D/s and Depression/Anxiety

catalina_francisco said:
Many do not realise depression is also a side effect of other health conditions as well, so if you have a prediposition to depression plus one of these conditions, you already have 2 strikes against you in terms of decreased severity. Perhaps Etoile, that is also part of it for you as arthritis does have depression and fatigue as side effects.
That's certainly a possibility worth considering. I have a whole bunch of ailments - arthritis, ADHD, anxiety disorder, depression, chronic urticaria...it wouldn't surprise me if they were interlinked somehow. (I'm impressed that you remembered I have arthritis!
Re: depression

veebee1 said:
I've been severely depressed off an on for 13 years to the point of needing medication....I recommend DRUGS... paxil, prozac, celexa, effexor, all of which I've been on...and its prettier in my world....all kidding aside, you may have clinical depression if the following symptoms last more than two weeks....

can't sleep
can't get enough sleep
feelings of guilt
cries easily
suicidal thoughts
no sex drive
lack of desire to do the things normally enjoy doing
and there's one more (8 in all) typical symptoms, but I can't think of it....

the only problem with some of the anti-depressants is that it kills the ability to have an orgasm...something I'm dealing with right now...pout pout :( :(
Hey there, welcome to Lit!

I think we're all pretty familiar with the symptoms of depression, either from having it or seeing meds advertised on TV :D

Let's see, I've been on Prozac, Paxil, Celexa, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Serzone, and Celexa again. The Prozac worked for a while and then stopped. I forget why the Paxil didn't work out...I think it just didn't make me feel better. I tried Celexa and don't remember why it didn't work out either. The Wellbutrin was totally awesome, it made me feel GOOD again for the first time in a long time - before that I just felt "not sad" ...and I could actually have orgasms on Wellbutrin! But while I was on that my chronic urticaria started up and Wellbutrin was suspected, so I switched to Effexor. The CU didn't go away so we thought maybe it was Effexor and I switched to Serzone (the warnings for which include that it may cause prolonged painful erections!). I didn't like th way that worked so I was put back on Celexa, in part because it is also used for anxiety, which is also a problem of mine. I would love to be on a combination of Wellbutrin and Celexa, but I couldn't get a psychiatrist to prescribe it (he sent me to therapy instead, the asshole - I ditched him and eventually the therapy too) and my insurance company wasn't keen on paying for it anyway.

My libido is not affected by the drugs - just the ability to orgasm. It can be very frustrating; I've cried numerous times while having sex because of that.
Etoile said:
Holy crap, that's really irresponsible for a professional. Did she have a license of any kind? I'd want to re-evaluate that licensure if she did!

I've been lucky that nobody close to me has ever told me to just snap out of it. Well, except myself, and of course it doesn't work when I say it either.

No, she had no formal training in counselling or therapy, no degree, but was my superior.....she was increasingly displeased when she would take a vacation, and would refer her clients to me because she didn't trust the other unqualified and untrained workers, but when she returned there were often long term clients of hers who asked to switch to me permanently. Put me in a sticky position more times thean once. She also adbvocated if people called on the phone threatening suicide, to place them on hold for 10 minutes in the hope they went away as it was buying into their emotional blackmail to take them seriously.

That was not the best though. I did meet a counsellor who had all the training and degrees and was counselling young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who told me she told one of her regular clients in a counselling session following a failed suicide attempt that she had just proven just what a failure she was......she couldn't even kill herself successfully. I was far from impressed and pleased when she left the position soon after. I don't wonder at why people are often wary of seeking threapy when counsellors exist like these.

Catalina :rose:
So this isn't unusual?

I've very new to BDSM. I've scened several times--after the first time, I had no idea that there was an after-effect. I got a case of the 'mean reds'. I became bitchy, reactive and suffered from insomnia.

I've always had problems with depression, but this week (approximately 2 weeks since O/our last 'playtime', I've bottomed out with crying jags, anxiety attacks, &c. It's the worst bout I've had in years.

I exercise for about an hour daily and it's helped to level my mood a bit. I take vitamins and HRT. I would appreciate any suggestions for aftercare. The Dom that I play with lives 2 hours away.

