Cutting/Self harm

(sigh) I did. It is ambiguous. You cannot glean the OP's motives by that. If you can you should take your act on the road. Leave the psychobabble to professionals.

I don't give a flying fuck about her motives and I don't do psychobabble. I do believe people should answer the question she asked. Period.
I don't give a flying fuck about her motives and I don't do psychobabble. I do believe people should answer the question she asked. Period.

(sigh) I did. It is ambiguous. You cannot glean the OP's motives by that.

When you add the title of the thread to her post, it makes her intentions fairly clear. Apparently for whatever her motivation, cutting and self-harm has not been done for her sexual gratification up to this point, but now she wants to combine cutting with sexual activities. Also at least to me, her use of the word "desperate" in this context is concerning. The problem with self-harm, it doesn't get better on it's own, rather when left untreated, it escalates, and considering that she wants to "take it to the bedroom", it appears to be escalating.

Title: Cutting/Self harm

Her post: I've been cutting for a number of years now and am desperate to take this into the bedroom...

Any takers?

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When you add the title of the thread to her post, it makes her intentions fairly clear. Apparently for whatever her motivation, cutting and self-harm has not been done for her sexual gratification up to this point, but now she wants to combine cutting with sexual activities. Also at least to me, her use of the word "desperate" in this context is concerning. The problem with self-harm, it doesn't get better on it's own, rather when left untreated, it escalates, and considering that she wants to "take it to the bedroom", it appears to be escalating.

Title: Cutting/Self harm

Her post: I've been cutting for a number of years now and am desperate to take this into the bedroom...

Any takers?


your assumptions boggle the mind

Maybe it's about time I stepped in here.

Didn't mean to cause so much controversy.

Yes, I was very ambiguous in my post, and I appreciate the concern for my mental health. What I don't appreciate is the massive amount of judgement that came with it!

Let me clear this up -

I cut myself because I enjoy doing so, not because I'm depressed or mentally ill. I realise that people are very desperate to put things they don't understand with a label, but step back and look at this logically. Drinking alcohol is hurting ones self. Smoking is. Over eating is. Under eating is. Emotionally cutting people of is. The list goes on. Society understand these forms of self harm, so openly accepts that it is a part of life.

When I cut myself I am always safe. I use sterile blades, I cut where I know it is safe to do so, and never particularly deep. I am very in control, and if things ever do get out of control know what to do.

It's not that I want to take this in to the bedroom in a sense that I haven't already done so alone, I just mean with another person. And that isn't to say I want to start cutting everybody I sleep with or have them cut me, I'm just interested in combining blood and sex.

As mentioned in some of your replies, bloodplay is more common than expected, and it is clearly misunderstood. And as for comparing a few superficial cuts to rape and people?!

Maybe it's about time I stepped in here.

Didn't mean to cause so much controversy.

Yes, I was very ambiguous in my post, and I appreciate the concern for my mental health. What I don't appreciate is the massive amount of judgement that came with it!

Let me clear this up -

I cut myself because I enjoy doing so, not because I'm depressed or mentally ill. I realise that people are very desperate to put things they don't understand with a label, but step back and look at this logically. Drinking alcohol is hurting ones self. Smoking is. Over eating is. Under eating is. Emotionally cutting people of is. The list goes on. Society understand these forms of self harm, so openly accepts that it is a part of life.

When I cut myself I am always safe. I use sterile blades, I cut where I know it is safe to do so, and never particularly deep. I am very in control, and if things ever do get out of control know what to do.

It's not that I want to take this in to the bedroom in a sense that I haven't already done so alone, I just mean with another person. And that isn't to say I want to start cutting everybody I sleep with or have them cut me, I'm just interested in combining blood and sex.

As mentioned in some of your replies, bloodplay is more common than expected, and it is clearly misunderstood. And as for comparing a few superficial cuts to rape and people?!

I win !!!!!!

Semper Fi
To Bisexy, to Nasty

Bisexy Yes, I was very ambiguous in my post, and I appreciate the concern for my mental health. What I don't appreciate is the massive amount of judgement that came with it!

