
Thanks Everyone.. Just had to ask about crushes cause I get them all the time! The usually don't last, being crusdhes and all that, but they're fun and harmful..

Re the other forum, I'm backing off there now. I'm tired of the bs. A few weeks ago some of the same imflamatory idiots went after a friend of mine who switches, for being a switch. On one hand, I want to go in there and create as much turmoil as possible, on the other hand, I don't want to be a troll. So I decided to take a break from them and hang over here more, where coolness abounds.

I mention in private that I have a crush on someone here at Lit, and what happens? I get barraged with people wanting to know who it is!

Back off, I say!

Last time I share anything with you lot... gossips!

Re: Hrumph!

FungiUg said:
I mention in private that I have a crush on someone here at Lit, and what happens? I get barraged with people wanting to know who it is!

Back off, I say!

Last time I share anything with you lot... gossips!


Well, then just spill it so you can stop the barrage!

Re: Re: Re: I have decided

Richard49 said:
careful Tim

remember she has been talking about becoming a switch

Who has?

Oh no! Nasty stuff that switchiness!

Re: Re: Hrumph!

MissTaken said:
Well, then just spill it so you can stop the barrage!


Nope! (You'll have to do better than that, MissT!)

Besides, it might be you, and then where would you be?

(Er, probably exactly where you are now... never mind.)

Or heavens above, what if it was Eb?
Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

FungiUg said:
Nope! (You'll have to do better than that, MissT!)

Besides, it might be you, and then where would you be?

(Er, probably exactly where you are now... never mind.)

Or heavens above, what if it was Eb?

Well, if it were me, I would blush prettily.

If it were EB, I would fasten the strap on for her and let her go with it!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

MissTaken said:
Well, if it were me, I would blush prettily.

If it were EB, I would fasten the strap on for her and let her go with it!


I'll tell ya what. Why don't you have the crush on Eb, and I'll hide behind you and wince occasionally in sympathy at what she does with you?
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

FungiUg said:
I'll tell ya what. Why don't you have the crush on Eb, and I'll hind behind you and wince occasionally in sympathy at what she does with you?

Well, since the dear, sexy lady isn't bi, I have NO Fear!

But that rumor mill says I am switching, you could be in very deep trouble with both of us in the same room.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

MissTaken said:
Well, since the dear, sexy lady isn't bi, I have NO Fear!

But that rumor mill says I am switching, you could be in very deep trouble with both of us in the same room.


Er, um, well, um... excuse me! runs away!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

FungiUg said:
Er, um, well, um... excuse me! runs away!!!!

*grabs him by the hair at the back of his head*

Get back here and spill the beans!


Tehn, I just might post my own little crush list!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

MissTaken said:
*grabs him by the hair at the back of his head*

Get back here and spill the beans!


Tehn, I just might post my own little crush list!


Okay, okay. You forced me into it! Once again the poor wee Dom gets beaten up by the merciless subbie!

It's you!

Hey, why is my nose growing?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

FungiUg said:
Okay, okay. You forced me into it! Once again the poor wee Dom gets beaten up by the merciless subbie!

It's you!

Hey, why is my nose growing?

Where are the pics of this? ;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hrumph!

lovetoread said:
Where are the pics of this? ;)

Of which bit? MissT beating me up, or my nose growing?
lovetoread said:
The first part. Tis something that would be interesting to see,eh?

Nah, mean subbies picking on me, the poor helpless Dom... happens all the time! :p
I just wish crushee's would like give you a hint that they know that you are alive. ;)
lovetoread said:
I just wish crushee's would like give you a hint that they know that you are alive. ;)

Aha! That implies you have a crush on someone! (or there wouldn't be a crushee)
I think I had someone who had a crush on me, alas twas 24 years ago then I ruined it,I married her