What will history say about Trump?

Have you read the documents? More than half of the people involved were “were paid for the government”
All of them were. They were White House staffers, or hired by such.
and most of the black people arrested for protesting the war in Vietnam were pushed by “people paid by the government”
The FBI did make use of agents provocateur to undermine the antiwar movement -- but I don't think Nixon had anything to do with COINTELPRO -- that was all on Hoover.
Nixon fell when the evidence of his guilt in the Watergate coverup became so undeniable that a delegation of Congressional Republicans came to the WH and told him, we can't back you up any more, we'll have to vote for impeachment.

Because in those days the GOP still had some integrity.

That couldn't happen now. When Trump was impeached, the Senate Republicans, for purely partisan reasons, acquitted him when they should have convicted him -- twice.

Reagan was never crucified, or even pushed back against, by the GOP. The bastard even got a state funeral, which he did not deserve.
Posthumous honor by a party that hated his anti-establishment moves is not respect. It is obligatory recognition of a president that had to be done for the mainline to stay in the good graces of real Conservatives.
Posthumous honor by a party that hated his anti-establishment moves is not respect. It is obligatory recognition of a president that had to be done for the mainline to stay in the good graces of real Conservatives.
You are assuming a false and nonexistent difference between "real Conservatives" and the "establishment."
No, they weren't. No American contributed anything important to the fall of the USSR -- it did not happen because of defense spending or SDI -- it did not happen because Reagan said "Tear down this wall" -- it happened mainly because the price of oil dropped and the Soviet economy was too dependent on that revenue.
You leftists will spin ANY fiction to rewrite obvious history that proves your narratives wrong over and over and over. White is black, black is white, left is right, right is left, down is up, up is down, peace is war, war is peace... Good Lord, you ARE the fulfillment of Orwell's prophecies.
Not in making communitarianism politically influential, as you seem to think it is.
You are assuming a false and nonexistent difference between "real Conservatives" and the "establishment."
You are willfully ignoring the difference because it doesn't fit your Marxist... excuse me... SOCIALIST agenda or narrative. That's why you are proving so ignorant to facts and so easily rejected as an uninformed useful idiot.
You are willfully ignoring the difference because it doesn't fit your Marxist... excuse me... SOCIALIST agenda or narrative. That's why you are proving so ignorant to facts and so easily rejected as an uninformed useful idiot.
There was no conservative or Republican establishment that Reagan challenged or threatened, and that is a historical fact..
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To clarify: Reagan did challenge the Republican establishment in 1976, when he challenged Ford for the nomination -- and what a nasty, ugly convention that was! Reagan was a product of the ideological "Movement Conservatism" that began with the 1964 Goldwater campaign. But by the time of Reagan's election in 1980, Movement Conservatism had pretty much become the party establishment.

The best source for this whole story is Rick Perlstein's series of doorstoppers: Before the Storm, Nixonland, The Invisible Bridge, and Reaganland.

Trump challenged establishment Republicans because he represented the RW nationalist populism of the Tea Party. But Reagan's politics were not Trump's.
You leftists will spin ANY fiction to rewrite obvious history that proves your narratives wrong over and over and over. White is black, black is white, left is right, right is left, down is up, up is down, peace is war, war is peace... Good Lord, you ARE the fulfillment of Orwell's prophecies.
This is what happened:

However, the Eastern Bloc began to decline in the 1980s. Reformist Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 and began to slowly open relations with the West, ending decades of censorship. Partly as a result of this, revolutions created by disillusioned populations occurred throughout the Eastern Bloc in the late 1980s. This expanded into the Union itself in 1991. A Russian presidency was established, which brought Boris Yeltsin to power. In a desperate attempt to keep stability, Gorbachev proposed the Union be replaced with a confederation. Hardline communists tried to stop this in the August Coup which failed and was the final blow to the Union. Members began seceding, and then, on December 25, Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet Union fell, despite the 1991 referendum resulting in most of the population voting to stay in the Union.[19] Nevertheless, modern Russia remains a powerful country, at least militarily due to inheriting the bulk of the Soviet arsenal.
Neither Nixon nor Reagan contributed anything important to that process.

So that means your "BUT EUROPE!!! I LIKE LICKING EURO ASS YOU SHOULD TOO!!!!" doesn't appeal to Americans.

Anyone paying attention see's how fucked up they actually are and want no part of it.
What we have here ain't Communism, or socialism, or even social democracy.
Property and labor (the means of production) are nearly entirely collectivized and access to "the market" is essentially an elites only game regulated to keep the 99% out. There is no private property, there is no right to your own labor.....We're effectively socialist.
By any reasonable measure, things in general go better in the social democracies than thy go here. They even outrank us on the Democracy Index.

Yet almost nobody who thinks so here, ever goes there. It's almost like they don't want to get totally fucked out of everything they have. Funny how that is!!!

Good, democracy is a dog shit way to do things and we've known that for 3,000 years.

It is what it is. The Democrats are lefties. Blatantly so.
Tell it to Jefferson.
I am posting this now for the 3rd time.
I can legit say that YOU know nothing about me.

I am just going to call a spade a spade here. You are mindless drone. A member of the leftist Borg. A useful idiot. A parroter of socialist, lefty talking points. A bumper sticker thinker. A blight on American society that we have collectively decided has had your people in control for a damn far too long.
Until you know anything about my personal life (you don't) you have no grounds to say that. You say it because you have no legitimate argument to what I say, so you make personal attacks.

I, on the other hand, have yet to be called the liar.
Stop me when I begin to lie ok?
You work a menial job, I believe in the food service industry, with menial benefits that (do not) barely keep up with your healthcare needs as well as your housing and general welfare bills. You voted for trump and you're a blathering, long winded, fake christian idiot. That's what I remember. Am I wrong?

I post this very well knowing you and what I said in one of the earlier posts - people responding to you only serve to allow your blathering ass to rant.
You are NOT an intellectual conservative, as you perceive yourself to be, you're certainly no Christian - you're something much worse. You are boring.
Hopefully better than they think about Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Clinton and every single democrat president that was pro slavery before the Republican Party was created by Lincoln (all were racist and against Poc)
I don't think you are suppose to be telling people about history. It is easier to control minds that only know what happened 5 minutes ago or less.