
Re: Re: Denials

Bachlum Chaam said:
I think that non compliance is not option,simply wouldn't allow it.Alas my lady His Flower put it much more succinctly than I ever could.Well done my lady

Why thank you...*blushing*

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
It seems to me that a goodly proportion of all BDSM play is denial of one form or another, whether it's denial of total freedom submitted to voluntarily (ie the condition of any sub) or some specific thing being denied, such as orgasm or freedom of movement (either due to instruction or restraint). Thus denial, and the psychological and physiological consequences of said denial, is one of the central essences of BDSM.

I find it interesting that somebody else has considered denial of vanity items, as I find that requiring a sub to present herself in a manner totally at odds with her normal dress and self image to be a particularly strong form of 'punishment'. For example, I find it deliciously humiliating to make my usually beautiful sub present herself at work for several days, as a total frump (purple floral sun dress, steal capped boots, horn rimmed glasses etc, rather than her usual pin striped suit and Prada's)

If a genuine punishment is required though, I find the most powerful denial to be the denial of attention.

Denial is, in my opinion, also of importance for doms, though this form of denial is self imposed. Through the years I have never met a dom of any skill or ability who did not need to deny him or her self the gratification of doing all that they would like to their sub. In some areas or many, all of us fantasise about actions that exceed the limits of our subs, or the limits of practicality or even sanity. Consequently, we deny ourselves those things we personally consider as being beyond the pail or potentially too harmful. I have often thought that it is this element of never quite being able to fulfil our darkest desires that keeps us wanting and coming back for more and I have wondered if the converse is not true in some ways for subs.

Of course, there are those who don't exert themselves to practice this form of self denial, and these are the ones that aren't safe, sane and consensual, more often known as sociopaths.

Denial is good, just as long as it isn't my sub denying me ;)
incubus_dark said:

For example, I find it deliciously humiliating to make my usually beautiful sub present herself at work for several days, as a total frump (purple floral sun dress, steal capped boots, horn rimmed glasses etc, rather than her usual pin striped suit and Prada's)

I'm just silently praying and hopefully and thanking that my Sir doesn't make me do that.

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
His Flower said:
I'm just silently praying and hopefully and thanking that my Sir doesn't make me do that.

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:

Why Flower dear,

I don't know about your good Sir, but were it I, your reaction alone would be enough to ensure that I did do just that.

And too, now that it's out there for all to see, the chances that he will do that are soooo much higher :D
Mistress has denied me sex for a few years. I still get to cum often, as it is part of her control. However, I have not penetrated her in a looooong time.

She freely has sex with other men in front of me, so she is not denied of the pleasure.
incubus_dark said:
Why Flower dear,

I don't know about your good Sir, but were it I, your reaction alone would be enough to ensure that I did do just that.

And too, now that it's out there for all to see, the chances that he will do that are soooo much higher :D

Evil....Oh so evil....thankfully Sir doesn't always read my postings. And on another note, thank goodness I have to dress up for work most of the time. Phew....I thought that was a close call..

And it'll just be my luck that He reads this one.....

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
His Flower said:
Evil....Oh so evil....thankfully Sir doesn't always read my postings. And on another note, thank goodness I have to dress up for work most of the time. Phew....I thought that was a close call..

And it'll just be my luck that He reads this one.....

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:

We live in hope my lady if only to worry you :D
Bachlum Chaam said:
We live in hope my lady if only to worry you :D

<sigh>....Sadly....Hope seems to be the only thing I have left nowadays.....:(

oooppss....let me not hjack the thread....

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
His Flower said:
<sigh>....Sadly....Hope seems to be the only thing I have left nowadays.....:(

oooppss....let me not hjack the thread....

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:

Hope is both a blessing and a curse. I shall hope thought that your circumstances improve so that you're not reliant on hope.
FungiUg said:
Hope is both a blessing and a curse. I shall hope thought that your circumstances improve so that you're not reliant on hope.

Thank you FungiUg....though nowadays it seems the only thing I have....I've been an emotional wreck lately....I'm just utterly soo confused and lost....I don't know what to do....

Thanks for listening to me babble guys.

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
His Flower said:
Thank you FungiUg....though nowadays it seems the only thing I have....I've been an emotional wreck lately....I'm just utterly soo confused and lost....I don't know what to do....

Thanks for listening to me babble guys.

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:

Well, you're welcome to PM if you need someone uninvolved to chat with. But to be honest (without knowing more about what's going on in your life at present), the usual answer to life's confusing moments is... time.

Don't envy you, but I have been there myself. More than once. *sigh*
vixenshe said:
I don't mean the denial where a person just refuses to believe reality.

I'm talking about the kind of denial where a Dom/me denies His/Her submissive to engage in certain forms of behaviour... whether it be masturbation, wearing underwear, eating certain things, whatever.

*grin* I'm currently being denied masturbation.. and I love it. It's turning me on even more.

What kind of denials do You 'dish out' (for lack of any better phrase) to Your submissive? And submissives, what kinds of denial do you endure?

Dom/mes, do you enjoy watching your submissive squirm?

Subs, do you enjoy squirming?

I was reading the threads here, and a thought can to mind, that may or may be relevant, but I thought I'd throw in and see what kind of comments were generated. The discussion is about denial, and the assumption is that the dominant is denying something that typically allowed............but, what about, REQUIRING a NEW activity and then, denying the cesation of that activity for a protracted period of time......for example, REQUIRING that a female submissive purchase and ALWAYS WEAR WHITE COTTON GRANNY PANTIES, maybe one or two sizes too large..........I did this once, and the whining, bitching and begging to STOP the activity were was a delicious period of time......