Cuckold Survey

1) How long have you been married?
Married 3 years, but together for almost 9

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
We had been together about 4 years when I found out that she had been cheating on me

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
She had a few one night stands, and a couple of ongoing things

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
They were all strangers to me with the exception of one of her co-workers whom I had met a couple of times

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
She doesn't have just one guy who she meets regularly with. She usually has two or three guys that she's talking to at any given time but doesn't keep them around for more than 2 to 3 months. In any case, she usually sees someone every other week or so, sometimes a bit more frequently.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
It improved it in so many ways. Although it's clear that there were some issues there if she felt the need to cheat, it allowed us to be completely honest with each other and really opened up our communication. We are completely transparent with each other now. It also improved our sex life tremendously. Neither of us were really happy with the sex life that we had, but with everything out in the open, we were able to identify what was lacking and now we have great sex and a lot of it.

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Before all this our sex was very mechanical. By that I mean that it didn't feel like there was any passion to it. We would get naked and have sex and that was it. There was no dirty talk, no build-up, very little foreplay, just no intensity to it. Now it's very different. Sometimes she'll initiate it, and sometimes I will, but it's done in such a playful and desirable way. I can feel that she wants to have sex with me, and she also says that she feels a lot more desired by me than she used to. Our sex sessions are also much longer now. They used to last 10 maybe 15 minutes. Now usually we'll fool around for almost an hour on average. Lots of dirty talk, lots of ways to get each other off.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
Benefits are the ones that I mentioned, communication and a much better sex life. The only real fear that I had was that she would form an emotional relationship with someone else. There was one guy specifically that she started to spend a lot of time with outside of the bedroom. They started to just hang out without there being any sex involved which definitely worried me. I held it in for some time because I didn't want to come across as jealous or overreacting, but eventually she's the one who noticed that I wasn't as excited about her dates with him as I was with her dates with other guys. She asked me if her relationship with him bothered me and we had an honest conversation about it. Within a week she cut all ties with him which was surprising and extremely reassuring for me. The fact that she had no issue cutting something off just because she knew that it was affecting me in a negative way.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that I learned that there was a much bigger sexual side to her than I knew about. She had been suppressing her desires because she didn't think that I would be receptive to them. So to me, it certainly seemed like a big change in how she approached sex. However, for her it wasn't a change at all. It was simply a side of her that she had hidden away when she met me. She had always been extremely sexual and very promiscuous before she met me. She did change the way that she dressed though. She started wearing clothing that showed off her cleavage a lot more, started grooming herself differently, just spending more time on how she looked. She began losing quite a bit of weight as well. And yes, sex became a much bigger topic of conversation for us than it used to be.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
Her sister and her sister's husband know about it. In terms of non-family, a lot of her friends know and a couple of my friends found out as well.

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
It certainly made our relationship a lot stronger. As messed up as it may sound, it's because she started cuckolding me that I knew I wanted to marry her. I support and encourage her and lots of different ways. Everything from just being a sounding board for her when she's talking to different guys, to taking her shopping for lingerie to wear on her dates, to giving her ideas on where to meet, driving her to her dates, or at times even taking care of certain things around the house so she can make time to go on a date.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Don't go into it with preset expectations. Understand that when you try to script a date, or script sex, it can make it more of a burden than something fun. Of course, have a lot of communication and an understanding from everyone of what's okay and what's not okay. But don't try to plan out every single little detail. Let chemistry take over and just allow the moment to happen.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
That's a very difficult question to answer. If both partners are interested in it, and the relationship is on solid ground, I think it can be extremely enjoyable. That being said, every individual is different. Every couple is different. If you're going to try it out, make sure you can actually handle it. If at any point you start to feel any kind of resentment or simply unsure if it's for you, speak up.
Thank you for your well written reply. It seems that you and your Hot Wife are going about this in the right way. It speaks volumes that she was willing to cut ties with a man that you felt uncomfortable with her dating. And YES, the sex at home can reach another dimension, if both parties, (husband and wife) are into discussing this type of lifestyle. Keep it going.
I'm surprised there haven't been a lot of replies yet. I'll do it.

We use our own term because the popular ones seem to have baggage attached to them that we don't want. So to classify, we are a D/s couple where she is Mistress and I am her slave. I travel a lot for work, so when I'm home we're together and when I'm away, she sees anyone she wants. Since she is a married woman with absolute sexual freedom, we refer to her as a Freewife.

1) How long have you been married?
15 years

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
We have never been monogamous. In the past we both had separate outside interests. A few years ago she decided I would be monogamous to her, or loaned to her friends as she sees fit, while she remains free.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
She's had one time, a few times, and ongoing. Nothing is out of bounds and there are no rules she must follow.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
She has lovers, not "bulls." She chooses them herself. None were prior acquaintances. I have met several socially and liked them. She chooses well, which is one reason I don't worry much when she's out.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
Yes. Bars, restaurants, their homes, our home.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
When she became the dominant, it was a huge improvement. There was an anger in her, just below the surface, but always ready to erupt. I realized it had built up over many previous relationships with men who had to be in control. All the while she was sure she could make decisions and lead as well or better than they did. When we committed fully to a FLR, that anger disappeared completely and hasn't ever returned. Before she became a Freewife, we had rules like prior notification, veto, etc. Doing away with all rules restricting her has been wonderful for both of us. She has always been a free spirited slut and that is very attractive to me. So she gets to be her true self - and I get to be with the woman I was drawn to from the very beginning.

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes, whenever I am home. It's BDSM, Vanilla, Romantic, whatever fits the mood.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
Involving others will initially expose fear and insecurity. We had a few of those times, but we genuinely believe in D/s, Freewifing, and polyamory and we both feel strongly about living what we believe. As for benefits, she gets to enjoy those "new lover butterflies" that a husband can't give because you can only be a new lover once. I get a happy wife with a wet pussy who's eager and ready when I get home. Win/Win!

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
Yes, but in her case it has more to do with us finally being free of houseguests. My wife is kind and generous by nature and likes a crowded house. In the 15 years we've been together, we've had 22 people live with us for periods from a few months to a few years. At present it's only the two of us and we've decided that going forward, we'll only have people who know and are comfortable with our lifestyle. It's not necessary that they participate, only that we don't have to hide anything in our own home anymore.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
Her adult daughter is aware we are "pervs" and was aware we were open for a long time.

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
Extremely happy in our marriage. Seems like we handled all the growing pains as they came along and it's just "normal living" to us now. I serve, worship, and obey her as my Mistress, and encourage her to have as much fun as she wants as my Freewife.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
If either of you fear losing the other, this will not work. We agreed, in a very serious way, years ago that there would be no divorce, no starting over with a new spouse, no matter what. When you can make an agreement that you are together for life, no matter what happens, it opens a lot of doors.