Let me clear this up -

I cut myself because I enjoy doing so, not because I'm depressed or mentally ill. I realise that people are very desperate to put things they don't understand with a label, but step back and look at this logically. Drinking alcohol is hurting ones self. Smoking is. Over eating is. Under eating is. Emotionally cutting people of is. The list goes on. Society understand these forms of self harm, so openly accepts that it is a part of life.

When I cut myself I am always safe. I use sterile blades, I cut where I know it is safe to do so, and never particularly deep. I am very in control, and if things ever do get out of control know what to do.

It's not that I want to take this in to the bedroom in a sense that I haven't already done so alone, I just mean with another person. And that isn't to say I want to start cutting everybody I sleep with or have them cut me, I'm just interested in combining blood and sex.

I'm glad you returned, Bi, and sorry you met so much judgement. I agree that in principle, cutting vs smoking is a hard argument to make: that smoking is better, and doesn't belong in the Mental Health handbooks.

I think you'd agree that there are drastic degrees of self harm that are bound to cause concern, e.g. to want to lose a limb or sexual organs.

It's unclear if it's for you, already sexual, and we're just talking about involving another. In a way that could be a good sign, as far as I'm concerned., if you make a good choice of other.

Nasty: Originally Posted by Nasty_Deeds View Post

When you add the title of the thread to her post, it makes her intentions fairly clear. Apparently for whatever her motivation, cutting and self-harm has not been done for her sexual gratification up to this point, but now she wants to combine cutting with sexual activities. Also at least to me, her use of the word "desperate" in this context is concerning. The problem with self-harm, it doesn't get better on it's own, rather when left untreated, it escalates, and considering that she wants to "take it to the bedroom", it appears to be escalating.

It's not clear whether moving the location and involving another IS the start of 'sexual gratification.' I've asked her, above.

I see no evidence that she's escalating, and you've not cited evidence that cutters "untreated" generally escalate, that is keep going until serious permanent harm. In fact, as I said above, involving another could amount to DE escalating, depending on the type of 'other' involved. Possibly she'd choose someone a bit protective, not the Marquis de Sade. Who can say?

As to 'treatment,' you sound very cocksure. What is the treatment; what is its success rate? Many sexual leanings resist treatment as such, though presumably the person's overall view of themselves may improve.
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You convinced me Countryboy, sounds like a great idea. Perhaps you and Bisexy should get together and slice on each other. Maybe just a little nick on the balls just to get you started. Or maybe you could just lick her on her period, gotta be some blood there. After all, blood is blood right? :D
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I win !!!!!!

Semper Fi
Never afraid to admit when I am beaten. :)

But you have to admit, Literotica is a trip into the human mind. Just to give you a thought to entertain yourself on your next trip to Bahrain. Think about all those passengers sitting behind you, and what might be in their mind. Feels good to have a lock on the cockpit door doesn't it? :D
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I cut myself because I enjoy doing so, not because I'm depressed or mentally ill. I realise that people are very desperate to put things they don't understand with a label, but step back and look at this logically. Drinking alcohol is hurting ones self. Smoking is. Over eating is. Under eating is. Emotionally cutting people of is. The list goes on. Society understand these forms of self harm, so openly accepts that it is a part of life.

All the strong reactions are people concerned for you, please don't think you are being judged.
People do understand self harm, that's why this got heated.

I wish you the best :rose:
I cut myself because I enjoy doing so, not because I'm depressed or mentally ill. I realise that people are very desperate to put things they don't understand with a label, but step back and look at this logically. Drinking alcohol is hurting ones self. Smoking is. Over eating is. Under eating is. Emotionally cutting people of is. The list goes on. Society understand these forms of self harm, so openly accepts that it is a part of life.

When I cut myself I am always safe. I use sterile blades, I cut where I know it is safe to do so, and never particularly deep. I am very in control, and if things ever do get out of control know what to do.

Ya know, there is kind of a carefree cockiness to her post. Maybe it's just a young kid role-playing and we are overreacting. ;)
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All the strong reactions are people concerned for you, please don't think you are being judged.
People do understand self harm, that's why this got heated.

I wish you the best :rose:
And how on earth could she have gotten that idea? :rolleyes: