disheartening news...

catalina_francisco said:
....And that is why nothing changes. Accept and there will never be reason for life to change. I prefer to be proactive than controlled by the conservative right and exude an air of jaded cynicism which basically says 'shit on me, it's OK, I won't fight back'.

Catalina :rose:

I don't think that everything *should* necessarily change. I don't know if I like the idea of a world in which WIIWD is totally above ground and accepted and hearts and flowers and happy. I don't mind the pros and cons of having some of the last shreds of outlaw sexuality left in the world.

I don't feel shat on that I might lose my straight job and standing in the community if I *choose* to work as a professional. I don't mind that if I do X I might not get to do Y and Z. You can call that jaded, I call it grownup.

Notice that funny word. Choose. Act with agency. Take the risk.

It's my ass and it's mine to lose. I could always play it a lot safer and stay at home.
Originally posted by catalina_francisco SB, as you may or may not realise it takes a lot more than that to get me down as you put it, but I also see it as a sad reflection on the way the world has become in a few short decades. Call me cynical but .......

I prefer to be proactive than controlled by the conservative right and exude an air of jaded cynicism which basically says 'shit on me, it's OK, I won't fight back'.

Mmm hmmm, I see. Sorry, just couldn't get through the rest! :D