Men, accept reality.

A) If she is active, she's going to meet men who are bigger than you are, and who can fuck her better than you can. The easiest way to stop worrying about that is to assume every guy she meets is a sexual virtuoso with a huge cock. There. Now you never have to annoy her with those questions. But really, do you want her to have bad/unsatisfying sex? What would be the point? So assume it's great, be happy about it, and enjoy her charged up libido spilling over into your relationship with her.

B) If she fucks the same man repeatedly, feelings will develop. It's inevitable. What kind of person would she be if they didn't? So you have to either accept that... or agree to limit the number of times she can see the same guy (which may or may not work). Age helps here. Ideally people bringing others into their relationship should be mature enough to enjoy the process of falling in love without losing their minds and running off.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
No. It's a very high risk maneuver for most relationships. That isn't changed by the fact that some people can pull it off. As such, I wouldn't recommend it. If someone already has their mind on it, I'd discuss the pros and cons, but I would do my best not to influence their decision.
This relates to my first marriage. My current relationship is monogamous and has been for 24 years.

1) How long have you been married?
We were together 26 years.

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
7 years. It happened at my suggestion and a lot of discussion about the pros and cons before she consented. We started out swapping with other couples but it quickly became obvious that MFM 3'sums were going to be her thing.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
She preferred to have just the one lover at a time and these were long term friendships.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
No, they were all strangers. We agreed at the beginning that we would not have any existing friends/work colleagues etc as partners.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
Usually we would meet with her current lover maybe twice a month. Sometimes it might be every night of a particular week, sometimes it might be months apart. Meetings would be at our home or in hotels/motels, ocassionally at his place.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
Our marriage was jaded, sexually in a rut, we didn't do anything sexually adventurous or even talk about it. When I brought up the idea of "swinging" things improved and kept improving as we got into the lifestyle. We treated as a marital aid, the guys were marital aids that we used to stimulate our marriage. Much like a lot of couples used sex toys. Our sex toys just happened to be flesh and blood. Doesn't mean there weren't issues, but these were dealt with without anguish.

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes, we continued having sex the entire 18 years we were in the lifestyle. As mentioned above sex before was jaded, it was an exercise of simple physical relief, not sexual pleasure. Once we got into the lifestyle we were more active, more involved, more orgasmic, more desirous of each other than we were when we were first married.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
I did occasionally feel threatened at times, a feeling of being replaced, humiliated. These were overcome by talking about it. If I raised a concern/fear that I was feeling with her she always responded positively and adjusted her behaviour. Both she and her lovers knew that humiliation would kill the appeal for me, so it was very rare for the issue to arise. We started out with every meeting being a 3'sum and the two guys would make her the focus of our attention. As time went on and trust grew, I would still tag along but not always join them in the action, maybe just watch them, sometimes I'd watch TV. After about 12 years we agreed that she could go off by herself. It was always clear that if I said I wanted to participate I would be included and we still had the ocassional 3'sum but she would go out on dates by herself then come home, she always came home, snuggled up to me and let me play with her cum filled pussy and/or reclaim her. Whether i was there or not the meetings were always about sex and her being fucked silly, she never got into hanging out, as such, with any of her guys.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
Yes. I remember from when we first started having sex, when we were dating, she was enthusiastic, she always loved having my cock in her. After we married, kids arrived, mortgage had to be paid, sex took a back seat and by the time we were married 7 years it was boring, a duty. Once we started talking about the lifestyle, really sharing fantasies then building up to acting them out for real she became super sexy. She agreed to sexy photographs and home made porn videos. Yes, although she was always a classy dresser she started going out commando, going braless, wearing see through blouses and so on. We definitely talked more about sex, we never talked about sex before but after we started talking about the lifestyle she was keen to share what she enjoyed about this or that encounter.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
No. No-one knew, not family, not friends, not work associates. It was our special secret. Although after we split up she told her sister in law about it.

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
Yes, I was much happier in our marriage, it made our relationship stronger. I supported her in any way she wanted, that might be helping her pick a new lover when an old relationship ended, taking her to dates, talking through issues she was having. We supported and encouraged each other.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Probably the most important lesson we learned was being crystal clear of each other vulnerabilities, which requires complete honesty and immense trust. You both need to understand what is threatening and how you manage that threat, again honesty and trust. You really do expose your vulnerabilities when you start this lifestyle, if you're doing it properly. Stick to the ground rules you lay out for yourself at the beginning and only alter them after full and frank discussion. If one of you says No then there is no argument.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
I would advise anyone who desires the lifestyle to find a way to open up the discussion with their partner. If you can work through all the issues that I and others have outlined in their answers to the survey and still be keen to risk it, then go for it. Don't rush into it, even if it takes years to get there.
Thank you for your detailed reply magicalmoments. I find your answers to be very detailed and follow a familiar pattern of successful 'lifestyle' partners.
For starters with me, I have always had fantasies about other guys fucking my wife and getting so excited thinking of her being a total slut wife. It started when we dated thinking about her best friends BF fucking my then GF. Then we married, been together over 50 years now, and I started sharing these cuckold fantasies with her. Just mentioning other guys, we knew in bed. Back then in the 70’s I never knew about or heard of the term cuckold, I only thought of it as just seeing another guy fucking her or her sucking him off. Wife sharing with just me sharing my wife, LOL.

We had our issues early on and during our third year of marriage she cheated, so yes you could say she cuckolded me with a guy at her job, we were young, she was 23 at the time I was 25. I would think sharing my fantasies with her about other guys might have also made it easy for her to cheat when we weren’t getting along. I found out later when she told me and we were back to getting along, I believe she only told me because she knew I liked thinking of other guys anyway fucking her. She seen how it excited me when I was asking for details about how it happened. So I was then using his name in bed. I also had met him at her office Christmas party, she pointed him out and introduced him.

There wasn’t a lot of cuckolding that I know of, the next time was like 6 years later when my wife went along with a 3sum with a work buddy of mine. THAT! Was so hot. I had mentioned him a few times in bed, then one night he was over and we were hanging out. My wife just out of the blue called me aside and asked if I really wanted to do it. WOW! I was so excited, but so nervous and had butterflies in my stomach. We ended up hooking up with this work friend 5 or 6 times over a few months. It wasn’t an every like weekend thing. Then it was another like 15 years later at another job she cuckolded me again with a younger co-worker, he was 12 years her junior, my wife was 43. That went on for a few months, again I would mention that bull lover she had in bed as well. I also met him a couple times. So, I knew what he looked like.

