Dear X,

Dear Mother-of-the-year,

I'm saying this here so I do not pick up a phone or worse, drive to your house with a baseball bat.

You do NOT deserve to have a dog much less a child. More to the point, one who has been through everything this kid has been through, and despite it all, despite the "loving home" you've provided him, has come through it all with a smile on his face and a heart as big as an elephant.

You completely disgust me. When you dump him on the street when he hits 18, I WILL be there to take him in, would sooner if he would cooperate but loyalty is a funny thing isn't it?

I hope you and that miserable scum bag of a husband of yours rot in hell.

Dear Son,

I'm regretting the decision to let you stay until Tues as the weather is horrendous and you are so far away. Please Please Please come home safe to me. I don't think I could bear to live without you.

Dear Saucyminx,

Big hugs and love to you. :rose::heart:


Thanks! You are a sweetie.

He just walked in the door. (He had left his phone at home so I couldn't call him to see when he would be home or to check his progress). I couldn't decide if I wanted to hug him or kick him in the shin.

I settled for hugging him. He has totally added more gray to my hair the brat!
Dear caffeine-withdrawal headache,

You suck.

The newly de-caffeinated.
Dear caffeine-withdrawal headache,

You suck.

The newly de-caffeinated.

Dear newly de-caffeinated,

I felt so much better after I gave up caffeine. Well, once I got past the headache stage. You'll be glad you did it.
Dear Everybody,

I love you.
You are wonderful the way you are.
Everything will be okay.
Sometimes people are douche bags, and you just have to deal.
Sometimes you'll be douche bags, and everyone else will have to deal.
No matter what, life is good.

Dear Rainshine,

It looks like it may be time to change your password again.

In denim hotness support,

PS Why wasn't the above apology done as a voice recording? Those do make me giggle for days.
Dear Rainshine,

It looks like it may be time to change your password again.

In denim hotness support,

PS Why wasn't the above apology done as a voice recording? Those do make me giggle for days.

Dear Saucy,

I will do a voice recording soon enough. My time lounging around at the beach like a lazy bum gets in the way of my totally legit recordings.


Dear Saucy,

I will do a voice recording soon enough. My time lounging around at the beach like a lazy bum gets in the way of my totally legit recordings.



Dearest pmann,

I think you may have stepped out of character there.

Help us follow along.


Avid Fan.
Dear Hospital,

If you're going to hide all the hot female employees, can we please go home tomorrow? :rolleyes:

Stay well,

Dear Weather,

Fuck you in the ass with a 10" dildo. Sideways. I'm so over you.

Coldly yours,
Dear Rainshine,

I know your reading skills aren't up to par, for reasons best known to us. But if you'll read that post again, I said YOU were core of the sun hot. You could wear an Affliction shirt and Ed Hardy jeans and you'd be core of the sun hot.


Dear Litster,

Nothing I post is ever uncalled for. Ever.

Because fuck you.

Dearest Rainshine & pmann,

Lit's most wankerific couple is crazier than Luke and Laura.

Please log on to Lit Chat and get 'er done already.


Your pal,

Dear Bank,

Thanks for breaking your ATM.. again. It's not like I needed money or anything.

Dear Driver,
No, don't mind me.. I'm only in the right lane to make a right turn.. no you go ahead and make a right turn -FROM 2 LANES OVER!

Dear Sister-in Law,
This cat never shuts up... you owe me.

Dear Cat,
Shut. The. FUCK. Up. Already.

Dear Hair,
Your affair with frizz..end it.. Now.