Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

There was a wry chuckle, "if Z'inter and I were on this mission, one of us wouldn't be coming back from it either, and that person wouldn't be me." She had proven herself his superior several times now as far as fighting went, so she doubted Z'inter would try to harm her though.

She paused and studied Redar, noticing that he seemed somewhat troubled. He didn't seem like the type who would be worried about going toe-to-toe with Z'inter per se, so it was a mystery to her why he looked lost in thought.

"Something troubles you... Do you feel like speaking about it?" Gra'tia asked with a tilt of her helmet.
"Hmm? Oh. Nothing. It's nothing," quickly waving a hand. Dashing the thoughts aside. That couldn't be done, so I masked my thoughts with another thought. "Just thinking of what I may have to do in order to get to you. Chances are those air defenses are going to be intense. This baby can take it, I'm sure," craning my head back to look at the cockpit's ceiling. Another attempt to avoid eye contact with Gra'tia.

Wasn't trying to be rude. Every time I look at her the feelings came back. Sharper and harder than ever. I couldn't do it. As much as I wanted to. It was just us. Z'inter wasn't going to be a problem once we make it back. That begged the question, what would happen after this?

There's always another mission.
Even Gra'tia could tell that he wasn't being entirely honest with her, but she wasn't sure whether she should press him or not. It seemed as though he was unwilling to talk about his true worries. That was understandable. While they had been physically intimate, and had bonded in their travels, they weren't quite yet at the level of emotional intimacy that would allow him to be entirely forthright with her about his inner struggles.

"If you do not want to talk of what is truly bothering you, I can respect that." Gra'tia replied calmly, "you are entitled to keep your thoughts to yourself when need be. However, I will add that I mean to disable some of their firepower if possible on the way out."
"That would be great. Don't want to get this baby all scuffed up after she just got herself cleaned!" letting out a long chuckle. Stuff entered my mind. Turbo lasers. SAM turrets. Heavy blasters. The Imps will stop at nothing to ensure their captives can never escape. I have heard many stories of people trying out such rescues, only to end up either being prisoners themselves or a spray of pink mist in the sky.

Falso bravado to keep me going, but I stopped doing that. I was worried. For all of us. This Kreze person better be worth it. If I didn't make it back, well, then I have nothing to worry about, do I? If Gra'tia didn't make it back, then this Kreze will have a lot to answers, for we lost one person to save another.
It seemed as though he was taking the mission with good humor- that was good in a sense. To be too disquieted by what might happen could weigh heavily on the mind and she didn't want that for him.

"I applaud your optimism," she replied, reaching out and clapping him on the shoulder lightly. "I don't want to trouble you, but there is a real possibility that I may not make it out alive. If that ends up being the case, then my wish would be for you to take Kreze back to Mandalore if possible. If not... please let Mandalore know of my passing." There was a matter-of-fact tone to her voice. While she didn't want to be killed or captured, she also knew that one needed to be pragmatic about these things.
Listening to her with my head lowered slightly. It sent a chill running down my spine. I didn't want to think about losing her. It wasn't the heaving breasts. The thick ass. The mystery of what her face resembled. It was everything else. The cuddling on the bed. The delicate kisses. The novice who had the talent in things she was new to, came to her like a natural. It was everything that I would miss. No dockside whore could fill that sort of void.

That was it. I had to look at her now. Blinked several times then turned my head slowly. That helmet and visor looking at me blankly. Somehow feeling her eyes looking at me from the narrow slits. There is always a chance of loss in every mission. A sad fact. "I will tell your people what happened, and I will bring Kreze back to Mandalore...." trailing off and closing my eyes.

"Gra'tia, if I don't make it back, then...I want you to have the Outlander. Be a shame to let her go to waste with anyone else."

Not for the tits. Not for the ass. Not for the lips. It's for everything else. If Gra'tia was lost, I felt, my drive to continue my line of work would expire as well. Maybe take the reward money and find a small planet of my own. Live out the rest of my miserable life in solitude.
'Kreze better be worth it' telling myself over and over again.
That surprised her, and she had to figure out what she wanted to say before she said it. When she found her words, there was conviction in her voice. "I will do everything in my power to keep the both of us safe. While I would respectfully accept your ship, I think I would find it empty without your presence. The ship may be a body, but you are the heart and soul of the spacecraft."