I have had a million cuckold fantasies about other guys we or I have known over the years fucking my wife. I’ve admitted that I can only get off with her thinking about another guy fucking her. Even today now 68 and 70 I eat her pussy and always say to her, “ I love licking up your cum filled pussy, and being a good cleanup cuckold. So she knows I have always had these cuckold thoughts.
Thank you so much for your reply. It sounds like you are a long time, natural born cuckold to have been subjected to your wife's activities. I just wonder if there are other men that she has cuckolded you with that you are not aware of. Judging from your 'cleanup' comments, I am thinking you just might want to suck one of her lover's cocks. It's never too late to try new things.
Thank you so much for your reply. It sounds like you are a long time, natural born cuckold to have been subjected to your wife's activities. I just wonder if there are other men that she has cuckolded you with that you are not aware of. Judging from your 'cleanup' comments, I am thinking you just might want to suck one of her lover's cocks. It's never too late to try new things.
OH YES! I think about sucking all of the guys that fucked my wife and the guys I think about fucking her. I'd be such a submissive little cock sucking cuckold for all her bull lovers. I know my place is to just be a good obedient cleanup cuckold, or I wouldn't get any kind of sex at all. I would submit to that role, so as not to be shut out completely from my beautiful wife's sex life. I'll take her pussy anyway I can get it, so I'd lick up any guys cum from her and suck her lover if he says so.
Good luck on that. You never know until you try. She may be receptive to you being that 'obedient cuckold' or she may be turned off by it. Hopefully, for you, she will be willing to give it a try.
Good luck on that. You never know until you try. She may be receptive to you being that 'obedient cuckold' or she may be turned off by it. Hopefully, for you, she will be willing to give it a try.
YOU! my friend is just so lucky your wife cuckolded you and knows you like her lovers cum. That you told her, and she likes the idea of you being her lover's cleanup cuckboy. I wish my wife would just share my cum, a nice slimy snowball.
I know the cuckold topic is getting over used lately, but I just need to ask a few questions of my fellow husbands who have been cuckolded in real life. (Those wannabe cucks can participate, but kindly identify yourself as such.) First off, my definition of a cuckold, and the one supported by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is simply put ; a man whose wife is unfaithful

Starting from there, let me explain that I consider myself to be the cuckold/stag. My wife is the Hotwife/Vixen, and her boyfriend/lover is her Bull. Now let me ask you;

1) How long have you been married?
A long time. 50 + years.

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
20 years.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
My best guess is that her first affair went on for about a year. My wife says it was much shorter. Her current affair has been ongoing for 8 months now and there is no sign of it slowing down anytime soon.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
He was known to me as a passing acquaintance to me, and an old High School boyfriend of my wife. They reconnected on Face Book after 50 years.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
There are daily chats going on between the two of them, but the physical distance (125 miles) is a bit of a problem meeting in person. They have hooked up twice in hotel rooms and plan on doing so in the next couple of weeks. My wife insists that she wants to have once a month, in person, meetings with him. With some being Date Nights, some overnight stays, and possibly longer. The idea of an all inclusive vacation has also been discussed. Possibly a cruise with the three of us, in two separate cabins. My wife and her Bull are not comfortable with me watching or participating.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
It has caused some stress between us, but overall, it has been a long time coming. I have been unable to 'perform' for many years now, and hinting that she might need to find another man to take care of her physical needs. I guess she does listen to me.

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
We had no sex for over 8 years and very little for the two years previous to that. In the last month and a half, the sex has been phenomenal. Not that I can an erection, but oral and manual masturbation is fantastic. I am hoping to return to the good old days of fucking her like a stallion, but I am afraid those days are gone forever. I just want to be able to have intercourse with her when and if she wants me to.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
My wife is much more at ease lately, not constantly on edge. She seems to be much calmer and relaxed, and above ALL, she is happier than she has been in a long time. For me, the sex I can enjoy makes me happier than I have been in a long time too. Her Bull is also in a much happier place too. The biggest fear that I have is the fear of being left out in the cold and losing my wife. Be honest with her and ask for her reassurances. And be ready to give her the same reassurances, that you love each other just as much as ever.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
Absolutely. Being a Mother and holding down a job outside the home is a terrific drain on anyone's time and energy. Time for sex is sparse. My wife asked me one day when our kids were young, how did I expect her to be this 'perfect 'Mom' all day long, then turn into a 'wanton slut' the minute we were alone in the bedroom. I couldn't answer her with any degree of honesty. Now, with grown children and grandchildren, she can devote her time to being the Hotwife, she always wanted to be. It was there all along. She just needed the time and energy to bring it out. With that, she loves to dress sexier, tight leggings, low cut tops, sexy lingerie from V.S. And she is not afraid to talk about getting fucked, sucking cock or having her pussy licked.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
Not as far as we know, but what can you do if they do find out. Make no excuses for what we enjoy.

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
We are happier with our sex today, than we were a year ago, or five years ago, or ten years ago. As for the rest of our life, we were never unhappy with it. We have always loved each other and treated one another as 'best' friends. We travel, enjoy movies, walking on the beach, holding hands, cruises, and just watching television together

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Be absolutely sure that you can handle this type of lifestyle. Have times where you can discuss any issues that come up. Make it about 'her' and pleasing her needs and desires. Try not to make it about you and what you want. Her Bull should also be told this is a sexual relationship, not courting'

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
If your wife needs things that you can not provide, like 'good' sex, then you might want to consider it. No sense pushing it on her, then it becomes all about you, not her. Let her make up her own mind as to who to have sex with. Your idea of a perfect sex partner for your wife may not be close to who she would pick. Be tolerant and respectful of her choice(s). Remember, sex is just sex. It really does not equate to love. Love can be included, but it is not necessarily.

Please answer honestly, and in as much detail as possible. My answers to these questions is included..
Hi everyone, I've been a LIT member for a long time and really enjoy the interactions on the Forums. My husband (Steve) is a total voyeur, in the classic sense, but I have found myself wanting to be slightly more of a dominant figure as I grow older and so I am keen to know if I am changing him from a voyeur into a cuckold to suit my own changing sexual desires, and would love to hear your thoughts.

So the answers here to your original questions, Jimmyturtleman, are from a married woman's perspective based on years of hotwife-type sexual activity within a marriage that so far has lasted more than thirty years and navigated the ups and downs that playing with others brings.

