
SilkVelvet said:
Flirting with male friends is fun !! :) Straight female friends tend to get worried lol

I've been known to flirt with male friends as well. They know I'm straight, so it's purely fun. However, my flatmates sister did wonder if my marriage broke up because I was gay (which was so funny, that one of my male friends and I made a point of hamming it up for her benefit thereafter.)
Hmmm, I have more than a passie crush on a certian person around here. Not so much of a crush as a I will Have her feeling. She knows who she is but I thought I would through this out where she can see it publicly as well.

I will have you little miss.:D
It's weird, i have 3 crushes on LIT (and they all know who they are!!!). Before i became single I never got crushes...i kept all my emotion for my Owner. After we parted ways...i have discovered quite a few people i would love to get to know but only 3 that i plan on getting to know up close and personal!!! Mayhap, the whole thought of a crush just seems bad to me when i am involved with some one, but harmless flirting is always GOOD!!!!
i have a few Lit crushes,..... and i think most of them know.. i'm not that shy about it! :D
sub princess said:
i have a few Lit crushes,..... and i think most of them know.. i'm not that shy about it! :D

Ha you can say that again...

(the not shy part...i mean!!!)
maybe we should make this the "I have a crush" thread and make everyone tell them all.. Yes, I have a few Lit crushes too.:D
D's mariposa said:
maybe we should make this the "I have a crush" thread and make everyone tell them all.. Yes, I have a few Lit crushes too.:D

I would prefer a new thread
I believe this thread had an important question and
discusion going till it was hyjacked
Master_Vassago said:
Hmmm, I have more than a passie crush on a certian person around here. Not so much of a crush as a I will Have her feeling. She knows who she is but I thought I would through this out where she can see it publicly as well.

I will have you little miss.:D

*smiles softly*