Dear X,

Dear X. and Y,
I want to get naked with both of you. at the same time.
Simple observation, trying to be a professional but having fun thoughts and a perma-grin makes for a fun day.

You know who you are. Thank you :)
My little star chaser,

I hope there are cupcakes and jumping castles wherever you are today.

You would have blown out your candles and probably wished for a trampoline, or a pony, or a new bike. Instead, I will blow them out for you and wish that you were here.

Happy birthday little girl. I will miss you for the rest of my days.


My little star chaser,

I hope there are cupcakes and jumping castles wherever you are today.

You would have blown out your candles and probably wished for a trampoline, or a pony, or a new bike. Instead, I will blow them out for you and wish that you were here.

Happy birthday little girl. I will miss you for the rest of my days.


My little star chaser,

I hope there are cupcakes and jumping castles wherever you are today.

You would have blown out your candles and probably wished for a trampoline, or a pony, or a new bike. Instead, I will blow them out for you and wish that you were here.

Happy birthday little girl. I will miss you for the rest of my days.


As a fellow mum...I cannot even fathom.

Sending hugs :rose:
Dear X,

Thanks for the reference guide. I've already put it to good use.


Totally Appropriate Pmann
My little star chaser,

I hope there are cupcakes and jumping castles wherever you are today.

You would have blown out your candles and probably wished for a trampoline, or a pony, or a new bike. Instead, I will blow them out for you and wish that you were here.

Happy birthday little girl. I will miss you for the rest of my days.


*hugs Rainshine* :(
My little star chaser,

I hope there are cupcakes and jumping castles wherever you are today.

You would have blown out your candles and probably wished for a trampoline, or a pony, or a new bike. Instead, I will blow them out for you and wish that you were here.

Happy birthday little girl. I will miss you for the rest of my days.


:rose: No words, except I'm sorry for your loss.
Dear GG:

I really, really need for you to get well. Please? I'm not ready for this.

Dear You,

Why? What were you thinking? What was that about? Why did you have you make me feel like a terrible person? But also, did you like it? Was it worth it? Would you let us do it again? Why didnt we do it again last night?

Dear Rainshine,

You are a little shit. :D Thanks to you, my Facebook friends now think I have shit taste in music, when in fact I've amazing taste. :mad:


Dear Pmann,

You're the one going to a Taylor Swift concert. I just changed your profile to accurately reflect your newfound affection for her.

You may thank me with peonies and/or Ferrero Rochers.

Dear Rainshine,


Dear Rainshine,

I knew you were a lady of bearing and excellent taste. Ferraro Rochers are so very yummy and delightful.

Dear neighbors on the other side,

Why do you feel the need to start fighting with each other at 1 am? Wouldn't it be much better to fight earlier so there is plenty of light to see to throw things? And I'm sorry you did not appreciate my suggestion, circa 3 a.m., that strangling each other would be a much more efficient and much much quieter way to kill each other. I hardly feel that a resounding "fuck you" thrown in my direction was called for--you were the one keeping me awake, not the other way around.

It did shut you up however and for that I'm grateful. I won't wait the full 2 hours next time, because I'm really tired today. So if you are going to do each other in, please be quick about it so we can all get some rest, even if yours is "in peace."

Not sure what post you are referring to - and not really matters - I think there is a shared theme - the most simple and significant thing to do is to just communicate with a partner, particularly paying attention to the listening part.

You, yourself, are doing a fine job of sharing that most important piece of understanding.

Amazes me how threatened some feel when this is suggested.

If your post was in reference to my recent FWB post - well there was an occasion where I failed in that part of communication - listening.

So there is often experience and past mistakes that influence my posts.
Dear NightL,

In your FWB post you very elegantly combined understanding, experience, regret, humility, and wisdom. Experience is a bitch, but if we're lucky it's also a merciful and compassionate teacher.

Dear Tay Tay,

I know the perfect man for you.

It is a match made in heaven.

Again, you may thank me with peonies and Ferrero Rocher's, Pmann.


Dear Rainshine,

You can eat my arse. :mad:

I'll give you your peonies though. But I'm more into Australian girls who, for moi, will sing and dance to the entire album of One Direction.

And let us be realistic, you'd claw her eyes out if you saw Tay Tay making eyes at me. Am I right????


Tay Tay may be the sweetest person, but I am fucking sick to death of hearing her on the radio! Shut the hell up already!