He won his suit with the liar Stormy, now it's time to take on the lying left and their Deep State tools.
You know as well as the rest of us that Trump has no chance whatsoever of winning this lawsuit, or even, in the course of it, proving any facts of political use to the GOP.
I gather you are chatting about a civil case. But, what Hillery did was criminal. Would it not be better to have a criminal trial first? Then a a civil one.
I gather you are chatting about a civil case. But, what Hillery did was criminal. Would it not be better to have a criminal trial first? Then a a civil one.
Opinion is fun. Try the legal system sometime.
I gather you are chatting about a civil case. But, what Hillery did was criminal. Would it not be better to have a criminal trial first? Then a a civil one.
Nothing alleged in the lawsuit constitutes a crime.
:) Oh, it's not just criminal offenses. The government invents ways to create a case.
Only through actual legislation, to which the ex post facto defense is always available where applicable. I've sometimes encountered a theme in fiction that city and county regulations are deliberately crafted in such an ambiguous and contradictory way that one cannot avoid violating some of them, leaving local authorities free to prosecute whom they will -- but any lawyer will tell you that's pure urban legend.
No, there have literally been entire books written about his profligacy and the way he's always overstated his worth.
Interesting, while I'm not a full throat supporter. I think his worth is well stated. A golf course here and there. What the heck.
Interesting, while I'm not a full throat supporter. I think his worth is well stated. A golf course here and there. What the heck.
No, it really isn't. He has a long history of claiming to be worth several times as much as he really is, not to mention pretending his massive debts (quite possibly the most money any one individual in the entire world owes) don't exist.
Interesting, while I'm not a full throat supporter. I think his worth is well stated. A golf course here and there. What the heck.
Trump is a man whose entire public reputation, since the 1980s, has been based on his being an uberrich player in big biz.

It was always overstated. He was never more than a real-estate mogul, and not even very successful in that -- who else could fail in the casino biz? Hosting The Apprentice was the only thing he ever did well in all his life.
Only through actual legislation, to which the ex post facto defense is always available where applicable. I've sometimes encountered a theme in fiction that city and county regulations are deliberately crafted in such an ambiguous and contradictory way that one cannot avoid violating some of them, leaving local authorities free to prosecute whom they will -- but any lawyer will tell you that's pure urban legend.
:) I suggest you try Roland Oklahoma on highway 64 heading west toward US40. You might change your mind.
Trump is a man whose entire public reputation, since the 1980s, has been based on his being an uberrich player in big biz.

It was always overstated. He was never more than a real-estate mogul, and not even very successful in that -- who else could fail in the casino biz? Hosting The Apprentice was the only thing he ever did well in all his life.
Yeah, that deal with Marge Post in Palm Beach was not much of a deal. Oh wait that was his Souther White House when he was #45.
You know as well as the rest of us that Trump has no chance whatsoever of winning this lawsuit, or even, in the course of it, proving any facts of political use to the GOP.
The unfolding facts are being proven by John Durham, and do not forget that Trump, as President, himself has information and records nobody else has.