DNC spent millions on lawfare against Trump

Great. That means President Pax can order a strike on your house, just as he said he could. Thanks for flushing that out, Harpy.

Great. That means President Pax can order a strike on your house, just as he said he could. Thanks for flushing that out, Harpy.


I looks like someone else is enjoying the crap buffet.
Dude, this is EXACTLY the type of government YOU envision. A government with an unchecked (and unhinged) executive who could easily order one of his opponents' homes destroyed, their family slaughtered, and dog shot in the street- and there would be absolutely no consequences.

Or, if such an unchecked and unhinged president WERE to face conseqences for their action- you would consider it... "LAWFARE," I believe is your word for when a government official faces any kind of reckoning for their crimes.

Just like you do for Trump.

Just like in Soviet Russia, or North Korea.

This is what YOU WANT!!!

So at least be intellectually honest, for once, and admit- "I want a totalitarian dictatorship for the United States." Just admit it (Because you basically all but have, already?) and maybe we'll gain a tiny ounce of respect for you.