Credit Where Credit's Due (Closed)

“I didn’t either until I woke up next to you,” she chuckled. “It seems that lust is an effective sedative when sated.” Her hand started to gently stroke his thigh,
"So it would seem," coyly replying. A soft moan left my lips feeling her fingers against my thigh. It tickled somewhat. Slowly reaching out into the darkness, I found her own thigh and lightly cupped it with my right hand, mirroring with my fingers what she was doing to myself. "I don't think I have ever felt like that before."
“Me neither,” she murmured. “I cannot recall a time where I have allowed myself to fall asleep naked in the presence of another person.” Her fingers moved slightly up his thigh, nearer to where his cock was.
"I don't think I have either," I said after a slight chuckle. Sleeping with those other women was not the same, as I have said before. Those are the kind to never 'fall asleep' or 'sleep with' because they will rob you blind once you're out. Saying and doing whatever they have to in order to get your purse. "That was certainly something. How do you feel now?" asking intrigued in what she had to say.
“What do you mean?” She asked with a touch of confusion. “About us or just in general?
That was a tough question. One that wasn't given a lot of thought before asking about it. Too late to take it back or refine it, my lips curled in and pressed together. Things between us have been forever changed. Have we progressed beyond client and employer to lovers, or something else. The tingling sensation she was giving my thigh tells me that she was feeling rather upbeat. So was my cock.

"About us," I forced myself to say. Hoping that she was feeling the same way I was.
“I am… optimistic,” she replied thoughtfully. “I cannot say where our path will take us, but I am glad that we have an understanding now. As long as I am by your side, you will never have a more loyal partner. Though I may misstep when it comes to emotional issues as I am not experienced in this, you can count on the fact that I will be a stalwart companion.”

Gra’tia paused and her fingers crept up until her pinky finger was lightly rubbing up and down his base. “What about you?”
The tingling went away and was replaced with more of a throbbing sensation. Looking in that direction, imagining what was taking place by the feel of her delicate touch against me, cheeks turning a darker shade of red. The lips moistened with a flick of the tongue.

"I'm optimistic as well," pausing briefly to let out a strange sounding sigh. Her finger was doing a number on me with minimal effort. "I have never met a woman like you in my entire life, Gra'tia. I should say, I wish I had found you earlier in life, because I have never had a client or a partner such as you, and I don't think I want anyone else other than you."
The woman actually felt her heart flutter at those words, her pinky stopping for a moment before she resumed. "That is likely the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," she commented with a shy but pleased tone. "I feel the same way."

Her fingers wrapped around his cock and she started to gently stroke him, willing to stop if he spoke up about it. "While I am not pleased about how it happened, I am glad that you were the first man to enter my body."
Her hand wrapping around me, my heart rate shot up. Such a saucy minx. Wanting to get right back into the action. Of course my cock was telling her, 'I'm ready!' while the rest of my body was saying, 'Not yet!' Eh. Been through much more painful situations than this. I can recover after a period of respite.

Leaning towards her a little further, my right hand slowly reached over, and touched her own fingers that wrapped around my member. With the tips they lightly traced up her arm. Feeling the taut flesh and firm muscles. An athletic and firm woman by the feel over the other parts of her body.

Then I found her shoulder, and then her chin. Lightly cupping the tip of her chin between my thumb and forefinger, I was prepared to give her another firm kiss to her sweet lips, give her a little tongue, and let it go from there when...

Beep Dot Beep

Instantly my head jerked in that direction. A voice came through on the door's small computer console. "Redar? My name is Sera. I've been tasked to inform you that your ship is ready, and I am to take you to it. May I come in?"

Crap! Crap! Crap!

Forced to roll away from Gra'tia and off the bed, fumbling for my footing the blackness. Finding the door console and pressing the trasmit button. "Very well. One moment."

