Democrat party ideas...

sillywabbit said:
We need the rise of a centrist party that incorporates the moderates being pushed out of the GOP and the blue dogs being pushed out by the liberals. I might vote for that ticket.
It works for me.
Plasmaball said:
McCain sold out over the weekend. Sorry no vote there

I've heard that very statement from both sides about a thousand times about McCain.

It's going to take someone who leans a bit one way on some issues, leans a bit the opposite way on other issues, and speaks their mind to get us out of this attack->counter-attack funk the national debate is stuck in.

Somebody's got to get in the middle of both sides and make them accomplish *something* toward a common goal. The trend has to be stopped in it's tracks before we can get back to alternating between strong Republicans like Reagan and solid Democrats like Clinton to maintain the balance.
Plasmaball said:
1) oh and it worked out well
2)Nominate a fucking dumbass who can read and gives speeches like he has been hit in the head one to many times.
3) deflect and bring everything back to clinton. NSA wiretaps? CLINTON. Border partol? CLINTON, rise , lather, repeat
4) when dems come up with new idea Reps deflect and insult.

You see Republicans have one thing going for them. ( these are the ones in office) National security.They blanket everything they can in it. Which allows them to pass anything they want. Which means they can make dems look weak. There is not much you go against "we must protect the homeland".
Yeah most people are going to be for that.

But to say or even try to make one party better than the other is stupid. BOth suck( minus a few people) and both are hurting this country.

So please stop with "its hard to think like a dem. shit" Its not hard at all. A 6 year old can do it. Just like anyone can think like a repubican.

Typical democrat. Where are the ideas?
bill-pix-trade said: in this box.

Shown full size:

Bill, I hate to tell you this, but that box is way to big............
ForeverNAlways said:
1. Find a poor white boy from the south to appeal to the African-American voters. oh... they already did that.

2. Nominate a pompous airbag and a hollowed cheek intellectual for pres. candidate, one who can talk down to the masses that reside in the south and convince them they are wrong and he is cool. tried that. Ha!

3. Attack anyone who has any remote connection to Bush. Oh, and everything about Bush. Doing....

4. Don't come up with any new ideas - then you have to defend them - just attack the other guy's. 30 years!

Uhmmm. ... uh.....
I'm trying to think like a dem here....It's hard. LOL. :)

All in good fun - don't anyone get snarky with me, I'm not in the mood. :rose:
You forgot......Find a man in the mold of Teddy (drown 'em) Kennedy, who appeals to every left wing focus group in America.

Oh, we tried that............. :)
DevilishTexan said:
Exactly. They have ideas. Tax and take.
Republicans as of late tax, take and give to the military industrial complex.

That is an old Dem idea.
ForeverNAlways said:
If you mean Kerry - he's the hollowed cheek intellectual. Not that I'm giving him any smarts you understand...

Oh, I thought you meant Gore.
bill-pix-trade said:
Republicans as of late tax, take and give to the military industrial complex.

That is an old Dem idea.
I'd rather a soldier get better weapons than a welfare loser get a new Escalade.
ForeverNAlways said:
If you mean Kerry - he's the hollowed cheek intellectual. Not that I'm giving him any smarts you understand...
Ah "hollowed cheek pseudo intellectual"
DevilishTexan said:
I'd rather a soldier get better weapons than a welfare loser get a new Escalade.
As would I. My point is I think we waste way to much on needless systems.
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Plasmaball said:
McCain sold out over the weekend. Sorry no vote there

I'd take him in a minute over anybody else out there on either side running for pres.
ForeverNAlways said:
DT, has anyone told you how terribly (in a squirming in my seat kind of way) distracting your av is? ;)

By the by, are you really a Texan? If so, Hello from a fellow Texan!
I'm actually from Mass but Kennedy and Kerry have me so bitter I'm dying to be a Texan. :p
bill-pix-trade said:
As would I. My point is I think we waste way to much on needles systems.
Is the needles system a new form of torture?

Must be. Military Channel hasn't even covered that yet.
ForeverNAlways said:
But you still haven't offered your answer to the question....
Note the title of the is a valid question - to deny that the Dems need some ideas, regardless of your party or lack of, is just plain ridiculous

.... and did you miss the whole 'all-in-good-fun' thing :) or the 'don't get snarky' thing?

The dems have some ideas. They just tend to get drowned out by morons.
crazybbwgirl said:
I'd take him in a minute over anybody else out there on either side running for pres.

Fiengold is shaping up to be a good person