1) How long have you been married?
A long time. 30+ years

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
We started playing about 9 or 10 years in once we realised that Steve loved to watch so much he was asking me to fuck in front of him, and I was keen to explore other sexual experiences.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
Definitely ongoing but I must be clear, this is not with a 'regular' partner. Rather we play when the moment presents itself and we just go with it, so to speak. Having said that we do have a number of people we have had multiple 'adventures' with over the years, but neither of us are looking for or wanting anything emotionally from our extra-marital games. It's just hot, sexy fun for us which adds spice in a way that we both enjoy.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
Please see last comment. Most are people we meet as we travel, go out, dance and work.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
As the wife you mention I am the one who does the 'hunting'. Steve prefers to be the passive spectator until I invite him to join in and make it even wilder with the right partners. We 'play' about once a month on average and we always do it at hotels or resorts, rather than at home, although on several occasions we have entertained people and ended up fucking together in a cuckold/voyeur type of sense.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
I won't deny there have been times where this has been very challenging as a couple. I think I am the problem here because as I have matured my libido has increased, specially after finished nursing my two children. My breasts have remained much larger than they were before children and my curves are greater. I have a much higher sex drive then when I was younger and at times Steve asks me to slow down a bit as he worries I am becoming somewhat of a nymphomaniac at times. On the flip side, we are committed to each other as much as ever and we totally get off on sharing our experiences when we play. He loves to watch me shower, do my nails, dress, put on make up, try on outfits, wear my heels, and then go hunting when we head out to play. Me, I am finding I really enjoy being more forceful with him these days then previously. I used to enjoy him just watching, but now I tell him to jerk off watching me fuck, and I also love to have him lick me when being fucked, which is why I am thinking I am starting to cuck him. Comments please?

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes. I make sure to fuck Steve every time we play. It is very important for me and he expects it as he finds watching me and helping me reach pleasure very arousing. In fact, whilst I enjoy making him lick me while I am being fucked I also adore being spit roasted by Steve and our play partner/s very much.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
Benefits are usually erotic in nature, although a few of our players over the years have given me lovely gifts and some have even paid for us to go on holidays with them. We are well-off but there is something almost kinky about having an almost stranger pay for me to be with him and bring my husband along to watch and join in. Steve and I are very in tune with each other emotionally as this has been a lifelong shared adventure. We know when we both need to back off or when we are looking for some fun. The only time I felt the need to really support Steve was the first time I forced him to lick me when I was being fucked. I was in the classic doggie style on my hands and knees, with a younger man behind me, and I called Steve over and told him to get under me and lick me. At that time it was the BEST orgasm I had ever experienced, but later Steve told me he was uncomfortable being so close to the other guy's cock. I stood firm and he managed to understand my need and so we have continued to do that every chance we get and this is why I am thinking I am more of a cuck queen (Is that the right term?) than I once was. The mental imagery of making my husband lick me while I am being fucked is a great motivator for me to orgasm.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
I was always a sexy dresser as those of you who have known me on here know. But as I mentioned earlier, since having children my desire to dress sexier and have a more open and slightly aggressive attitude towards sex has definitely increased. I now have a massive toy collection and we use them often to enhance our fun together and with others. I do talk a lot about sex with Steve. I am my own Boss at work and so I need to be careful how sexy I dress and what I discuss with my employee. I think they know I am a sexy bitch but not many over the years would have suspected what I get up to in my private life.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
No. It's a dirty, filthy, hot, steamy, erotic, secret and I love it that way! I always find myself sitting around at family functions wondering what the various members would think if they new how naughty we are and how much I love to fuck strangers and how I love to sexually perform in front of my husband and make him do things..

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
We truly are best friends. When you've been married this long and been through what we have been through together I don't think you could be anything but. Having said that there have been tough times as in most marriages. Steve certainly encourages me to hunt, and we love it that way.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Yes. Never let a close friend become your lover. The emotional connection is a risk factor.
Be wary of men wanting to treat your husband badly when they know he likes to watch. Some guys have tried to get off dominating Steve and I have booted them to the kerb immediately, regardless of their cocksmanship.
Be careful of entertaining too many guys at once - it can sometimes get out of hand. I MUST control the situation and a few times when playing with groups they have become a bit rough which can be risky.
Always have plenty of lube and take your time if going down the anal route.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
There is no way anyone can answer that for any other couple, in my mind. As I said I don't know if we are a true cuckold couple, but it is not something we were seeking or went looking for. This lifestyle for us just happened after one very sexy experience triggerd things and it has evolved from there and is still evolving. My posting here on this thread is recognition that things have changed for us over many years and I am trying to understand it in my own mind. I could not suggest other couple get into the scene unless they choose to do so. My only advice would be take it slow, openly communicate, and don't be frightened to try new things provided you are BOTH comfortable with them.

I hope that is not too long a response, but I would certainly welcome feedback from all of you.
JimmyTurtleman - I am now in my mid-fifties and a slightly curvy, leggy blonde (yes dyed these days) who has always enjoyed sex and being sexy. Thank you for this thread. I will be a regular participant as this topic is dominating my recent thoughts.

The picture below is me in case you're wondering, and no, I don't have a website, onlyfans or any of that stuff. I just enjoy showing off as I always have done.


  • P003614.jpg
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Jimmyturtleman - please talk to me about this answer from your original post if you are comfortable?

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
We had no sex for over 8 years and very little for the two years previous to that. In the last month and a half, the sex has been phenomenal. Not that I can an erection, but oral and manual masturbation is fantastic. I am hoping to return to the good old days of fucking her like a stallion, but I am afraid those days are gone forever. I just want to be able to have intercourse with her when and if she wants me to.
Hi everyone, I've been a LIT member for a long time and really enjoy the interactions on the Forums. My husband (Steve) is a total voyeur, in the classic sense, but I have found myself wanting to be slightly more of a dominant figure as I grow older and so I am keen to know if I am changing him from a voyeur into a cuckold to suit my own changing sexual desires, and would love to hear your thoughts.

So the answers here to your original questions, Jimmyturtleman, are from a married woman's perspective based on years of hotwife-type sexual activity within a marriage that so far has lasted more than thirty years and navigated the ups and downs that playing with others brings.

