitude. The money will be delivered to you as promised, and we will fully repair your ship at no cost, of course. This is the way."

"This is the way," Gra'tia echoed.

"Tell me... how did the ship get damaged in such a way? It looks like you got in a construction accident, or angered someone with a powerful laser." The bronze woman looked between them, and Gra'tia was the first to answer.

"Sigrun tried to collect a bounty on me and almost succeeded. The ship sustained this damage from her own ship."

There was silence for a moment before Jamari asked quietly, "so she is slain, I presume?"

"Yes," Gra'tia answered solemnly. "It was unavoidable." She didn't go into details about who killed Sigrun, nor the specific circumstances of the bounty, but nonetheless the other Mandalorian seemed satisfied with her answer.

Jamari sighed, "that is a shame. She was a good fighter, that one. It is a pity that she decided to stray from the path, but I understand what you had to do."
Wasn't expecting such grace and a warm welcome. Usually my meetups begin with a standoff, some banter, usually some threats, then the exchange is given. Instead this Mandalorian seems as friendly as Gra'tia was, minus the observation.

Glancing over at Gra'tia, letting her speak solved the problem. My head shook a bit. Such a shame, really. If she wasn't such a greedy cunt she could have been a good asset. Wonder what made her stray that way. Credits? Most likely. Those pieces of gold and silver have a tendency to corrupt even the most stalwart individuals.

Such a relief they would be repairing Outlander. It would cost a fortune to fix all of this mess. My poor baby. She needs a lot of love. A proper refit would do her right. If these Mandalorians are as good in repairing ships as they are in crafting their armor, then the Outlander would be allright in the end.

"With your permission, we need to get some hands to offload the cargo. Where would you want it?" asked the bronze Mandalorian. Stepping around the subject of just what was in those crates that are so important.
She chuckled, "yes, you're absolutely right. We'll off-load the supplies onto the dock and then we'll move it to a more secure location ourselves." Her wrist was brought up and she pushed a button on her bracer which chirped.

"Can we have some muscle to get the supplies from the smuggling ship now?"

The bracer chirped again and a younger woman's voice answered, "Roger that! We'll have support up there very soon. Is anything else needed?"

Jamari thought for a moment before responding, "prepare two rooms."
Two rooms? That's great. Some place comfortable to lay down. The cockpit chair was nice. A bed was better. Starting to like this place already! My eyes cast at our surroundings. The landscape was as bleak was it was when we came in. Pretty barren landscape. A lot of craters could still be seen. Some are partially swallowed up by land erosion. You could still see their outlines.

"The cargo is under the floor boards on the portside," I said gesturing with an extended thumb over my fingers. "The floor panels I already removed for ya."

Looking this bronze Mandalorian up and down, I had a bunch of questions I wanted to ask. Now wasn't the time, I felt. Business here hasn't been fully concluded.
"Thank you for preparing things for us," the woman said appreciatively.

A few minutes later, several Mandalorians in similar armor but different styles came by with a few droids to unload. All of them wore helmets, but their colors varied, as did the various attachments on their armor. Gra'tia also helped unload, carrying the supplies that were light enough for her to lift (though most would consider them rather heavy in general). With everyone combined, it took them about half an hour to unload the craft, and soon there was a pile of crates on the dock, waiting to be brought inside.

It was at that point that Jamari said that the droids could finish up here, and that they should come inside for a meal. They went inside where things were remarkably hospitable. It wasn't a grand hotel or anything, but it was comfortable and well-designed, even if was a bit minimalistic as the Mandalorians were themselves.

They were led to a table that had a pot of hearty soup on it. His was the only plate that had warm, buttered bread, seeing as the other Mandalorians would not be removing their helmets. He also had the option of using a straw like them, or a spoon.

"So... Jamari started after a sip of soup. "How likely are you to accept another task from us, Sir Radar?"
In the walk in my eyes are constantly searching. Strange place, yes. Certainly warm. People seem friendly enough, even though they kept their faces concealed and are armed. Taking my seat and looking at the food, my mouth watered. Real food made with fresh foods and, ooh, buttered bread. A real treat.

