Dems And Media Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Did To Him

You ignore posts which completely fuck your stupid narratives to hell so I'm sure you'll ignore this one too.

You champion the party which waves Nazi flags along with stars and bars at your leading candidate's kkkampaign rallys.

Sit the fuck down, Reichguide.
No, nothing he did in challenging the election was illegal.
Well, except the whole insurrection thing, and trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State to "find" the votes he needed, and the whole LIST of things he did trying overturn a valid election.

And guess what bro...CONSPIRACY to commit a crime is a crime. Trying to reverse the course of a valid election is illegal, even if you don't succeed.

Well, except the whole insurrection thing, and trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State to "find" the votes he needed, and the whole LIST of things he did trying overturn a valid election.

And guess what bro...CONSPIRACY to commit a crime is a crime. Trying to reverse the course of a valid election is illegal, even if you don't succeed.

Of course you can say whatever the fuck you want. The courts will ultimatel decide if it was illegal
The left's positions on just about everything always require "reading between the lines" and clairvoyance.
Lol. Dude, seriously.
How many times have you had to interpret Trump's words?

"What he meant by..."
"What he meant to say..."
"He really didn't mean that!"
If it did he would have been charged with insurrection by mad dog Smith, he wasn't.

Smith as a mad dog? See that's the real problem, you attribute the Left with being even mentally capable of the sorts of bullshit logic the Right is and that the Press holds both sides even remotely equally when they do not.

Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him​

His big mistake was that he didn't do that the first time and he paid dearly for it.

I hope he learned something from that.
Regardless of who gets elected, corporate media is losing viewers and money. The fear of bankruptcy may be what pushes it closer to government, to get more corporate welfare. The ass kissing and blatant propaganda push more viewers away.

Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him​

His big mistake was that he didn't do that the first time and he paid dearly for it.

I hope he learned something from that.
Oh, Joe. My poor lil ol' JoePee.
You have no idea at all what you just said in this post.
Smith as a mad dog? See that's the real problem, you attribute the Left with being even mentally capable of the sorts of bullshit logic the Right is and that the Press holds both sides even remotely equally when they do not.
Reichguide is the histrionic queen of hysterics.
Georgia may beg to differ.
Reichguide knows more than any judge!

I mean, he was totally right when he said that the crazy lady who tried and failed to light MLK's childhood home ablaze should be executed.


Democrats Are Afraid Trump Will Do To Them What They Have Done To Him​

DECEMBER 05, 2023

The corporate media’s Trump-will-be-a-dictator narrative is everywhere right now, and it’s pure projection.

new set of anti-Trump talking points has been cropping up in the corporate press recently, warning of the horrors that will come to pass if Trump wins the election. Most of it is shameless fearmongering, but there’s something else going on too.

Democrats are afraid that if Trump is elected he’ll do to them precisely what they’re currently doing to him. When Trump fearmongers in the media cry out with one voice that Trump will weaponize the Justice Department and the courts, rig our elections, and shred the Constitution, it’s pure projection. Because that’s exactly what they’re doing right now in a desperate bid to prevent Trump from winning office again.

It should go without saying that this suddenly ubiquitous media genre is extremely dangerous. As my colleague Mollie Hemingway aptly put it in response to a hysterical Trump-as-dictator piece by Robert Kagan in The Washington Post, you might as well call it “assassination prep.”

That’s according to their own logic. After all, these people claim the republic itself is at stake and that we’re about to descend into autocracy. Liz Cheney went on NBC News over the weekend to flog her new book and warn in dire tones that in a second Trump term there’ll be “no guardrails that can stop him.” She says if Trump wins he’ll become a fascist dictator, never leave office, and plunge the United States into tyranny.

More here:

The left "always" projects what they are and what they are doing onto their political enemies.

100%!!!!! They should be. And we should make it impossible from them to do what they've done ever again. Going to be tough. Have to be ruthless, as ruthless as a Democrat scenting loss of power, but we have to do it.
Move to fucking Russia (if you don't already live there, I mean) if you want "Ruthless."

I am an American. We Americans- we fought, bled for, and died fighting against the very values you endorse.
And make no mistake, we will do so again if we have to.

So shut the fuck up and go move to a banana republic if you love "Ruthlessness" so much.
Move to fucking Russia (if you don't already live there, I mean) if you want "Ruthless."

I am an American. We Americans- we fought, bled for, and died fighting against the very values you endorse.
And make no mistake, we will do so again if we have to.

So shut the fuck up and go move to a banana republic if you love "Ruthlessness" so much.

LOL. We see the banana republic every day. I'd rather get rid of the 3rd world crap and go back to where America was, and where it will be again.
You mean, like where minorities, gays and women are oppressed, freedom is non-existent, corporate greed goes unchecked, public education is gutted, the environment is destroyed, and thugs run around in the president's name arresting dissidents and tossing them in prison, where they have zero rights.

Let's be clear; America was NEVER like that.

And never will be. Your side LOST the Second World War. Your side LOST the Civil war. Remember that.

As long as good people stand up to the likes of you and fight back. Maybe you were thinking of Haiti perhaps? You'd have liked Duvalier, except of course he was Black, so maybe not.
Depends on how literally you take his comments. True, he did not use those exact words, just like he didn't quite tell Raffensperger to steal the election for him in Georgia. In both cases and in many, many others, it's a matter of reading between the lines. The man is profoundly stupid, but one of the few things he is good at is allowing himself loopholes to fool people like you. As well he should be, since he's had a LOT of practice at it.

If he didn't use those words, or say the things you claim, then he couldn't have done the things you accuse him of.

Simple really.