Didn't I just read a poem with that same title?

Re: Then I create a loop?

MyOpinion said:
I take it I should copy the address of the page you just directed me to into the http slot on that page? Does this not create on loop?

I'm not good at htmp stuff.

sort of a loop, if you are already on the page and poke it,
it points back at ya. But if you noitce on the bottom
of people's posts, you can poke on their profile, and
if the link is there, you can easily get to their page.

So yes, even tho it makes you dizzy, do it :)
guilty pleasure said:
Broken Blinds
I am not worthy.....*prostrating myself!*

well.. um as delightful as that sounds :D , we'll be looking forward to you joining the next fray. (hmm, poets piling on... pile of poets.... i digress )
New Thread

Lauren.Hynde said:
... I already chose next week's title, but don't know if I should tell you all yet.

I'm thinking I should start another thread, though. So that new people won't be afraid to jump in. What do you think?

I vote for a new thread. The title should be more self explanatory and more inviting to new poets. - I haven't thought of a good one yet. :(

Re When to tell us: I believe we need to set a certain constant lead time, the longer, up to a week (?) the better. It might also be a good idea to inform our WebMistress Larrel as to what we are doing and when to expect an in(flux/undation) of like titled masterpieces.

An Aside: I have received more positive feedback and a higher percentage of votes per views (6 out of 8) than any other submission of mine (and I dashed it off very quickly because my phone had been out since Saturday), and all but one have been very good. How are all the other poems doing? I thought that they were all very excellent! :rose:

Regards,                       Rybka
New Thread

It'll get lost if we don't have a new thread! And Lauren stop withholding information!!!! If you know already, you have to tell us, or you--having more info than the rest of us--have an unfair advantage.

(Please note my excellent demonstration of attempted guilt induction in Lauren, which is my cultural birthright, handed down through countless generations of Jewish matriarchy.) :D

Oh and Rybka, my thinking is our poems are doing well because we all voted on each other's, lol.
4.33: 6 votes - 2 views (which is an excellent average of 3 votes per view :D)

If we all voted in all of the other's poems we could have a very interesting top list tomorrow... *chuckles*
Lauren.Hynde said:
If we all voted in all of the other's poems we could have a very interesting top list tomorrow... *chuckles*

If all who submitted voted, we'd have that magic number 10 to make them all at least eligible for the list.

(there were 11 submissions, but there's that area of twilight zone where SP and his twin brother Alan and/or sp03 hang out,
that might be only allowed a single vote)
Well, I just did my part and voted for everyone except Opi, cause he disabled voting on his poem...

I'm still with 6 votes, though... :sigh:
Re: New Thread Name

Rybka said:
I vote for a new thread. The title should be more self explanatory and more inviting to new poets. - I haven't thought of a good one yet. :(

You could simply name the thread the same as the proposed title.
(a little extra pressure to make sure that the title intrigues :) )

Afterall, what fun would it be if we don't give KDog's thread something to chew on, on the day of the posts ?
Re: Re: New Thread Name

OT said:
You could simply name the thread the same as the proposed title.
(a little extra pressure to make sure that the title intrigues :) )

Afterall, what fun would it be if we don't give KDog's thread something to chew on, on the day of the posts ?

I was suggesting that we start a new, but continuing thread with a title that conveys "Hey everybody, submit a poem using this title!", not that we start a new titled thread every week.
- But maybe something like "Contest, Write a poem using this title: xxxxx" could work, as long as the rules and time frame are posted at the start of each new Title. - Just MHO :)

Regards,                       Rybka
I would also like to join the clamor for Lauren to give up the title and guidelines as soon as possible. I am an extremely slow poet.
I could do it tonight and give everyone exactly one week... All poems to be submitted next Thursday, to appear in Friday, 31th.

Would that be all right with everyone?
Yes Dear

I'm not pissin Lauren off. She's got a gub. (That's right, a gub. If you don't know what I mean, go out and rent Woody Allen's incredibly funny flick, Take the Money and Run.)

I know. (Grinning smugly.) I meant them thar other poets. (hehe)

P.S. Besides, after all those music files, I figure I have an in. So listen. (looking around surreptiously) What's the new subject? IM me on yahoo. lol
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Re: Lauren?


I'll post it in a few minutes anyway, there's no need to be unfair to the rest of the gang.
Well, if you were Judo, that would give you enough time for 2/3 of a sonnet, but since she's not here, I guess you're right... :eek:
Okay, okay, settle down. I'm here. Now where is the cotton-picken little varmint anyhow, Ms. Hynde?

*taps foot impatiently*

Coming right up. I actually chose a title that contains one of those words with differenciated UK-US spelling... LOL

I guess I'll allow both...
When Lauren speaks of Judo's sonnet skills,
I do believe it, for I've seen the poems.
They pour forth from her so fast I get chills,
She writes enough of them to fill up tomes.

For Judo brings to us a way with form,
And Lauren writes with images sublime,
Smithpeter's poems know how to keep us warm,
And O.T. has a clever way with rhyme.

Rybka writes short but vivid I believe,
Homer writes poems both visual and clear,
And how we love the work of our dear Eve:
Each poet's style personal and dear.

And so you see I love to write these too,
Now cheesy poem complete I bid adieu.

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I'm trying to read through all the posts to see what's going on and you people jabber too much!

Anyway :D
Broken Blinds
6 votes

What's the next poem?

By the way, I gave all the blind poems a 5 this morning. So if you haven't voted yet, do it! :)
Angeline said:
When Lauren speaks of Judo's sonnet skills
I do believe it, for I've seen the poems
They pour forth from her so fast I get chills
She writes enough of them to fill up tomes

For Judo brings to us a way with form
And Lauren writes with images sublime
Smithpeter's poems know how to keep us warm
And O.T. has a clever way with rhyme

Rybka writes short but vivid i believe
Homer writes poems both visual and clear
and how we love the work of our dear Eve
Each poet's style personal and dear

And so you see I love to write these too
And cheesy poem complete I bid adieu

Ass kisser!