DNC spent millions on lawfare against Trump

I am not racist one bit grow the fuck up snowflake!!

Cry us a river, MAGAt. šŸ¤£


Just so the uninitiated know: "WWG1WGA" is short for "I'm a QAnon-er white supremacist who wishes extreme harm to anyone who doesn't think my way & laser beams control the weather". It's very convenient code when used here = instant Report. šŸ˜„
Stand back and stand by? Thatā€™s the phrase right??
WWG1WWGA is an abbreviation of "We go one, we go all." Saying the whole phrase could be more effective than the abbreviation that looks like random internet gibberish. It shows team spirit that the Dems don't have and can't buy as their big tent is ripped apart from the inside.
WWG1WWGA is an abbreviation of "We go one, we go all." Saying the whole phrase could be more effective than the abbreviation that looks like random internet gibberish. It shows team spirit that the Dems don't have and can't buy as their big tent is ripped apart from the inside.
It's the theme song for lemmings.

Fun game though
WWG1WWGA is an abbreviation of "We go one, we go all." Saying the whole phrase could be more effective than the abbreviation that looks like random internet gibberish. It shows team spirit that the Dems don't have and can't buy as their big tent is ripped apart from the inside.

Team spirit? Is that what they are marketing cults as these days?
WWG1WWGA is an abbreviation of "We go one, we go all." Saying the whole phrase could be more effective than the abbreviation that looks like random internet gibberish. It shows team spirit that the Dems don't have and can't buy as their big tent is ripped apart from the inside.

It was the baseline hook in Deutschland, Deutschland, Uber Alles that made it the catchy summer banger for me.
WWG1WWGA is an abbreviation of "We go one, we go all." Saying the whole phrase could be more effective than the abbreviation that looks like random internet gibberish. It shows the QAnon cult is full of angry, racist incels who have zero fortitude or bravado individually; therefore, they find strength in gang mentality online.

FYP, simp.

"One for all, all for one" is another way to say it. I remember it from The Three Musketeers, but it's also a motto of Switzerland, a line in a Shakespeare poem as the quote of a villain, and various other uses in history.
"One for all, all for one" is another way to say it. I remember it from The Three Musketeers, but it's also a motto of Switzerland, a line in a Shakespeare poem as the quote of a villain, and various other uses in history.
"You go off a cliff, the rest of us will follow" is the better translation.
WWG1WWGA is an abbreviation of "We go one, we go all." Saying the whole phrase could be more effective than the abbreviation that looks like random internet gibberish. It shows team spirit that the Dems don't have and can't buy as their big tent is ripped apart from the inside.


Itā€™s actually the ACRONYM for -ā€œWHERE we go one we go allā€.


šŸ‘‰ Sternosot šŸ¤£



EXCLUSIVE: DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind ā€˜Unprecedented Lawfareā€™ Campaign Against Trump​

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has sent millions of dollars to law firms that are intimately involved in an ā€œunprecedented lawfareā€ campaign against former President Donald Trump, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by the Daily Caller.

The DNC has paid close to $2 million since August of 2021 to Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP for ā€œlegal services,ā€ according to the DNCā€™s FEC filings. Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLPfounding partner Roberta A. Kaplan represented E. Jean Carroll in her sexual assault and defamation suits against Trump. The New York Times previously reported that Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, helped pay for Carrollā€™s lawsuits.


So ineedhelp1 has the invoices for what the DNCā€™s money was spent on???


Iā€™m "interested" in seeing those invoices. (receipts)


šŸ‘‰ ineedhelp1 šŸ¤£

Did you copy that habit from Trump, or did you just never grow up?


Referring to MAGAts by invented debasing plays on their usernames is done specifically AND purposefully to make a point.


I wonder if Sternosot can figure out what that point is.


(MAGAts are fucking imbeciles, so I highly doubt it.)


šŸ‘‰ Sternosot šŸ¤£

I am not racist one bit grow the fuck up snowflake!!
One thing I've noticed over the years.... is that racists hate being called out on their racism almost as much as they hate people of color, women, and gays.
They have no problem making bigoted and hateful statements, have no problem expressing disgust with people of color, gays, minorities and so on- but call them on it, and it's an affront to their reputation and they get defensive about it.

And, once their reputation gets tarnished, they think they can just switch screen names, Kinked-a-tasty-suck-toy style, and it will all make it better and all will be forgiven- until they start spouting the same hateful screed under the (False) guise of "Conservative values."
No those who cry racism are racist themselves like you. Whenever liberals disagree with you they say your racists. It's in the democratic playbook.
Why don't you post under your normal Alt? Is it tiresome being continually banned for death threats, T&T69?
"One for all, all for one" is another way to say it. I remember it from The Three Musketeers, but it's also a motto of Switzerland, a line in a Shakespeare poem as the quote of a villain, and various other uses in history.
And look, itā€™s a villain quote yet again. Just because you donā€™t realize that youā€™re the villainā€¦

And you would have gotten away with it too, if it hadnā€™t been for those meddling kidsā€¦


EXCLUSIVE: DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind ā€˜Unprecedented Lawfareā€™ Campaign Against Trump​

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has sent millions of dollars to law firms that are intimately involved in an ā€œunprecedented lawfareā€ campaign against former President Donald Trump, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by the Daily Caller.

The DNC has paid close to $2 million since August of 2021 to Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP for ā€œlegal services,ā€ according to the DNCā€™s FEC filings. Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLPfounding partner Roberta A. Kaplan represented E. Jean Carroll in her sexual assault and defamation suits against Trump. The New York Times previously reported that Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, helped pay for Carrollā€™s lawsuits.

It gets even better. Wait until the clowns find out it was all for naught.

The New York conviction is going to be overturned and tossed.

The charges in the DC and FL cases are going to be tossed.

And as far as big fat Fanny is concerned, she's going to be lucky if she's not thrown out of office.
^So you think corrupt politicians who flout the law should avoid prosecution then. Got it.

Maybe if I robbed your house and set fire to it afterwards, I should get away with it too. As long as I hold public office, by your warped logic, you'd be okay with that.
^So you think corrupt politicians who flout the law should avoid prosecution then. Got it.

Maybe if I robbed your house and set fire to it afterwards, I should get away with it too. As long as I hold public office, by your warped logic, you'd be okay with that.

If you were president, according to SCOTUS you'd have presumptive immunity and immunity from evidentiary discovery.