I said. Looking back towards Gra'tia, my heart was now climbing into my throat. How are we going to explain this? Could we? Going back towards the bed. Dangling cock in hand. The other reaching out and gropping in the darkness. My knee found the bed.



I couldn't keep moving around and injure myself, with disappointment in my voice, 'Get your armor on' as I found my clothes.
Her reflexes were nothing if not quick, so when she heard the beeping, she too rolled over and sat straight up. Damn. Was it already that time?! She felt around in the darkness for her body suit. It was hard to find and it slipped through her fingers more than once as she flailed and tried to put it on blindly.

With great effort, she was able to find and pull on her armor. Once that was all done, she whispered, "I'll hide in the bathroom. Leave with her and I'll follow up." She then slunk into the bathroom and closed it as quietly as she was able to.
She was gone before I could say anything. Sitting in the darkness I fumbled for my clothes. Shoving both legs through my pants and arms through the sleeves. Then the socks and into the boots went the feet. Standing up and running both hands down my front, everything felt to be in place.

Walking up to the console and switching on the room lights, for a moment I stood there blinded. Somewhat dizzy. The effects of standing up too quickly. Glancing around the interior, nothing appeared to be out of place. Certainly no Gra'tia. Even though I knew where she was, not seeing her made me feel sad. It had to be this way.


Opening the door revealed a tall, thin looking Mandalorian woman in dark red armor. She stood with her arms crossed as if waiting impatiently for me. "Hi, Sera. Come on in. Sorry for the delay," I replied and trailed off, not adding any further. "Come on in" waving a hand and stepping aside.
Gra’tia quietly stood in the bathroom, not daring to move for fear that her armor might bump into something and give her away. It wasn’t necessarily unusual for them to be in the same room or for her to use his bathroom, but the prolonged wait time combined with the scuffling would have had anyone slightly suspicious if they were to find two people inside.
Sera stepped inside and looked around slowly. As if she was expecting to see something other than me standing there. "I hope I wasn't disturbing anything."

"Naw. Just taking a nap," I replied venturing over and picking up my belt. Fastening the clasp around my waist and patting the blaster pistol, making sure it's there. The whole time Sera was watching me. Probably studying me behind her red helmet. "You said my ship is ready?"

"Yes. We fixed it ahead of schedule," Sera replied. "Follow me" she gestured with an extended thumb towards the door. With her leading the way out, I touched the console and turned off the lights on the way out. Hopefully that gives Gra'tia some concealment.
Gra’tia slipped out of the bathroom once they left, turned on the lights, and made sure her armor was in order before she waited a few minutes. Once she felt confident, she turned off the light again and exited the room. All was well, fortunately.

She then made her way to the docks, stepping out into the open air to find Sera standing with Redar explaining the different repairs and adjustments they had made, occasionally pointing at different parts of the ship.

“Redar, so that’s where you are. I’ve been looking for you.” Gra’tia said , coming up to his side.
The walk to the hanger, Sera seemed adament in walking beside and slightly to the rear of me. Perhaps to keep an eye in case I did something shifty. We entered the hanger and there was my beauty, the Outlander. Honestly, she looked better than ever. The Mandalorians really did a great job in cleaning and fixing her up.

The red Mandalorian stood beside me as she pointed out what they've done.

Her right hand extended fully to point at a dark gray housing on the portside of the ship. "That laser cut right through the portside missile launchers. We had to remove the entire housing and replace it with a new one, a Mark III model. Better than your older Mark IIs."

A moment later she pointed to the cockpit itself. "Did you know that there a lot of carbon scouring around the cockpit? That and beside the belly turret. The cannon fire didn't breach the hull. Came close to," folding her arms in front of her.

Hearing the voice calling out and turning, my face lit up. Here came Gra'tia. "Oh, you have? Sera here's been showing me the ship," trying hard to feign ignorance of the last half hour or so.
“I was looking for you before I went to Redar’s quarters,” Sera mentioned. “Unfortunately I was unable to locate you…”

Gra’tia could tell that the other woman was slightly suspicious, so she simply shrugged. “I was meditating in one of the private stone rooms,” she replied nonchalantly.

