
Bachlum Chaam said:
I think I had someone who had a crush on me, alas twas 24 years ago then I ruined it,I married her


I can not remember the last time
if ever
that someone had crush on me
Bachlum Chaam said:
hehe pair of sad old sods huh? Richard :D

Richard49 said:

Richard & Tim.....

*shaking head a bit* & *stern words for U both*

U are each fine looking gentleman...... Very dapper & spot-on in those suits



Tim, U are the same age as me...
Richard, U are only slightly older......

*shaking finger now at U two*

"I" do NOT consider myself old..... or a sod..... truly...
*Cheeky Grin*

D's mariposa said:
Thanks Everyone.. Just had to ask about crushes cause I get them all the time! The usually don't last, being crusdhes and all that, but they're fun and harmful..

OMG I just reread that, looking for the first unread post.. I should never post when I'm angry.. That should have read fun and HARMLESS..
D's mariposa said:
OMG I just reread that, looking for the first unread post.. I should never post when I'm angry.. That should have read fun and HARMLESS..

Don't worry, it's called a "freudian slip"... happens all the time. We are of course, obliged to tease you mercilessly about it!
FungiUg said:
Don't worry, it's called a "freudian slip"... happens all the time. We are of course, obliged to tease you mercilessly about it!

Y'know, there was this lingerie shop in Aspen called the Fruedian Slip...

Tease all you want, just don't start correcting my spelling again! Or else I'll be forced to imagine you in the nun's habit with the red pen, with out the wackin' ruler...
D's mariposa said:
Y'know, there was this lingerie shop in Aspen called the Fruedian Slip...

Tease all you want, just don't start correcting my spelling again! Or else I'll be forced to imagine you in the nun's habit with the red pen, with out the wackin' ruler...

You want me to pull out my whacker? :eek:
FungiUg said:
You want me to pull out my whacker? :eek:

No.. I said with out the wackin' ruler. No wackin' neccessary today. Too sore from earlier this week. I had a NICE couple of days off..;)
D's mariposa said:
No.. I said with out the wackin' ruler. No wackin' neccessary today. Too sore from earlier this week. I had a NICE couple of days off..;)

Days off, or days getting it off? :devil:
lovetoread said:

Hmmm... lucky guy! But he doesn't know you're alive, I take it? *mutter mutter*

Mine didn't know it was her I had a crush on...
D's mariposa said:
c, all of the above... :D

My lover and I had a weekend like that last weekend. Celebrated three years together in style! Went away to an expensive hotel, and had food, sex, sex, sex, sex, food, sex, sex, sex, food, sex, sex, food, sex, food... sleep! sex, food, sex...

I've been happy all week for some reason!
FungiUg said:
Hmmm... lucky guy! But he doesn't know you're alive, I take it? *mutter mutter*

Mine didn't know it was her I had a crush on...

Kind of sucks. But tis the way of life. :(
lovetoread said:
Kind of sucks. But tis the way of life. :(

Well, there's your solution! A few sucks, and he'll more than notice you're alive... he'll be "alive" too!
FungiUg said:
True. Ah well. Have you tried flirting with him or her?

Nope, I wouldnt want to put him on the spot. Besides, I am aiming for friendship.
lovetoread said:
Nope, I wouldnt want to put him on the spot. Besides, I am aiming for friendship.

You don't flirt with your friends? I have friends I don't flirt with, and others I always flirt with.
FungiUg said:
You don't flirt with your friends? I have friends I don't flirt with, and others I always flirt with.

I have a limit to how much I can flirt with others.
Flirting with male friends is fun !! :) Straight female friends tend to get worried lol
FungiUg said:
Crap. People feel attraction, lust, interest, and yes, even crushes. Who you love is your choice, whereas who you are attracted to is purely instinctive. I can feel attraction to many, but I choose to love one person. That is "real".
Very well said, FungiUg!

I sincerely do not understand why people attach judgements to impulses (like attraction) rather than what people do with them.
