Cultural Conundrums.

Some call this a DEP


Security feature.

This is a dep:


And not a corner store.

If it's mostly selling alcohol it's a bottle shop.
If it's mostly selling alcohol it's a bottle shop.

If it's mostly selling alcohol--liquor not beer or wine (they can be obtained at grocery stores) and it's state run, then it's an ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Commission) store.

If it's mostly selling alcohol (again liquor, not beer or wine) but not state run (which is the case in some other states), it's a package store.
In Northern Ireland a "pastie" isnt a pasty in the sense of cornish pasty or pastry based .....its a mix of meat and potato, covered in batter and deep fried from a "chippy".....a "pastie supper" is pastie and chips.....

a "pastie bap" is the afore mentioned pastie in a bread roll (you following?) optional onion ring and tomato sauce

sounds awful........ tastes great :)
In Northern Ireland a "pastie" isnt a pasty in the sense of cornish pasty or pastry based .....its a mix of meat and potato, covered in batter and deep fried from a "chippy".....a "pastie supper" is pastie and chips.....

a "pastie bap" is the afore mentioned pastie in a bread roll (you following?) optional onion ring and tomato sauce

sounds awful........ tastes great :)

Sounds ok, although I must admit I've never really gotten into the whole deep fried thing.
In Northern Ireland a "pastie" isnt a pasty in the sense of cornish pasty or pastry based .....its a mix of meat and potato, covered in batter and deep fried from a "chippy".....a "pastie supper" is pastie and chips.....

a "pastie bap" is the afore mentioned pastie in a bread roll (you following?) optional onion ring and tomato sauce

sounds awful........ tastes great :) say "pasties" and this s what I think of:
There is no such thing as canadian bacon!!!!! Our bacon is the same as yours!! "canadian bacon" as americans like to call it, to us(canadians) is simply a kind of processed ham.... I believe its toupie ham(not picnic or virginia ham) it is ham not bacon!!!!! lol

Ha! Fire Breeze the good Old Depanneur...