1) How long have you been married?
A long time. 30+ years

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
We started playing about 9 or 10 years in once we realised that Steve loved to watch so much he was asking me to fuck in front of him, and I was keen to explore other sexual experiences.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
Definitely ongoing but I must be clear, this is not with a 'regular' partner. Rather we play when the moment presents itself and we just go with it, so to speak. Having said that we do have a number of people we have had multiple 'adventures' with over the years, but neither of us are looking for or wanting anything emotionally from our extra-marital games. It's just hot, sexy fun for us which adds spice in a way that we both enjoy.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
Please see last comment. Most are people we meet as we travel, go out, dance and work.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
As the wife you mention I am the one who does the 'hunting'. Steve prefers to be the passive spectator until I invite him to join in and make it even wilder with the right partners. We 'play' about once a month on average and we always do it at hotels or resorts, rather than at home, although on several occasions we have entertained people and ended up fucking together in a cuckold/voyeur type of sense.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
I won't deny there have been times where this has been very challenging as a couple. I think I am the problem here because as I have matured my libido has increased, specially after finished nursing my two children. My breasts have remained much larger than they were before children and my curves are greater. I have a much higher sex drive then when I was younger and at times Steve asks me to slow down a bit as he worries I am becoming somewhat of a nymphomaniac at times. On the flip side, we are committed to each other as much as ever and we totally get off on sharing our experiences when we play. He loves to watch me shower, do my nails, dress, put on make up, try on outfits, wear my heels, and then go hunting when we head out to play. Me, I am finding I really enjoy being more forceful with him these days then previously. I used to enjoy him just watching, but now I tell him to jerk off watching me fuck, and I also love to have him lick me when being fucked, which is why I am thinking I am starting to cuck him. Comments please?

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes. I make sure to fuck Steve every time we play. It is very important for me and he expects it as he finds watching me and helping me reach pleasure very arousing. In fact, whilst I enjoy making him lick me while I am being fucked I also adore being spit roasted by Steve and our play partner/s very much.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
Benefits are usually erotic in nature, although a few of our players over the years have given me lovely gifts and some have even paid for us to go on holidays with them. We are well-off but there is something almost kinky about having an almost stranger pay for me to be with him and bring my husband along to watch and join in. Steve and I are very in tune with each other emotionally as this has been a lifelong shared adventure. We know when we both need to back off or when we are looking for some fun. The only time I felt the need to really support Steve was the first time I forced him to lick me when I was being fucked. I was in the classic doggie style on my hands and knees, with a younger man behind me, and I called Steve over and told him to get under me and lick me. At that time it was the BEST orgasm I had ever experienced, but later Steve told me he was uncomfortable being so close to the other guy's cock. I stood firm and he managed to understand my need and so we have continued to do that every chance we get and this is why I am thinking I am more of a cuck queen (Is that the right term?) than I once was. The mental imagery of making my husband lick me while I am being fucked is a great motivator for me to orgasm.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
I was always a sexy dresser as those of you who have known me on here know. But as I mentioned earlier, since having children my desire to dress sexier and have a more open and slightly aggressive attitude towards sex has definitely increased. I now have a massive toy collection and we use them often to enhance our fun together and with others. I do talk a lot about sex with Steve. I am my own Boss at work and so I need to be careful how sexy I dress and what I discuss with my employee. I think they know I am a sexy bitch but not many over the years would have suspected what I get up to in my private life.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
No. It's a dirty, filthy, hot, steamy, erotic, secret and I love it that way! I always find myself sitting around at family functions wondering what the various members would think if they new how naughty we are and how much I love to fuck strangers and how I love to sexually perform in front of my husband and make him do things..

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
We truly are best friends. When you've been married this long and been through what we have been through together I don't think you could be anything but. Having said that there have been tough times as in most marriages. Steve certainly encourages me to hunt, and we love it that way.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Yes. Never let a close friend become your lover. The emotional connection is a risk factor.
Be wary of men wanting to treat your husband badly when they know he likes to watch. Some guys have tried to get off dominating Steve and I have booted them to the kerb immediately, regardless of their cocksmanship.
Be careful of entertaining too many guys at once - it can sometimes get out of hand. I MUST control the situation and a few times when playing with groups they have become a bit rough which can be risky.
Always have plenty of lube and take your time if going down the anal route.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
There is no way anyone can answer that for any other couple, in my mind. As I said I don't know if we are a true cuckold couple, but it is not something we were seeking or went looking for. This lifestyle for us just happened after one very sexy experience triggerd things and it has evolved from there and is still evolving. My posting here on this thread is recognition that things have changed for us over many years and I am trying to understand it in my own mind. I could not suggest other couple get into the scene unless they choose to do so. My only advice would be take it slow, openly communicate, and don't be frightened to try new things provided you are BOTH comfortable with them.

I hope that is not too long a response, but I would certainly welcome feedback from all of you.
JimmyTurtleman - I am now in my mid-fifties and a slightly curvy, leggy blonde (yes dyed these days) who has always enjoyed sex and being sexy. Thank you for this thread. I will be a regular participant as this topic is dominating my recent thoughts.

The picture below is me in case you're wondering, and no, I don't have a website, onlyfans or any of that stuff. I just enjoy showing off as I always have done.

Thank you so much for your detailed response to the cuckold survey, I truly appreciate reading your answers, from the Hotwife's perspective. Your candor leads me to believe that you and Steve are a remarkable couple. As with any of life's adventures, we have to start somewhere and grow from there. We can never remain stagnant. It seems that you and your hubby have grown over the years and managed to keep things 'more' than interesting.

As for your answer to Q. #6. In my introduction, I quoted the Merriam-Webster dictionary for a definition of a "Cuckold.' Simply put, "a man whose wife is unfaithful." As married men, both Steve and I were 'cuckolded' as soon as wife had sex with another man. The definition has become rather bastardized by some who add their own little spin on it. I would humbly suggest that Steve has been a cuckold for many years. just like myself. A lot of people do not like the word cuckold, as it does conjure up many unrelated characteristics, like humiliation, denial, bisexuality and so on. It is what it is, "a man whose wife is unfaithful." And that is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as there is agreement within the marriage.

I must say that you are a very striking woman. Steve and your 'special' friends are lucky guys.

Again, thank you for your response and positive comments.
About six months after my wife's death, a long time married friend of mine dragged me to bed, telling me she wanted to make sure I remembered how to get in and out of the saddle. Don't know if she ever told her husband (he has never acted differently to me). I don't think either she or I even thought of it as a cuckold situation, but technically it was.
About six months after my wife's death, a long time married friend of mine dragged me to bed, telling me she wanted to make sure I remembered how to get in and out of the saddle. Don't know if she ever told her husband (he has never acted differently to me). I don't think either she or I even thought of it as a cuckold situation, but technically it was.
As far as 'technically' cuckolding her husband .. she did. And you were her assistant.
About six months after my wife's death, a long time married friend of mine dragged me to bed, telling me she wanted to make sure I remembered how to get in and out of the saddle. Don't know if she ever told her husband (he has never acted differently to me). I don't think either she or I even thought of it as a cuckold situation, but technically it was.