“Hm.” The red-armored Mandalorian grunted.
Inside I was elated to see Gra'tia again. The red Mandalorian's head followed her as she approached. Sera's tone and grunt was telling me she was suspicious. Best way to dispell this was not to defend Gra'tia, but to deflect the conversation.

"Sera here was just bring me up to date on all the repairs your people have done. I got to say, they did great work! She's as good as new!" waving a hand at my beauty, the Outlander. An attempt to draw the red Mandalorian's attention away and back to what lay before us.

"Yes. We had to replace a lot of the exterior armored panels because of scarring and piting," Sera said with both hands on her slender hips. "We also found your hidden compartment." Referring to the cavity covered by the floor panels.
“Of course he has a hidden compartment,” Gra’tia commented. “He’s a smuggler. It would be more odd if he didn’t.”

Sera stared at her for a moment before admitting, “that’s true.” Her gaze went back to the ship and she continued, “Some of the wiring in your console had short-circuited, so we replaced it. Frankly, I’m surprised your ship held together as well as it did after being sliced. It’s a very sturdy ship.”

Looking at the ship appreciatively, Gra’tia nodded. “Indeed, it is a very fine ship.”
"Yes, she is," nodding to them. A smile hung on my face. Part of it was admiring the handiwork of the Mandalorians. Outlander wasn't pretty but she was tough. Got me out of many scrapes. She was in dire need of another overhaul after clashing with Sigrun.

There mere thought of that name made a shiver roll up my spine. Traitor. A hot looking woman. Still a traitor. A hot traitor.

"I didn't get a chance to look, the short circuiting didn't fry the NAVI-COM did it?" slightly turning towards Sera to ask.
"No, actually. Remarkably, the Navi was fine. Had you attempted to deploy any of your escape pods though, you would have found yourself unable to do so," Sera replied.

Gra'tia didn't like the sound of that. An escape pod was one's last hope when shit went sideways. To get in only to have the ship fail to release the pod would be devastating. It almost sent a shiver down her spine to think about.
I breathed a bit easier knowing that it was fixed. A key feature of any ship is a way to bail out of it when there's no other choice. If Gra'tia had tried to use it, well, she wouldn't be standing here right now beside me.

Sera said, "We fixed the escape pods and their launching mechanisms," shaking her head as if bitter about some aspect. Either at me for failure to maintain a key feature, or the work in general.

"Your ship is ready to go. Fueled and armed. Whenever your ready" Sera held out a hand to it, as if presenting it to us as gift.
"Perfect. I would trust no other person to do such a thorough and flawless job on a ship. Thank you, Sera." Gra'tia nodded respectfully at the other woman, who nodded back.

"All the satisfaction I need is for a job well done." Sera said that, but it was clear from her tone and the way her chest had puffed up a bit that she was very pleased at the compliment.

Gra'tia's attention turned to the smuggler and she asked, "when would you like to leave?"
I took a moment to study the ship a little longer. Being my ship I thought I knew every crack, every crevious, every ding and gounge on the Outlander. It was still the same ship but incredibly different, and in a short amount of time, too. That's why, when Gra'tia asked the question, it took me a bit longer to respond, as I was entranced in the moment.

"Hmm? Oh, as soon as possible. That way we can finish what we set out to do. Best not to let it sit and wait," nodding firmly to Gra'tia and then to Sera.

"Thank you for all your hard work, Sera. She's a beauty," pointing my head back at the Outlander. I kinda liked the look Sera made when she puffed up her chest. Something to be proud of, having your hard work appreciated.
"Excellent." Sera replied, still very much pleased at their praise.

The other Mandalorian was also pleased, but she didn't show it outwardly. She was going to be glad to be getting on the road with Redar- it was really nice traveling just the two of them.