Did you get what you wished for?

I got a spatula with a rubber tip (I like to cook). I didn't ask for it, but as soon as I saw it in my stocking, my mind saw a number of uses. I couldn't wait to get away from the family, so I could try it out. I like it better than my riding crop!

I also had a new person come into my life and have fallen madly in love, but I haven't yet won her heart, so here's to Christmases to come.
well, I did get some wonderful gifts (including a poster which I am currently drooling over), but nothing that was on My 'boys&toys' list, but there's always valentine's day to look forward too...;) (and I am getting more and more contacts from boys everyday, so hopefully I really will find boys for Us soon :D)
Wow, gem - what can I say? You've summed up what so many feel in such an outstanding way! Thank you! And I hope mid-March is three times more fun than Christmas could ever be!

To everyone else, thanks for participating! It is interesting to see what people have wished for and what they received. Hopefully, all of us may soon get just exactly what we wish for!
Wishes versus Wants

Now that Christmas is over, I am reflecting over what I wanted (read wished) and what I needed.

I always thought I wanted a 24/7 slave, and I have been looking for a long time. What I got was an outstanding friendship and intimate relationship with a wonderful man who is as kinky as I am, but has no interest in D/s. And, quite frankly I am happy as a clam.

Since, I have complicated D/s relationships with two submissives already, I do not have the urgency that others may have to have that all encompassing slave to do my bidding.

Have I given up? No, I have not. But if I do not succeed this year or even the next, I still have my best friend, my vanilla, who quite frankly is who I need right now.

Happy New Year to all of you, dominant, submissive, and all the flavors in between.

Do not forget you wishes and wants; but be open to your needs too. They may surprise you.

Re: Wishes versus Wants

Ebonyfire said:
Now that Christmas is over, I am reflecting over what I wanted (read wished) and what I needed.

I always thought I wanted a 24/7 slave, and I have been looking for a long time. What I got was an outstanding friendship and intimate relationship with a wonderful man who is as kinky as I am, but has no interest in D/s. And, quite frankly I am happy as a clam.

Since, I have complicated D/s relationships with two submissives already, I do not have the urgency that others may have to have that all encompassing slave to do my bidding.

Have I given up? No, I have not. But if I do not succeed this year or even the next, I still have my best friend, my vanilla, who quite frankly is who I need right now.

Happy New Year to all of you, dominant, submissive, and all the flavors in between.

Do not forget you wishes and wants; but be open to your needs too. They may surprise you.


Thank you so much for sharing this, Eb. I do think sometimes we get so caught up in what we think we want, we miss out on those people and things that are invaluable to us. Yours is certainly a timely message, and one I hope to keep in mind as the New Year gives me new struggles to deal with. Thank you.

And I am very happy that you were able to find some one special in your life. I wish you continued good things with with your best friend, and all the best in 2003!
Re: Re: Wishes versus Wants

SexyChele said:
Thank you so much for sharing this, Eb. I do think sometimes we get so caught up in what we think we want, we miss out on those people and things that are invaluable to us. Yours is certainly a timely message, and one I hope to keep in mind as the New Year gives me new struggles to deal with. Thank you.

And I am very happy that you were able to find some one special in your life. I wish you continued good things with with your best friend, and all the best in 2003!

Thank you chele, I am glad I am learning to enjoy the present, rather than wish for an uncertain future.

I hope you are enjoying your present too!

well, i know that this thread has been quiet for awhile now that christmas is over, but someone asked me for an update on the search for boys for my g/f and i... :D

first, i have to say that i am working on making some toys for our toybox... and if i can ever get the damn color of ribbon that i want, it will be pretty fun when it's done... and second, we have a boy coming to see us on friday *grin* hopefully we'll like him face to face as much as we have liked him so far...
aerofreak said:
well, i know that this thread has been quiet for awhile now that christmas is over, but someone asked me for an update on the search for boys for my g/f and i... :D

first, i have to say that i am working on making some toys for our toybox... and if i can ever get the damn color of ribbon that i want, it will be pretty fun when it's done... and second, we have a boy coming to see us on friday *grin* hopefully we'll like him face to face as much as we have liked him so far...

I was meaning to comment on this earlier. I just gotta say... which ever guy ends up getting to be with you two... he'll be the luckiest dude on the planet! :) I would love to be in a situation like that :)

P. B. Walker said:
I was meaning to comment on this earlier. I just gotta say... which ever guy ends up getting to be with you two... he'll be the luckiest dude on the planet! :) I would love to be in a situation like that :)


hehehe... you know... we have actually commented on the fact that we think you are pretty cute *wink*
aerofreak said:
hehehe... you know... we have actually commented on the fact that we think you are pretty cute *wink*

PERK... cool :)

if I lived closer I'd definitly throw my hat in the ring :)

P. B. Walker said:
PERK... cool :)

if I lived closer I'd definitly throw my hat in the ring :)


lol if i knew where you were it might help. and if we're still looking after we've graduated, well... you never know, we might end up closer.
aerofreak said:
lol if i knew where you were it might help. and if we're still looking after we've graduated, well... you never know, we might end up closer.

I'm in the Washington, DC area. ;)

aerofreak said:
well, i know that this thread has been quiet for awhile now that christmas is over, but someone asked me for an update on the search for boys for my g/f and i... :D

first, i have to say that i am working on making some toys for our toybox... and if i can ever get the damn color of ribbon that i want, it will be pretty fun when it's done... and second, we have a boy coming to see us on friday *grin* hopefully we'll like him face to face as much as we have liked him so far...

Hot damn! There is nothing like breaking in a new boy!

Ebonyfire said:
Hot damn! There is nothing like breaking in a new boy!


*grin* i'm sooo excited about it... we all 3 are, actually...
we almost had 2 boys coming down, but one decided that he can't deal with not being an "only boy"... very disappointing, but since we want our boys to be happy too, we understand... so we are still looking, but hopefully only for 1 now
aerofreak said:
*grin* i'm sooo excited about it... we all 3 are, actually...
we almost had 2 boys coming down, but one decided that he can't deal with not being an "only boy"... very disappointing, but since we want our boys to be happy too, we understand... so we are still looking, but hopefully only for 1 now

I have had that happen several times. I tell them that they are looking for a wife, not a Domme.