Observiving the other Mandalorians, they are keeping with the same custom of concealing their faces at all times. A bit unnerving to not see faces. Who was I to question them.

"I have nothing else to do now that this job is complete," I replied, before taking a slice of bread, breaking it in half, and dunking the half into the hot soup. Bringing the wet bread to my lips and taking it in, the soup was so hot it nearly burned my mouth.

Swallowing it quickly and wiping my lips I took a moment to breathe and cool my mouth, without showing any alarm in my face that I hurt myself.
"I will take that as a willingness to continue working with us then," she replied with a nod. "We don't require another smuggling run, but we do need someone to ferry Gra'tia to a specific planet. We have a mission for her that requires her to pick up the ship at that location, then take herself to several other locations."

"What is the job?" Gra'tia asked with an even tone, thought she was indeed curious about what it would be.

Jamari seemed to debate in silence on whether she wanted to go further into it, looking to one of them and then the other before focusing on Gra'tia again. "We need you to infiltrate an Imperial outpost and retrieve the Mandalorian they have imprisoned there."

"And that will be where he drops me off?" A sip of soup was taken by Gra'tia, who also found it to be scalding and thus didn't actually swallow any of it, instead letting it slide back down her straw after singeing her tongue slightly.

The other woman seemed to have no trouble with the temperature of the soup, taking another drink easily. "No. The drop-off point is merely where you will be given back a ship that will take you the rest of the way on your own." Her head turned to Radar, "no offense intended to you, but the location of the outpost we will be targeting is not something we would reveal to an outsider."
So I've been asked to be a shuttle? Eh. Not the first time. Normally I don't take passengers. It's what the bronze Mandalorian said afterwards, that Gra'tia was to take the rest of the mission alone. As in, without me? It was disappointing to hear. A real kick to the gut.

The tone the bronze Mandalorian said, not wanting to reveal any further information to an outsider, also struck me deep. After everything I've been through I was still not one of them. Probably never will be.

Infiltrating an Imp outpost to free one of their own? They're going to trust just Gra'tia to that? No partner, no backup plan? Who was this Mandalorian? Had to be important if they're willing to risk one of their best to get them out. That also led me to wonder, why go solo? Then I thought, wait, I do everything solo.

"I suppose I can do that," taking another piece of the bread, dipping it and sliding it slowly into my mouth, so as to not singe my mouth again. "That shouldn't be a problem for me." After that, I suppose, they were to cut me off. That would be the end of me and Gra'tia, right? Hopefully not. Those thoughts I kept to myself that I kept my eyes focused on the bronze Mandalorian, feeling that I kept looking at Gra'tia those strange feelings would come creeping back.

There was nothing I could say that would change the situation. These Mandalorians are dead set in their ways. Their heads are just as strong as their Beskar armor. Perhaps the only thing I could say, to try and push a change in the plans. "What if I were to give Gra'tia a comm-link, that way, if things go South, I could pluck her out of there?" leaving it as more of a question or suggestion.
The bronze Mandalorian stared at him, not giving him any idea as to what she was thinking until she spoke m, “that is up to you. You are well-aware of the risks. If she is captured and tortured into trying to lure you into their clutches as well, then it is up to your judgement to make the decision as to whether you’re willing to risk trying to succeed where she failed.” If one read between the lines, she was basically saying ‘you think you would be able to rescue her if she, a very skilled warrior, wasn’t able to fight her way through in the first place?’

Gra’tia spoke up at that point, “I think he is more than capable of handling himself, and I trust him with my life.” She did not shy away from her statement, looking directly at Jamari.
Lowering my head slightly, cheeks a light shade of red, she had so much confidence in me. Truly I felt honored. No one had said anything like that about me before. Keep in mind, in my line of work, there is no real trust.

Feeling the tension I quietly finished my meal, while trying to avoid eye contact. With their helmets I couldn't tell if the Mandalorians are looking at, and studying me, or zoning out into La La Land, or whatever the equivalent would be in their world.

Finishing the bowl of soup and feeling it digest in my stomach started to take the energy out of me. "That was some delicious soup," speaking softly.