As far as 'technically' cuckolding her husband .. she did. And you were her assistant.
The technical definition and one that Merriam Webster will highlight first, is as you describe above.

It’s my contention that that the word is very outdated, not used in modern times in everyday conversation and its only use is in literary terms now and of course Fetish/Kink/Pornagraphy. When it’s used in sexual terms now, it’s not pejorative, but in either a loving or exclusionary way.

The term/word is going through a transformation much like the word “gay” went through. In fifty years it will part of the lexicon looked at in different favorable ways. Merriam Webster has the #1 listing for gay in the modern definition: of or relating to people of the same sex attracted to each other.
The technical definition and one that Merriam Webster will highlight first, is as you describe above.

It’s my contention that that the word is very outdated, not used in modern times in everyday conversation and its only use is in literary terms now and of course Fetish/Kink/Pornagraphy. When it’s used in sexual terms now, it’s not pejorative, but in either a loving or exclusionary way.

The term/word is going through a transformation much like the word “gay” went through. In fifty years it will part of the lexicon looked at in different favorable ways. Merriam Webster has the #1 listing for gay in the modern definition: of or relating to people of the same sex attracted to each other.
As I state in my opening remarks, for this forum, the word "Cuckold" is meant to be as it is, in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If there is any disagreement, refer to my opening remarks.
As I state in my opening remarks, for this forum, the word "Cuckold" is meant to be as it is, in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. If there is any disagreement, refer to my opening remarks.
I’m not disagreeing, just adding to how I think the term is changing. Just my worthless .02!🤣
Thank you so much for your detailed response to the cuckold survey, I truly appreciate reading your answers, from the Hotwife's perspective. Your candor leads me to believe that you and Steve are a remarkable couple. As with any of life's adventures, we have to start somewhere and grow from there. We can never remain stagnant. It seems that you and your hubby have grown over the years and managed to keep things 'more' than interesting.

As for your answer to Q. #6. In my introduction, I quoted the Merriam-Webster dictionary for a definition of a "Cuckold.' Simply put, "a man whose wife is unfaithful." As married men, both Steve and I were 'cuckolded' as soon as wife had sex with another man. The definition has become rather bastardized by some who add their own little spin on it. I would humbly suggest that Steve has been a cuckold for many years. just like myself. A lot of people do not like the word cuckold, as it does conjure up many unrelated characteristics, like humiliation, denial, bisexuality and so on. It is what it is, "a man whose wife is unfaithful." And that is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as there is agreement within the marriage.

I must say that you are a very striking woman. Steve and your 'special' friends are lucky guys.

Again, thank you for your response and positive comments.
Hi Jimmyturtleman - I don't see Steve and I as remarkable, and yet I guess being married as long as we have and enjoying the crazy, erotic adventures we have we indeed may just be remarkable. We certainly have grown over the years as stagnant is not a word I would use to describe our lives. Ever-changing, evolving, erotically building momentum, now they are phrases I would say depict us accurately. I find myself finally starting to physically slow down a bit as I have entered my fifties, but some women go to the gm. Other do pilates. I do men. It works!

I can see how we meet your definition as stated in the first entry - and yet it is something I am coming to terms with. I do believe Steve is in fact a cuckold, and yet I see him more of a voyeur as I said earlier. To be 100% truthful the mental stimulation I get from having my husband lick me as I am being fucked or immediately after I have been fucked is incredibly arousing for me, and he seems to get off on it so I guess you're right!

Thanks for your 'striking' compliment. It has been several years since anyone ever said anything like that. Much appreciated.
I’m not disagreeing, just adding to how I think the term is changing. Just my worthless .02!🤣
Duly noted.
Hi Jimmyturtleman - I don't see Steve and I as remarkable, and yet I guess being married as long as we have and enjoying the crazy, erotic adventures we have we indeed may just be remarkable. We certainly have grown over the years as stagnant is not a word I would use to describe our lives. Ever-changing, evolving, erotically building momentum, now they are phrases I would say depict us accurately. I find myself finally starting to physically slow down a bit as I have entered my fifties, but some women go to the gm. Other do pilates. I do men. It works!

I can see how we meet your definition as stated in the first entry - and yet it is something I am coming to terms with. I do believe Steve is in fact a cuckold, and yet I see him more of a voyeur as I said earlier. To be 100% truthful the mental stimulation I get from having my husband lick me as I am being fucked or immediately after I have been fucked is incredibly arousing for me, and he seems to get off on it so I guess you're right!

Thanks for your 'striking' compliment. It has been several years since anyone ever said anything like that. Much appreciated.
Good morning Dee .... Thank you again for your reply. I can see the forest for the trees, and 'striking' is appropriate, so are a lot of other descriptors like, delicious, fetching, and certainly SEXY. I can see that "doing men" surely works for you.

I would certainly agree that Steve, and myself, are cuckolds, in the truest form of the word. Some people do not like the word, 'cuckold,' as it triggers some negative connotation for them. Maybe it just sounds weird. My wife for instance, does NOT like the word, but she does like being a 'hotwife.' It all boils down to semantics.

So far my wife does not wish to physically include me in her extra marital activities, but I am hoping to one day be underneath her, licking her as she gets fucked, or immediately afterwards.
Hi everyone, I've been a LIT member for a long time and really enjoy the interactions on the Forums. My husband (Steve) is a total voyeur, in the classic sense, but I have found myself wanting to be slightly more of a dominant figure as I grow older and so I am keen to know if I am changing him from a voyeur into a cuckold to suit my own changing sexual desires, and would love to hear your thoughts.

So the answers here to your original questions, Jimmyturtleman, are from a married woman's perspective based on years of hotwife-type sexual activity within a marriage that so far has lasted more than thirty years and navigated the ups and downs that playing with others brings.

1) How long have you been married?
A long time. 30+ years

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
We started playing about 9 or 10 years in once we realised that Steve loved to watch so much he was asking me to fuck in front of him, and I was keen to explore other sexual experiences.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
Definitely ongoing but I must be clear, this is not with a 'regular' partner. Rather we play when the moment presents itself and we just go with it, so to speak. Having said that we do have a number of people we have had multiple 'adventures' with over the years, but neither of us are looking for or wanting anything emotionally from our extra-marital games. It's just hot, sexy fun for us which adds spice in a way that we both enjoy.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
Please see last comment. Most are people we meet as we travel, go out, dance and work.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
As the wife you mention I am the one who does the 'hunting'. Steve prefers to be the passive spectator until I invite him to join in and make it even wilder with the right partners. We 'play' about once a month on average and we always do it at hotels or resorts, rather than at home, although on several occasions we have entertained people and ended up fucking together in a cuckold/voyeur type of sense.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
I won't deny there have been times where this has been very challenging as a couple. I think I am the problem here because as I have matured my libido has increased, specially after finished nursing my two children. My breasts have remained much larger than they were before children and my curves are greater. I have a much higher sex drive then when I was younger and at times Steve asks me to slow down a bit as he worries I am becoming somewhat of a nymphomaniac at times. On the flip side, we are committed to each other as much as ever and we totally get off on sharing our experiences when we play. He loves to watch me shower, do my nails, dress, put on make up, try on outfits, wear my heels, and then go hunting when we head out to play. Me, I am finding I really enjoy being more forceful with him these days then previously. I used to enjoy him just watching, but now I tell him to jerk off watching me fuck, and I also love to have him lick me when being fucked, which is why I am thinking I am starting to cuck him. Comments please?

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes. I make sure to fuck Steve every time we play. It is very important for me and he expects it as he finds watching me and helping me reach pleasure very arousing. In fact, whilst I enjoy making him lick me while I am being fucked I also adore being spit roasted by Steve and our play partner/s very much.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
Benefits are usually erotic in nature, although a few of our players over the years have given me lovely gifts and some have even paid for us to go on holidays with them. We are well-off but there is something almost kinky about having an almost stranger pay for me to be with him and bring my husband along to watch and join in. Steve and I are very in tune with each other emotionally as this has been a lifelong shared adventure. We know when we both need to back off or when we are looking for some fun. The only time I felt the need to really support Steve was the first time I forced him to lick me when I was being fucked. I was in the classic doggie style on my hands and knees, with a younger man behind me, and I called Steve over and told him to get under me and lick me. At that time it was the BEST orgasm I had ever experienced, but later Steve told me he was uncomfortable being so close to the other guy's cock. I stood firm and he managed to understand my need and so we have continued to do that every chance we get and this is why I am thinking I am more of a cuck queen (Is that the right term?) than I once was. The mental imagery of making my husband lick me while I am being fucked is a great motivator for me to orgasm.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
I was always a sexy dresser as those of you who have known me on here know. But as I mentioned earlier, since having children my desire to dress sexier and have a more open and slightly aggressive attitude towards sex has definitely increased. I now have a massive toy collection and we use them often to enhance our fun together and with others. I do talk a lot about sex with Steve. I am my own Boss at work and so I need to be careful how sexy I dress and what I discuss with my employee. I think they know I am a sexy bitch but not many over the years would have suspected what I get up to in my private life.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
No. It's a dirty, filthy, hot, steamy, erotic, secret and I love it that way! I always find myself sitting around at family functions wondering what the various members would think if they new how naughty we are and how much I love to fuck strangers and how I love to sexually perform in front of my husband and make him do things..

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
We truly are best friends. When you've been married this long and been through what we have been through together I don't think you could be anything but. Having said that there have been tough times as in most marriages. Steve certainly encourages me to hunt, and we love it that way.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Yes. Never let a close friend become your lover. The emotional connection is a risk factor.
Be wary of men wanting to treat your husband badly when they know he likes to watch. Some guys have tried to get off dominating Steve and I have booted them to the kerb immediately, regardless of their cocksmanship.
Be careful of entertaining too many guys at once - it can sometimes get out of hand. I MUST control the situation and a few times when playing with groups they have become a bit rough which can be risky.
Always have plenty of lube and take your time if going down the anal route.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
There is no way anyone can answer that for any other couple, in my mind. As I said I don't know if we are a true cuckold couple, but it is not something we were seeking or went looking for. This lifestyle for us just happened after one very sexy experience triggerd things and it has evolved from there and is still evolving. My posting here on this thread is recognition that things have changed for us over many years and I am trying to understand it in my own mind. I could not suggest other couple get into the scene unless they choose to do so. My only advice would be take it slow, openly communicate, and don't be frightened to try new things provided you are BOTH comfortable with them.

I hope that is not too long a response, but I would certainly welcome feedback from all of you.
JimmyTurtleman - I am now in my mid-fifties and a slightly curvy, leggy blonde (yes dyed these days) who has always enjoyed sex and being sexy. Thank you for this thread. I will be a regular participant as this topic is dominating my recent thoughts.

The picture below is me in case you're wondering, and no, I don't have a website, onlyfans or any of that stuff. I just enjoy showing off as I always have done.
Hmm love to have you, a nice dominant fuck while watches and a Dp and finish with a double facial and shoot our loads same time...
Hi everyone, I've been a LIT member for a long time and really enjoy the interactions on the Forums. My husband (Steve) is a total voyeur, in the classic sense, but I have found myself wanting to be slightly more of a dominant figure as I grow older and so I am keen to know if I am changing him from a voyeur into a cuckold to suit my own changing sexual desires, and would love to hear your thoughts.

So the answers here to your original questions, Jimmyturtleman, are from a married woman's perspective based on years of hotwife-type sexual activity within a marriage that so far has lasted more than thirty years and navigated the ups and downs that playing with others brings.

1) How long have you been married?
A long time. 30+ years

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
We started playing about 9 or 10 years in once we realised that Steve loved to watch so much he was asking me to fuck in front of him, and I was keen to explore other sexual experiences.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
Definitely ongoing but I must be clear, this is not with a 'regular' partner. Rather we play when the moment presents itself and we just go with it, so to speak. Having said that we do have a number of people we have had multiple 'adventures' with over the years, but neither of us are looking for or wanting anything emotionally from our extra-marital games. It's just hot, sexy fun for us which adds spice in a way that we both enjoy.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
Please see last comment. Most are people we meet as we travel, go out, dance and work.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
As the wife you mention I am the one who does the 'hunting'. Steve prefers to be the passive spectator until I invite him to join in and make it even wilder with the right partners. We 'play' about once a month on average and we always do it at hotels or resorts, rather than at home, although on several occasions we have entertained people and ended up fucking together in a cuckold/voyeur type of sense.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
I won't deny there have been times where this has been very challenging as a couple. I think I am the problem here because as I have matured my libido has increased, specially after finished nursing my two children. My breasts have remained much larger than they were before children and my curves are greater. I have a much higher sex drive then when I was younger and at times Steve asks me to slow down a bit as he worries I am becoming somewhat of a nymphomaniac at times. On the flip side, we are committed to each other as much as ever and we totally get off on sharing our experiences when we play. He loves to watch me shower, do my nails, dress, put on make up, try on outfits, wear my heels, and then go hunting when we head out to play. Me, I am finding I really enjoy being more forceful with him these days then previously. I used to enjoy him just watching, but now I tell him to jerk off watching me fuck, and I also love to have him lick me when being fucked, which is why I am thinking I am starting to cuck him. Comments please?

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes. I make sure to fuck Steve every time we play. It is very important for me and he expects it as he finds watching me and helping me reach pleasure very arousing. In fact, whilst I enjoy making him lick me while I am being fucked I also adore being spit roasted by Steve and our play partner/s very much.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
Benefits are usually erotic in nature, although a few of our players over the years have given me lovely gifts and some have even paid for us to go on holidays with them. We are well-off but there is something almost kinky about having an almost stranger pay for me to be with him and bring my husband along to watch and join in. Steve and I are very in tune with each other emotionally as this has been a lifelong shared adventure. We know when we both need to back off or when we are looking for some fun. The only time I felt the need to really support Steve was the first time I forced him to lick me when I was being fucked. I was in the classic doggie style on my hands and knees, with a younger man behind me, and I called Steve over and told him to get under me and lick me. At that time it was the BEST orgasm I had ever experienced, but later Steve told me he was uncomfortable being so close to the other guy's cock. I stood firm and he managed to understand my need and so we have continued to do that every chance we get and this is why I am thinking I am more of a cuck queen (Is that the right term?) than I once was. The mental imagery of making my husband lick me while I am being fucked is a great motivator for me to orgasm.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
I was always a sexy dresser as those of you who have known me on here know. But as I mentioned earlier, since having children my desire to dress sexier and have a more open and slightly aggressive attitude towards sex has definitely increased. I now have a massive toy collection and we use them often to enhance our fun together and with others. I do talk a lot about sex with Steve. I am my own Boss at work and so I need to be careful how sexy I dress and what I discuss with my employee. I think they know I am a sexy bitch but not many over the years would have suspected what I get up to in my private life.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
No. It's a dirty, filthy, hot, steamy, erotic, secret and I love it that way! I always find myself sitting around at family functions wondering what the various members would think if they new how naughty we are and how much I love to fuck strangers and how I love to sexually perform in front of my husband and make him do things..

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
We truly are best friends. When you've been married this long and been through what we have been through together I don't think you could be anything but. Having said that there have been tough times as in most marriages. Steve certainly encourages me to hunt, and we love it that way.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Yes. Never let a close friend become your lover. The emotional connection is a risk factor.
Be wary of men wanting to treat your husband badly when they know he likes to watch. Some guys have tried to get off dominating Steve and I have booted them to the kerb immediately, regardless of their cocksmanship.
Be careful of entertaining too many guys at once - it can sometimes get out of hand. I MUST control the situation and a few times when playing with groups they have become a bit rough which can be risky.
Always have plenty of lube and take your time if going down the anal route.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
There is no way anyone can answer that for any other couple, in my mind. As I said I don't know if we are a true cuckold couple, but it is not something we were seeking or went looking for. This lifestyle for us just happened after one very sexy experience triggerd things and it has evolved from there and is still evolving. My posting here on this thread is recognition that things have changed for us over many years and I am trying to understand it in my own mind. I could not suggest other couple get into the scene unless they choose to do so. My only advice would be take it slow, openly communicate, and don't be frightened to try new things provided you are BOTH comfortable with them.

I hope that is not too long a response, but I would certainly welcome feedback from all of you.
JimmyTurtleman - I am now in my mid-fifties and a slightly curvy, leggy blonde (yes dyed these days) who has always enjoyed sex and being sexy. Thank you for this thread. I will be a regular participant as this topic is dominating my recent thoughts.

The picture below is me in case you're wondering, and no, I don't have a website, onlyfans or any of that stuff. I just enjoy showing off as I always have done.
10 milf Ass
I know this is a discussion for just guys -
the other side viewpoint, me at least.
I live in a 55+ community, so I have interactions w guys around my age -
I really enjoy being around them, chatting with contemporaries. it's fun.
but I don't see their hands going up and down on me, y titties and puss. cock slipping in.
I'm a cradle robber - stuck on like 38 to 44 yo guys.
guess what I'm saying, I wish I could find a cuck guy.
I’m 40 if you wanna get to know each other a little? ;-) Lol
My ex wife.

1) How long have you been married?
19 years

2) How long into your marriage before your wife cuckolded you?
1 year when she was 20 years old, a college buddy of mine came to visit and I convinced her to seduce him.

3) Was it a one time affair, or is it an ongoing thing?
Eventually, I became a full time cuckold while she had multiple affairs over the next 17 years.

4) Is her Bull, someone that you both knew prior, or a complete stranger to you?
She had several "bulls" over the years but mostly one or two night stands.

5) Does your wife meet with him regularly? And where do they meet?
We met many at night clubs and bars, sex took place at the bars, in the car, at a hotel, in our house. Those that were regular mostly lived out of town so she would visit them or they would stay with us.

6) Has it improved or deteriorated the bond between you and your wife? Either way, can you explain how it has?
Sex was the most stable and solidifying part of our relationship. When sex was good (with me or someone else) we got along well. But when she wasn't getting layed she was angry, so yes, cuckolding was one of the aspects of our relationship that improved us, until she started an affair with my best friend without me knowing. I found out after a year and that instigated the end of our relationship.

7) Do you and your wife still have sex? How does it differ from what it used to be like?
Yes, we were having sex all through the divorce and for month's after. She'd complain that she felt like she was cheating on my best friend so I seduced her as often as I could.

8) What benefits/fears has her affair(s) created? Does she support you emotionally when you are in need?
The jealousy was what got me off the most and that created lots of anxiety, fear, and shame. She supported my kink when she was happy, but would berate me when she wasn't, which was all the time during the last year of our marriage.

9) Has your wife changed her attitudes towards sex? Does she dress more provocatively? Does she talk more about sex?
We both were highly sexual people before we met, but as soon as she gained her "freedom" she constantly dress provocatively and loved picking up guys for random sex. Again, sex was the best part of our relationship.

10) Do any other family members know about her new 'Hotwife' ways?
Brother and a couple cousins. She tried to have sex with my brother once but he rejected it (too weird for him) but he would encourage her and help her find lover when she'd visit him at his bachelor pad. He'd seen her naked and watched her have sex with other guys and a couple women. She was the entertainment for my cousin's bachelor party when she was 22. I've written about that here lots.

11) Are you happier in your marriage now, or has it put a strain on it? How do you support or encourage her?
Marriage ended because she "cheated" without my knowledge or permission and wouldn't stop.

12) Are there any mistakes you can warn others not to make?
Things have to be good in other parts of marriage, otherwise the jealousy can be overwhelming.

13) Would you advise others to take up the cuckold lifestyle, if given the chance?
Absolutely. Miss those days!