Dear X,

Dear X,

It still pained me to this day how such an ignorant bitch I was to you. Your leaving without saying goodbye was perhaps your punishment to me. Did you beg God to let you have your way?

Please visit my dreams,

still pissed but missing you bad
Dear X,

You've put a smile on my face that will last for at least 1,000 hours!

Dear X,

Tell your sister that I said hey.

That guy you talk to all night
Dear X,

Sometimes I look back at our time swapping e-mails fondly. You were my first proper look into the s&m world; although I'd known I was a submissive for a long time, you represented and showed me what I was really looking for. I wonder if you remember me. I've never regretted breaking off our communication, but I do savour the memories of your words and our conversations. You were so patient and kind. I hope you are well.

that e-mail slut x
Dear Guy I Talk to All Night,

The exhaustion is worth it! :)

Drug of Choice
Dear American "Family" Association,

If Hell actually existed, there'd be a special room there for the likes of you.

Now fuck off and die.

ETA: You, too, Mike Huckabee.
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Dear X,

Thanks for oh so casually putting off all this work on me this weekend. Thanks for screwing up and then letting ME fix the problem. Thanks for COMPLETELY ruining my weekend and acting like it's no biggie.

Oh and by the way, you can take this Percocet log book and shove it straight up your ass. And you had better do it quickly before I decide to burn the mother fucker.

Yours truly (with a middle finger),
The guy who didn't fuck up the log book in the first place
Dear X

Im sorry I was off having a good time while you were clearly not. Even more sorry I had wonky cell service at that party. :(

Your Drug of Choice
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Dear X

Im sorry I was off having a good time while you were clearly not. Even more sorry I had wonky cell service at that party. :(

Your Drug of Choice

Oh it's okay. I was actually calling you to tell you that I would probably not be talking a whole lot that night. It's just a shitty weekend. I have to fix the Percocet log book back since OCTOBER. That's hundreds of pages to fix. It is literally impossible to get done. And it's oh so casually put on me since I'm this weekend's RPH.

It's bullshit. The night pharmacist came in last night, put her hand on my shoulder, and said "Chris, I don't like the taste of alcohol... but if I were you, I'd stop everything that you're doing, go home, and drink something hard and fast."

I like that. Hard and fast.

So I went home and slammed so much tequila that I actually FORGOT to play Far Cry 3.
Dear Christopher,

Let's not forget to use the proper form....we don't want the sheriff giving you a hard time. ;)

1. a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which ability to function voluntarily may be suspended.

2. a dazed or bewildered condition.

3. a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing.

4. an unconscious, cataleptic, or hypnotic condition.

Dear Christopher,

Let's not forget to use the proper form....we don't want the sheriff giving you a hard time. ;)

1. a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which ability to function voluntarily may be suspended.

2. a dazed or bewildered condition.

3. a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing.

4. an unconscious, cataleptic, or hypnotic condition.


I'm drunk as fuck right now. Please talk to me when I'm sober.

Dear New England Patriots,

You're getting your ass kicked right now. I hope you lose.

Dear Mother Nature,

Please don't snow so heavily so as to cancel school. Especially on Tuesday. I have plans on Tuesday!

Help a girl out,
Dear X,

That was memorable. Very much so. Some things will be branded on my mind forever. This day shall not be forgotten.


Dear Miss Maggles,

I have never really been a dog person but you were something special. Now I will have no one to give bellly rubs to when I go to Eileen's house. I loved you lots.

Rest in peace puppy girl.

Dear Miss Maggles,

I have never really been a dog person but you were something special. Now I will have no one to give bellly rubs to when I go to Eileen's house. I loved you lots.

Rest in peace puppy girl.


Sorry for your loss. In this time of need, I will offer my belly for you to rub whenever you like. ;):rose:
Dear giant festering asshole,

I occasionally almost forget for a second what a selfish tiny dick you are. Thanks for reminding me again.

Eat shit and die you tool.

Merry Christmas.
Dear Santa,

This is the year you're bringing me a naughty sex slave, right? Right?

Your New to the Nice List Friend,