Thanks for the great thread. It's good to know that this isn't an isolated incident.
"Sub drop" is very real -- and yes, if you don't know about it, that aftereffect can be very concerning. Exercise and food both help (since you're basically regulating your blood system that carries around all of those hormones), but they're not a cure all.

So just be prepared for the mood swings, and know that it doesn't last.
FungiUg said:
"Sub drop" is very real -- and yes, if you don't know about it, that aftereffect can be very concerning. Exercise and food both help (since you're basically regulating your blood system that carries around all of those hormones), but they're not a cure all.

So just be prepared for the mood swings, and know that it doesn't last.

this is so true

in respect to other types of mood swings
1) they come with PTSD and to abuse survivers
(I have a discussion list for those that suffer from PTSD)
2) they come with blood sugar and thyroid issues
3) certain drugs can trigger them
4) lack of certain nutriants can cause they
(yup one can be fat and suffer from malnutrition

One piece of advice I would share to all is NEVER H.A.L.T.

never get to huungry, anger, lonely or tired
Etoile said:
Daddy was over this weekend and we had some time alone together. Unfortunately I woke up in a bad mood. I'd been having problems with panic the night before and I was still in an anxiety mode in the morning. I wanted to serve em as e asked me to, and e fucked me a bit, but then I wanted to eat something because I was hungry. E gave me permission to have some cereal, but I didn't want to go back after that. I was depressed and anxious. I went back into the bedroom to get some clothes because I didn't feel right in my robe (we have roommates, so I felt kind of naked) and Daddy asked me to stay with em. E was really nice about it, said e didn't want to fuck, e just wanted to love me...but I couldn't do it. I said I didn't have anything for em, that I was just empty. And I went back to the kitchen.

I feel like this makes me a bad sub. I don't really think that's true - Daddy has forgiven me for it, and eir opinion is the only one that really matters to me - but I worry about things like this. My main question is: How do any of you all - subs and doms alike - deal with depression and anxiety, either your own or your partner's?

maybe your depression comes from the fact that..

It is so strange how I tend to find so many people on here that have the same issues as I. Maybe I should learn to work less and read more.:) I suffer from what they term Bi polar/ manic depression and often have panic and anxiety attacks. I also have always had a very bad issue with anger. They do not always intertwine, but often they do. And you would think I would have no reason for any of them. I am successful in my business life, my home life has been about as perfect as I could hope for, and really, I am under no pressure or stress. I am only mising one piece in my puzzle and even when she was in my life I still had these problems. And guilt and self doubt is not an issue. I just drop like a rock in my moods, want to be totally alone and hide, and have at times in situations that make no sense, had a panic attack so bad I thought I was dieing. Alot of why I am here is the path to finding out why. I find it a weakness ( although it isn't, I am just insane)and something that must be addressed. And what is wierd is I am not submissive at all or have a real reason for any of my emotional problems. They just exist and as such, I must live with.
ToyDoc said:
... Alot of why I am here is the path to finding out why ... They just exist and as such, I must live with.
You'll find some of the posters here willing to share/talk. i take issue with "live with." If you meant you have to deal with them in a proactive manner, yes, i'll agree. If, on the other hand, you meant you can't do anything about them ... try again.
Originally posted by AngelicAssassin
You'll find some of the posters here willing to share/talk. i take issue with "live with." If you meant you have to deal with them in a proactive manner, yes, i'll agree. If, on the other hand, you meant you can't do anything about them ... try again.

Again being called away by work and quickly ending a post has caused confusion. I hate that. My fault, I am such a control freak that my employess are afraid to do something without my approval. Even after I have gven them permission to make discisions on thier own. This injury is the first time in years I have been away from work for any period of time and I am learning alot. By "live with" I mean't that I must deal with it. I am not a believer in the "no win" scenerio. I know in my thinking side that it is sometimes a reality, but I find it a very hard thing to ever accept. I am very competitive and have always strove to be the best at all I do. When I cannot complete a task or do it in a manner not to my satisfaction, I tend to get super hyper and "must" make it so. I tend to be a bad loser, not so much in that I get mad about it. I just tend to be excessive in order to insure in does not happen again and will continue to do what ever it is till I do win. That goes with business, life, love, just about anything. I have sought treatment and for years was under state contolled care due to trouble I greated from anger issues. Drugs, doctors, most of that only scratched the surface of what helps me live from day to day. The drugs I did not like and refuse to take them now that I am off of any care. They did nothing but mask everything and make me dependant on them instead of helping. For some they are needed. I probably do to. I just am not one that likes them. For me. alot of what helps is pure unadulterated sweat. I tend to find that if I wear out my body enough with exercise or what ever that it allows the brain to rest.
Not that you need my approval