There was tension, I could feel, between Gra'tia and the bronze Mandalorian. Best let them discuss this without me present.

"If you don't mind, I'll retire to me room for the night," before turning and standing up.

The bronze Mandalorian nodded to another who guided me away from the dining table and to my quarters. Before I was fully gone I glanced back to get one last look at Gra'tia and she was still sitting there, as if frozen in place.

Were they waiting for me to be fully gone before discussing this any further?
The rest of the meal was silent, save for the sipping of soup and dipping of bread. Gra'tia had glanced at Radar before focusing on her meal, wondering if the room was a bit warm for him as his cheeks were slightly flushed.

The two Mandalorians watched him leave and continued to finish up their soup. Once that was done, their conversation began in earnest.

“You trust him with your life, do you? That is rather unlike you, Gra’tia,” the voice of the Bronze Mandalorian came through.

“I do. He has shown graciousness, compassion, and bravery in many aspects as I have been observing him,” was the reply she got.

“Can you give me a specific example?” Jamari’s tone was still skeptical.

There was silence before, “he saved my life when he didn’t have to. To my unending shame, I was drugged by Sigrun, something she must have known I didn’t have a resistance to. Through my carelessness, I was captured. She paid Radar a large sum of money to leave with the cargo and deliver it without me. Instead of fleeing, or leaving me behind, he bravely chose to fight her and retrieve me, and he came out victorious. He did not ask me for anything in return for saving my life.”

“Hmm.” The other woman digested that story, knowing that Gra’tia wasn’t one to lie about this sort of thing- she was far too honorable to joke or fib about it. “That is most impressive. He must be very skilled,” she conceded.

“Yes, he is.” There was a hint of fondness in her tone.

"Do you think he is capable of being a support agent for the mission I have assigned to you?"

"Yes, I do." Not a sliver of doubt was audible in her tone of pure assurance.

"You will be responsible for him. If he betrays us, it will be with your honor that you pay. You will be cast out- an apostate. Never to return to Mandalore again, nor having any affiliation with us. Can you tell me that you are absolutely sure you want to shoulder that risk?" Jamari spoke clearly, warning Gra'tia that there was no going back after this.

"I, Gra'tia Wren, will take him under my honor as a Mandalorian." Her gut told her that he was worthy of that trust, so she did not hesitate to confirm her agreement.

"And so it shall be. This is the way."

"This is the way."
The Mandalorian took me to my room. Rather down a dark corridor. At any moment I expected some creature to jump out at us. "Here you are" said the Mandalorian, a woman judging by the voice it gave us.

"Thank you" I replied, then watched her walk away.

Beside the sliding door was a control panel. Pressed the green button and the door slid open. Like what I expected, the room was Spartan. A bed with no pillow. Thin blanket. No dresser. Didn't matter to me. I didn't have anything extra. Except for what I was carrying.

There was a single light in the center of the ceiling. Guess they believed in economy for light, too. By now my belt and holster was wearing me down. Unclasping the buckle and sliding off the leather I cast it aside and sat on the edge of the bed, and undid my boots. Kicking them off I was about to lay down when I head a faint sqwauking noise followed by crackling voice, faintly.

"Huh?" sitting up and looking around. The light for the room was off, leaving me to grope around in the dark. The more the voices talked it enabled me to find it. From one of my pouches I found a comm-link. It was the one Gra'tia gave me awhile ago. Guess I forgot about it. Why was it going off now?

Don't know what happened. Either it was damaged earlier and left with the comm link open, or if she's sitting on it, either way, I could hear every word of their conversation. Instantly I wanted to turn it off. Came close to doing so that I had it in my hand trying to figure out how to turn it off without anyone noticing.

That's when I heard,

“You trust him with your life, do you? That is rather unlike you, Gra’tia.”

“I do. He has shown graciousness, compassion, and bravery in many aspects as I have been observing him."

Druk! They're talking about me! I should turn this off. This is private. The more she talked the more I felt, I had to listen. Something was telling me to keep going. Feeling my heart rate rise, I went to the door and locked it and turned off the light. Now, laying on my bed, I felt like a spy instead of a smuggler.
After her conversation with Jamari was done, Gra’tia headed to her own room, which was a little down the hall from his. She needed a rest, so she undressed, and crawled into bed. Huh. They redecorated the rooms.

She soon found that it was one of those nights where she had been exceedingly tired until she was actually in bed, at which time she stared at the ceiling, wide-awake. Was Redar having trouble sleeping too, she wondered? She could meditate, but she felt too restless for that right now. Her body craved some other form of release…

The woman found herself playing with her breasts, closing her eyes and letting her imagination run wild. She imagined him back at the casino, coming up to her at the bar and buying her a drink before taking her back to his hotel room. Once he had her alone, he would suck on her nipples through the body suit, then travel downwards until he could pull down the leggings and feast on her cunt. She remembered the way his skilled tongue had felt, swirling and lapping at her clit.

A soft moan bubbled up from her lips, one of her hands abandoning her breasts to start rubbing her womanhood. “You like that pussy, don’t you? Mmm… your tongue feels so good…” The walls here were thick, she knew, so she felt comfortable in the knowledge that even if she made any loud noises, it wouldn’t be heard by anyone.
Listening to their conversation to the end made my cheeks warm. This had to be an act. No way someone would be going to bat for me. In the end I couldn't believe it. Setting aside the comm-link and laying down, the darkness was starting to lull me to sleep when the comm-link chirped once more.

Then I heard it, soft moans and then a voice You like that pussy, don't you? Mmm...your tongue feels so good..."

First my ears perked and then something else. It was Gra'tia! What was she doing? Did she find herself a Man-dalorian?

Now I couldn't put it away. I just had to know what was going on! More soft noises. It was alluring listening to her. If she was with someone else, I would be offended. At the same time pretty much turned on, as shown by the stiffy I was feeling in the dark.

Setting the comm-link beside me on the bed and racking out, eyes closed, and drawing a long breath and letting it out, relaxing the muscles, letting Grat'tia's voice dictate the story, while my mind tried to picture what I could remember about us from the casino. Short hair, big breasts and big butt. It was a start.
She was fingering her pussy now, still imagining what Redar might do to her in the privacy of his own hotel room.

Maybe when he was done feasting on her pussy, he would slowly push her to her knees and pull out that handsome cock of his. He would turn out the lights, and in the darkness he would brush the tip against her plump lips, telling her that it was only right for her to return the favor. She would do her best to suck his cock, and she could remember the way he would groan with pleasure.

“Fuck… I want to swallow every drop of your cum… give me a big load- I can handle it… give it to me…”

She imagined him cumming down her throat, coating her tongue with that creamy seed.
Much passion and energy! This was hot! Better than any holo-net service. Laid out on my back, right hand around my now firm member. The other clasped tightly over my mouth to stifle anything leaving my throat. Silently encouraging Gra'tia to keep going. Stand up and unfold yourself. It was from a stage act I witnessed a long time ago. Those words stuck with me. To let yourself go.

I will give it to you, Gra'tia. You hot and sexy minx! I didn't know how you felt about me!

Was this what happened in the casino? My memory was foggy to the point now that I could scarsely remember ever being there.

Anyway, going back to what matters, the longer Gra'tia kept going, the more I kept stroking. Pre-cum leaking from the tip before sliding between the palm and rod made my member slick as it was hard. Vigorously stroking keeping pace with the hot Mandalorian.

By the time she was begging for my seed, I was right there with it. Ball sack contracting hard that I nearly yelled. Thankfully my hand over my mouth prevented me from betraying my precense.
Her moans became louder and more needy, escalating in pitch as she fingered her wet pussy and rubbed her sensitive clit.

In her mind's eye, he had recovered his erection and was now on top of her, between her strong thighs. His thick cock had been eased into her pussy while his tongue danced with hers in a deep, passionate kiss. His fingers ran through her delicate hair and he broke the kiss to suck on the nape of her neck.

“Mm… you make my body melt for you…oh fuck yes, I’m going to cum! Your cock is too much! Fuck… Redar!”

The last word she spoke before she moaned out her bliss was a name: his name. It felt so right in her mouth, and her body writhed with the pleasure that her fantasy of them brought her.
Feverishly stroking as she carried herself, when she blurted out my name I froze midway. She was crying for me?! Gasping with a hand clasped over my mouth, both surprised and aroused.

Where was this influence coming from? Who cares! She's yearning for me. Should I venture to where ever she is and let her live her fantasy? No. Then she would find out I was eavesdropping. Not only being offended she could very well shoot me on sight.

That's not the discharging a hot load that I want.

Dank Derrick. How was she imagining me? On top? Her on top? Doggy? Please let it be doggy, so I can play with her ass.

Getting back to stroking, the doubts and questions faded as I continued to stroke. Sweat beading upon the forehead as the heart rate and blood pressure rose.
There was a mewling purr of pleasure as she tried to ramp herself into a second orgasm, the woman breathing hard as she played with herself. She was unimpeded by worry, solely focused on her fantasy and the way her pussy dripped for him.

The Redar in her mind's eye fucked her as her legs bucked from where his arms had lifted them. Her wrists were in handcuffs that were linked around the bars at the head of the bed. She was completely at his mercy, and yet she felt safe in his skilled hands. The Mandalorian trusted him with her life, so of course she also trusted him with her body as well.

"Touch me like you want me!" she huffed, her fingers reaching deep inside her pussy to reach that sweet spot. Her eyes rolled back slightly in her helmet and she moaned, "Fuck me like I'm yours!" With that, she let out a strangled cry and came a second time, finally slumping in the bed and breathing hard, simply resting from that masturbation session.
I wish. I wish! If only I could doike she wanted. Take her body and plow it lime there was no tomorrow. Each thump of our bodies sending ripples through her body.

Those hefty breast's bouncing. Thighs wrapped around my waist, pulling me in with each thrust.

I would be touching her all over, puing her hair, squeezing her breast's, slapping her ass, fingering her tight snatch and anus with multiple fingers.

Fuck me like I'm yours!

My strokes quickened. Other hand left my lips to cup and squeeze the sack, eyes closed and picturing the Dixon Mandalorian, in her skin tight suit, doing that to me, cupping and sucking before letting me slide behind her, shoving my cock into her, and thumping like no tomorrow. One hand pulling back her hair firmly. The other brutalized her delicious ass.

"Yeah....yeah...yeah...take it" lightly hissing through my teeth. Not forgetting the comm-link beside me but unable to hold it in any more. "Gah...fuck yeah!"
Gra'tia sat straight up in alarm as she heard something faint through the comm-link. She had been distracted by herself and thus hadn’t been paying much attention to it, but she was sure she heard a voice or something.

“Is someone on this comm link?”

It was a question, yes, but the icy, deadly tone of her voice suggested that she was feeling inclined to beat them within an inch of their lives if she discovered that someone had been listening in.
Instantly freezing in place. Eyes wide staring up at the black ceiling. One hand slid up and cupped my mouth. Other hand still holding my firm wang. Nervously glancing at the electronic device, too scared to move. 'Druk! Druk! Druk! What should I do? Nothing!' If she heard my panting voice then she could hear any other movement. That may be enough for her to peg where the noise is coming from. In the dark, I didn't know if the comm-link was still where I set it, or if it got jostled about with all of my...activities.

Both jaws clenched tightly together. Heart rate hovering just below bursting through my chest. Now I didn't know where my blaster pistol was, if this got hairy instead of exciting.
She strained her ears to see if she could hear anything on the other end of the link, though she heard nothing. Was she imagining it? Perhaps there was a bit of static or something. It wasn't as though anyone had access to her helmet's comms other than the headset she gave to Redar and he was likely keeping his on the ship.

There was a spare comm that she kept with her things, so she hoped no one had swiped it to eavesdrop on her. In all likelihood, it was just static and she relaxed. Still, she felt like the mood was ruined for her and she sighed, getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. The woman looked into the mirror at a face she had come to know with more familiarity than her own face.

“What am I doing?” She murmured softly to herself. The Mandalorian sounded a bit sad.