Dear Santa...

Isn't it funny how Santa is an anagram of Satan? Cause that's probably who I'll have to make a deal with to get this wish:

Dear Sa(n)ta(n),
This Christmas, I'd like to, when playing piano, have Vladimir Ashkenazy's dexiterity and precision, Glenn Gould's unique interpretation, and Liberace's flambouyance.

You know, I'm not really the giggling sort....

But this post made me giggle. ;)
1.) A more positive outlook on life.

2.) My old artistic hands back.

3.) That 35 pounds of muscle I lost when I was OOS.
Hey Santa...
If you could just hook me up with the ability to play guitar like Stevie Ray Vaughn, that'd be awesome.
Red, you give me that special feeling...
the other one ;)

No... not that one! The other one! Yeahhhh... that one.

... sicko :D

And Omen: I'm convinced that good performance is less a gift and more a prize. I'm in the process of testing that hypothesis, but the procedure will take a while.