ToyDoc said:
By "live with" I mean't that I must deal with it. I am not a believer in the "no win" scenerio. I know in my thinking side that it is sometimes a reality, but I find it a very hard thing to ever accept.
but you just earned big marks in my admiration and respect column.

Best of luck in your deep swim.
Originally posted by FungiUg
"Sub drop" is very real -- and yes, if you don't know about it, that aftereffect can be very concerning. Exercise and food both help (since you're basically regulating your blood system that carries around all of those hormones), but they're not a cure all.

So just be prepared for the mood swings, and know that it doesn't last.

this is so true

in respect to other types of mood swings
1) they come with PTSD and to abuse survivers
(I have a discussion list for those that suffer from PTSD)
2) they come with blood sugar and thyroid issues
3) certain drugs can trigger them
4) lack of certain nutriants can cause they
(yup one can be fat and suffer from malnutrition

One piece of advice I would share to all is NEVER H.A.L.T.

never get to hungry, anger, lonely or tired
Etoile said:
Holy crap, that's really irresponsible for a professional. Did she have a license of any kind? I'd want to re-evaluate that licensure if she did!

I've been lucky that nobody close to me has ever told me to just snap out of it. Well, except myself, and of course it doesn't work when I say it either.

I used to be a part of the online Gor world, and would occasionally go in there depressed. As a warning to others, I would put the fact that I was depressed and needed friends o my tags. I actually once had someone tell me, in public forum, that I just needed to get over myself and snap out of it. Bless they're hearts, every Dom/me in the group turned on the girl and/or made sure that I was alright.

In dealing with depression and anxiety attacks, I know what I can or can not do. Luckily, when it comes to scenes, Master understands. There is always a cigarette, lighter and waterbottle near enough by that he can easily get to it, so I can come out of it faster. There's nothign else for it but to stop the scene for teh night, and he understands that.

And I'm also depressed the morning after that and don't want to do anything. It's good to know that people understand, and as long as they do, you have nothing to feel bad about. That's like saying you feel like you're a bad sub for safewording. It's just something that you have to do.
Kajira Callista said:
Could this be why so many in this lifestlye have similar problems with depression?

Serotonin Levels

Endorphins decrease serotonin levels.

"Endorphin- and serotonine-metabolism are closely related, and opioid peptides can directly inhibit serotonine release. (23) Therefore, besides sleeplessness, opioid peptides can also cause depressions. In chronically depressed people, free endorphin level is 3 fold higher (24) (because part of endorphin receptors have been destroyed)"


there is alot of interesting info there that might help anyone interested in the physical reasons for clinical depression...i know from experience that sometimes knowing where it comes from is a big help...and B-12 works wonders ...for anyone into the vitamin thing.

Wow, interesting read, have to incorporate some of this stuff into my diet.
I'm in the prozac club too and since I have taken the last ones weeks ago I have problems with beeing stable. I'm in therapy because of depressions, light axiety/panic attacks and some other stuff.

And now after two years of therapy I read this and think "Hey? Why did nobody tell me that my diet could be part of my problems too" As far as I've read the info given by this link there are many mistakes I've made in the past concerning my diet. Mhm... I think I have to give it a try

Thank you for this link :)
Gee, I'm glad I'm not the only one here with depression. My doc has me on 20 mg of Lexapro a day (maximum dosage). I've tried Welbutrin and Buspar , neither worked.
greenmands said:
Gee, I'm glad I'm not the only one here with depression. My doc has me on 20 mg of Lexapro a day (maximum dosage). I've tried Welbutrin and Buspar , neither worked.

LOL, I think it is the ones who don't have depression of some form who have become the odd ones out!! :cattail:

Catalina :rose: