December challenge - Endings/New Beginnings

on 'An Emotional Weather report' I preferred Piscator's lighter edit of my original, it was upbeat and made me smile, also it amused me how it was written in a Honey styling and people thought it was mine :)

'Time drags its galoshes' Ab Fab-u-lous line :)
As with Honey's response to Remec, my followup to Seasons Change flowed quickly. In my case I copied her poem into word and set the page as two columns and then started playing in the second column. As a northerner with many winters behind me, I changed the wording in places but tried to remain true to the nuggets in the original. I have yet to be sufficiently familiar with Honey's style to recognize her as the author, but I too smiled when the galoshes phrase was attributed to her.

The Tom Waits title came up as I was rereading it. He's been a fave of mine since I saw him live in the 70's, fronting a Joan Baez concert in Ottawa. I went out and bought a copy of his double album "Nighthawks at the Diner" and never did buy any Baez. But I digress.

Thanks again to Trish for organizing a really interesting challenge.