Daddy's Little Girl: Second Edition

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The wicked witch has left the house....with a big poor me and I am too good for this place, seeking sympathy from her comrades in arms. I laughed...but did not post. I am too good to go there and post.

Hopefully, she'll get the help and perspective she so obviously needs; and, if she returns, maybe she'll be in a better place.

Water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.
I hope the image isn't gargantuan!


Lately, I've had someone on my heart and my mind. We aren't best friends, we are simply friendly here. We don't often chat...which is probably my fault because I don't often reach out to her. But, I think of her often. Mostly because my heart aches for her and I wish there was more that I could do or more that I could advise.

Then, I saw this on Pinterest. I loved it right away and wanted to make it. It speaks to me. I thought, maybe, it would speak to others, if only for encouragement. And, I decided to put it here where I feel at home.

Why does it mean so much? Because, at one time, I was broken. I allowed it to happen, but I couldn't stop it, either. To fight back against it, you need some sense of self-esteem, and I had none. I know what people say:

"You make your own destiny. No one can hurt you unless you allow it." And, worse,

"Why didn't you leave?"

It's just not that simple or that easy.

I shared much of this the other day with SH75 - he's a great sounding board - and a few others here know my story *waves at my girls and Mocassin man* - and I'm not going to share here. But, I was broken.

As I talked and thought, I was reminded of what I used to do with broken crayons...I melted them and used them again.

I would carefully unwrap them, save them until there were enough, and melt. Sometimes, I mixed colors. They were beautiful and useable and just as good as the original, if not better!

There is a moral to this. When someone lovingly keeps you, takes care of you...even though you're can still color.

I know that some will say that it has to come from within, that we can't depend on others for our happiness, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about those who come alongside you and remind you that you are worthy, and you ARE deserving, and there is more to life than being broken.

Your thoughts?

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Well, I tried

Want to try some of my homemade vanilla yogurt?

There's fresh fruit...just add what you like.
<snip> There is a moral to this. When someone lovingly keeps you, takes care of you...even though you're can still color.

I know that some will say that it has to come from within, that we can't depend on others for our happiness, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about those who come alongside you and remind you that you are worthy, and you ARE deserving, and there is more to life than being broken.

Your thoughts?

Well. Since you asked... :D

When i start feeling guilty about feeling needy, and hating being alone, my daughter reminds me that we were created for relationships. We were created for community, for family, for friendships, and sometimes for romantic partners. We were not created to be alone.

We were created to support and to be supported, to encourage and to be encouraged, to comfort and to be comforted, to share in each others' pain and healing.

We are not meant to be an island, to meet all of our own emotional needs. We're not equipped for that and in fact were intentionally designed to not be able to thrive without having others to 'come alongside' and help us to carry the boulders in life.

There is no magic cookie that heals people overnight, it takes time and love, and meanwhile we continue to be broken. How silly would it be if we were completely useless until the healing process was over? Thank God we're not. I think part of the healing process includes still having something to give, still having areas of strength and accomplishment and giftedness. Still being able to make a contribution, a way in which to connect with life, and people, and our own worth.

It's a good arrangement, i think. :)
Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and messages.

If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bean bag over there >>>>
I love the quote and the beauty of repaired things

I haven't been here much....

look for me in the hammock.
LOL!! Go girl!

I keep telling myself, just go get you a box of watercolors and a pad of paper from the dollar store already!

But i haven't done it yet. :eek:

Ugh! Thanks for reminding me I need sidewalk chalk for the other princess in my house. :D

Yes, go get some water colors and paper! Be creative. I really find that it's relaxing because then I'm not focused on anything that's usually flooding my brain.
Ugh! Thanks for reminding me I need sidewalk chalk for the other princess in my house. :D

Yes, go get some water colors and paper! Be creative. I really find that it's relaxing because then I'm not focused on anything that's usually flooding my brain.

Yes! Exactly. And we need chalk, too - good idea!
Yes! Exactly. And we need chalk, too - good idea!

When the kids were little, they'd place detectives. Once, I caught them outside doing body outlines. I guess they were the homicide squad...but, I just laughed wondering what the neighborhood would think seeing these outlines at the end of my driveway. :rolleyes:
When the kids were little, they'd place detectives. Once, I caught them outside doing body outlines. I guess they were the homicide squad...but, I just laughed wondering what the neighborhood would think seeing these outlines at the end of my driveway. :rolleyes:

They would think someones tried to steal that crazy ladies tacos again :p
Good morning! 🌞 And good Saturday!

A couple of thoughts regarding self care that I've gathered from my recent reading:

1) We often talk about self care as being sort of the extra little things that might be considered frivolous or not strictly necessary: mani/pedis, shopping for a new fill-in-the-blank, watching a movie, making brownies, having a bubble bath, whatever. But self care should also include the unpleasant and difficult things that will benefit us in the long run: attending to our finances, completing our least favorite household tasks, having that talk you've been putting off with a boss/child/neighbor/friend. Things that don't make us feel warm and fuzzy like a cup of hot chocolate or getting our hair done, but will help us avoid future stress and make life more stable down the road.

I will confess that I'm crap at being proactive, largely because i feel that I'm spending my life trying to survive today. Fortunately, i think i can change that just by reminding myself and getting future-centered activities on my radar.

2) Instead of approaching the responsibilities we'd rather put off with dread and distaste, we can think of doing them as though we are giving a gift to our future selves. Woo! Presents! :nana:

The best example of this i can think of is going through labor and delivery. I remember being full term with my youngest and being surprised by the overwhelming feelings of fear and dread i had about the upcoming birth. This wasn't my first rodeo, why was i so scared with this one? Because i knew the reality of the work it takes and the discomfort that is involved. My brilliant 15yo daughter summed it up beautifully:

You want to *have* the baby, you just don't want to have the baby.

🙄 😂

She was so right. At one point i was ready to cancel my plans for my (4th) homebirth, drive myself to the hospital, and beg my nurses for all the drugs. I wasn't having any concerning health issues, i just wanted to avoid having to do hard things. I did finally get a grip and settle down to the task at hand.

The lesson for me here is one i keep having to repeat. Don't pull away from the hard things, press into them instead. Get them done and over with now rather than wasting energy worrying, instead of using that energy for something else. And that's the gift. Having the hard stuff done, getting that feeling of relief and accomplishment, and being able to move on to other things with a lighter spirit.

* * * * *

I read that the speaker in this song is talking to her younger self, but i like to think of it as my future self encouraging my present self. :)

The thought that comes to mind is getting things done that we don't necessarily WANT to we can relax and not be stressed.

And that's a part of self care because we've saved not added to the stress. You make a wonderful point!!
Painting Rocks

The tiny college town I live in has this thing, it's called "SK Rocks." Basically,anyone can paint a rock , one that can easily be carried, with any design. This encourages kids to do it. Then you are meant to "hide" the rock in a public place for someone else to find. My boys and I have found 2 so far. You then take a photo of it and leave it on the website so the person who painted it can see it was found. It is all anonymous so no one knows anyone else's age or address, etc.
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