Hesitantly, not knowing if she was doing this right, she reached out and rested a hand on his knee in what she hoped was a comforting manner. "We are both far too skilled to end up squashed under an Imp's boot. I have confidence that we will be successful."
Her sudden grasp sent a tingling up my spine. Looking down at her hand before following up the arm to her face. I couldn't see her face behind the helmet. She could see mine. Her compliments made my cheeks slightly red. This would be the part where I would say something to match. Something witty, maybe.

The image of being stomped on by an Imp boot resonated with me. I didn't want to face my own mortality. At the same time, I knew that I, we, were not invincible.

My heart was aching with a mixture of so many emotions that I couldn't come up with anything else to say, other than, "Thank you, Gra'tia, for your kind words," before gently cupping a hand over her own.
"You are welcome," she replied. His hand felt warm on her own, and she found herself desiring more of that warmth. Had she not been in her helmet, she might have kissed him. As it was, that barrier separated them and the affectionate look she had was lost by the impassible darkness of her metal mask.

Her head tilted slightly to the side. "Did you do something special with your hair today by the way.? You look particularly dashing today for some reason."
Slowly I cheeks burned a little harder, "I, uh, may have," reaching up and giving my hair a little bit of a fluff with the tips of the fingers. Turning to her again and smirking, "Nice of you to nice, Gra'tia." My smile was firm and wide. "I wanted to do something special for you."

I wanted to say something about her, but my selection was limited. "Did you do something with your armor?"
There was a chuckle from under her helmet. "No. Nothing in particular." It amused her that he had tried to return the favor, but there was really nothing he was able to comment on as far as her appearance went.

Gra'tia stood and stretched, raising her hands over her head and leaning to the side before sighing. "Would you like a candy? Now that we're back on the ship, I could grab you one of my favorites, if you like."
Eyebrows buckling, "Sure. Please!" nodding. For a moment my attentioned shifted back to the NAVI-Computer as it chirped one more time. Looking forward revealed the blue and white tube of hyperspace. A devious thought entered my brain, if she gets up to leave, that would give me a chance to take another gander at her backside.

Why is my mind so warped? The connection we had, perhaps. The mention of candy and the thought was, I must have it! The candy or the look? Maybe both. Either way, yes, please!
She walked away, but she would be lying if she didn't hope that he had looked at her as she did so. The woman went to her quarters and grabbed one or two candies before returning. Soon, she was standing before him again, and with a playful tone of voice she said, "open your mouth and close your eyes."
Couldn't help it. She got up and shuffled for the exit. Hold. Hold. Hold. Wait until sensing she was at the door. Then lean to the right and look back over my shoulder. A perfect profile shot of her backside, with the snug catsuit and everything adorned just perfectly.

Hopefully she didn't see my glance and then my smile. Seated there with hands across my lap. Trying to hide my excitement. 'That was so wrong.' Hearing her steps coming back, a look to the right and she was standing over with the directive, 'Open your mouth and close your eyes.'

That's what I did. Leaning back against the head rest. Closed my eyes and opened my mouth as far as it could go. "Ahhh!"
She laughed at how enthusiastically he opened his mouth, though she hoped he didn't take it the wrong way. It was rather adorable, and she couldn't help but feel a fondness for his playfulness.

Leaning in, she placed a chocolate on his tongue. Instead of simply melting though, it had bits of raspberry candy in it that popped and fizzed as well, making it a very interesting texture and flavor experience.

"What do you think?" she asked curiously, wondering if he enjoyed such a treat.
Tongued my tongue and it fizzled and popped. Closing my mouth and pressing the flat of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, it was a little sweet and a little tart. The pop and fizzle continued as the chocolate melted in my mouth. No need for chewing. It melted like ice and flowed to the back of my mouth and down the throat. Smooth.

"Wow. That was interesting," looking ahead and blinking several times. That wasn't like the other flavor. Turning my head up and looking at Gra'tia, her chest closer to my face, leaned back a little to see over them at her helmet. "What flavor was that one?"
“It was milk chocolate with raspberry fizz-candy in it,” she answered, amused. “Do you like it? I’d give you another, but I only have one left so we’d have to share it.”
"Hmmm, well, if you're willing to split it, I'm willing to try it," I said up to her with buckled eyebrows. It was a delicious piece of candy. The fact that Gra'tia was willing to share it with me shows that she did have affection. Most people I knew would not share the contents of their glass with even their co-pilots.
She turned away from him and slowly walked a few steps away before turning her body slightly to look at him. “We’ll have to be in darkness for that, I think… Your quarters, or mine?”
Following her with my eyes, she spoke and I looked at her, confused for just a moment. There can be only one reason for her to be in darkness. Sinking my upper teeth into my lower lip, stifling my now giddy nature, I nearly jumped out of the seat. Stopping myself by clapping one hand onto my thigh and pushing down hard.

"Yours'," I said. That was all I could say. Being her in place would make her feel much more comfortable.
"Alright," she answered, leading him to the ship's guest quarters where she currently resided. Though her tone was calm, she herself felt excited at the idea of being alone with him in the dark once more. Once they reached it, she closed the door behind them and went to a case. Opening it would reveal a treasure trove of candies, most of them sorted and organized. She plucked one of the candies from the case and closed it, turning to him and asking, "are you ready for me to turn out the light?"
This was my ship, I've been through every inch of this place many, many times before. Being in these quarters now felt like I was out of place. On my own bloody ship! Stepping into the room and looking about, now it all felt different. Eyes following her to her case and revealing its contents, she asked if I was ready.

Without looking I reached back and pressed the control panel, and turned off the light. Castly myself back into the abyss. "Give me a moment." One hand reaching out feeling my way forward. The other grasped the clasp of my belt. Undid and let it fall to the floor with a heavy Clunk!

Going forward. Step by step. Until the tips of the fingers touched something. Rolling the tips over its surface, it was the bed. Sliding the palm over its face, turning and hiking myself up to sit at the edge. Knowing Gra'tia's helmet could still see me in the darkness, I just said, "I'm ready."
She watched as his belt thunked to the floor. Her eyebrow raised, though it couldn't be seen through her visor. So he thought he was going to get lucky, did he? Well, she supposed that assumption wasn't wrong. Not if she had her way, anyway.

Now that they were in the dark, she walked toward him and stopped just before him before taking off her helmet. Her hand stretched out so she could find his face, and when she did she gently cupped his cheek. The next thing he would feel would be her lips upon his, though she soon deepened the kiss to get access to his mouth. Her tongue came bearing a sweet gift, the chocolate having already partially melted from the temperature of her mouth.

The little fizzy candies popped on their tongues as she slid her tongue along his, the creamy chocolate melting completely in their heated exchange.
Feeling her gloved hand touch me, lifting my gaze but finding nothing. Then came the hot, wet sensation to my lips. Then came that slippery eel that was her tongue.

The smooth fluid of chocolate carrying the sweet flavor of popping raspberries. It elicited a soft moan. So many different flavors happening at once.

Was this foreplay or just a weird taste test? Should just assume she wanted sex, just because we are in a dark room. I realized that now. It was too late to take it back.

Bot hands gripped my thighs tightly preventing me from reaching up and grabbing her. It was so tempting. My knuckles turned white resisting the temptation.

When the chocolate rolled down my tongue and down my throat, I barely needed to swallow. When I did and pulled back, her tongue slid out my mouth. "MMMM That was delicious!" wiping my lips with a brush of the back of a hand.
Sharing the chocolate with him was quite erotic for her, especially the idea that he was literally tasting it off of her tongue. Though she noticed that he wasn't touching her, nor was he taking the kiss further than she was, merely keeping the status quo. It gave her doubts and she wondered whether she had missed something. Perhaps he had taken the belt off simply as a comfort thing or something- not everyone liked to be in restrictive clothing all the time.

When he pulled away and complimented the chocolate, she found herself feeling a bit silly. She shouldn't have assumed that just because he was a man, it didn't mean that he was going to be horny all the time.

"Thank you, but... I had rather hoped that you would be in the mood for something more than just a little chocolate," she said sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. "I had hoped to seduce you, but I'm not certain whether I'm doing that right."