Do you believe in...Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghost, Monsters, Suoernatural,Tall Tales, UFO's?

I've been called all of these except a UFO.

You you you U.F.O... I saw take a leap into the air as you where flying through the air didn't know what it was, until you landed on the bed. Then I could identify what the UFO was, You!:D

Pillow Fight!!!!

You you you U.F.O... I saw take a leap into the air as you where flying through the air didn't know what it was, until you landed on the bed. Then I could identify what the UFO was, You!:D

Pillow Fight!!!!


What you saw was a blimp. I like donuts.
What you saw was a blimp. I like donuts.


Hey whats everyone think about chupacabra, vampires and or werewolves?

I think the chupacabra is a dog like animal that see once in a while captured on video in the news.

We had a Georgia State Trooper capture something on his dash cam a good while back, but they never knew what it was. They think it was a bigfoot?

I say maybe a black bear...
I,.....I actually, no fucking about believe Corbal really exists
Hmm. I once asked a prominent Science Fiction author whether he believed in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. He looked me right in the eye and told me he didn't. I was really young at the time, very idealistic and wanted to believe it could happen. So yeah, I was surprised and a little disappointed. But I respected his opinion and given the number of years we've been screaming our heads off with electronic signals tend to believe the deceased writer guy.
...Ouch, whats good for ankle cramp?... Been drinking pickle one right now lol

Muscle cramps are caused, essentially, from a muscle having too much blood rushing in, and not enough rushing out. What you want to do is essentially, wring out a washcloth.

Point your toe, or heel and straighten your leg. If it's on the back of the leg, point your heel. Vice versa if it's the opposite. I made that up when I was 16 or 17. Comes in handy.
Do you believe in...Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghost, Monsters, Supernatural,Tall Tales, UFO's?

I would like to think that there are aliens someplace in space. I mean, the universe is one fucking big place. There's plenty of room to go around. Have they been here? I kind of doubt it. And if they were, I'd imagine that they were sadly disappointed in us :(

For the rest of that stuff (Bigfoot, Ghost, Monsters, Supernatural,Tall Tales, UFO s- I guess lump UFOs in with Aliens), I don't think so. I'd blame most of them on hyperactive imaginations and unique circumstances, as opposed to a big hairy guy hanging out in the North Pacific :rolleyes:

Just my two cents worth. I'm no fucking expert by a long shot.
Bigfoot? Come on, I live in Oregon and his favorite food is Huckleberries. He's out there somewhere.....

Ghost? Yes. I actually had an supernatural experience with one. It was the ghost of my dog.

I had to have one border collie put down because she had cancer and a year later I had my second border collie put down. She was in perfect health except for her back legs. She had had a stroke when she was five and was paralyzed in the hindquarters. I got her back to walking again but over the span of eight years, her ability to walk slowly diminished and I made the decision to peacefully let her leave this world.

As for her ghost, I know she came back to see me two days later. I was laying in bed at night and I heard her tags rattle together, the same sound it would always make when she would scratch her neck. I called out into the darkness, "Ashley, go play with your sister." I never heard it again. I know she came back to tell me that she was able to run and play again.
Glad to see just not me that has seen a ghost.

Really cool right now. Watching Natural Monsters on Weather Channel. They are doing a show on the mountain lion, cougar. How much they are a ghost cat and barely seen. Yep Earths Natural Monster. I didnt even think about those. Guess because I know they exist.

They are trying to catch one on the camera traps. Eastern Cougar.;)
I've never seen any of those things.

- I don't believe in ghosts.

- I suppose aliens could possibly exist. There are certainly going to be other planets that have beings living on them. *fingers crossed they have three tits*

- I don't think Bigfoot exists.
I'm only addressing Bigfoot and The Lochness monster here.

Biology 101. Living organisms are born, reproduce, grow old and then they die.

Ok, so we know that a bigfoot or lochness monster can't just go on living a single life for centuries. If they did exist centuries ago, they would have to reproduce. Otherwise, it dies eventually even if it has a life span of say 100 years or so. If these creatures large as they supposedly are have been reproducing then they are leaving behind biological remains to be found. No person has ever found a skeleton of a yeti or bigfoot. You know why? Because they are fictional!!!

Same with the sea creature that boat sonar can't pick up for some unknown reason.
It's vanity to believe Earth is the only planet with life on it or believe that nothing happens to us when we dies. All that energy just disappears vain and unopened minds would not believe in that.
To borrow my favorite line from the original Ghostbusters: "I've seen shit that would turn you white!"

In college, some friends got to fucking around with a Ouija board; I don't know what they did, but they did something, and I saw something that I can't explain.

The cealocanth is a fish that was thought extinct, until it was rediscovered off the coast of Africa in 1965; so Nessie, Bigfoot and the Yeti could be out there. Although I know for a fact that Bigfoot does not come on the internet, that's just a vicious rumor spread by a jealous bitch..

As to aliens, if not, then who's doing all that anal probing of rednecks? Surely not me.....:rolleyes:
Very Interesting reads so far. Anybodies else's thoughts to the weird side of this planet?
People have seen and encountered weird shit for a very long time. We see what we expect to see (*) and describe such as framed by our cultural norms and paradigms. Cf angels, devils, ghosts, gods, UFOs, "spaceships of Ezekiel", ET Greys, "space brothers", time travelers, cryptozoology (yetis, sasquatch, Nehilim), "little people" (kobolds, leprechauns, menehunes), etc.

(*) In a famous experiment, an audience watched a group of guys tossing a basketball around. A person wearing a gorilla costume moved among the players. The vast majority of the audience did NOT the the gorilla-figure. It was not what they expected to see, so it remained invisible.

Are / were any of these 'real'? Alas, they seem not to leave physical evidence of their existence, except odd architectures, or geological features interpreted as such. Stories are soft and common. Hard evidence is elusive. (**)

(**) We know where DeSoto's and Coronado's expeditions went because they left traces -- broken weapons and tools, lost buttons and decorations. We know where Vikings settle in 'Vinland' because they left ruins and debris, the like of which have not been found in the American interior, except fakes.

Human brains are wired for pattern-matching. We see patterns whether they exist or not. Seeing a pattern, an entity, that isn't there, probably won't hurt us much, while missing one that IS there could kill us. We're evolutionarily attuned to accepting false positives. Are those moving dots mere blowing leaves or an approaching predator? Better to be paranoid than careless.

And of course, we believe what we want to believe, evidence be damned. Cue the conspiracy theories.
Do you believe in...Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghost, Monsters, Supernatural,Tall Tales, UFO's?

Nah, that's all crazy stuff. Except, of course, when I'm alone in the woods at night.
I've seen two things I couldn't explain. I have no doubt that there ARE explanations, but I'm just not smart enough to explain either of them.

The first one happened while driving on a very dark night on a street covered by tall tree branches. My GF and I were just listening to the radio while I drove, and suddenly something flew over us. Neither of us said anything for a minute or two, then she said, "Did you just see something?"

I described what I saw and she saw the same thing. It looked like a bird swooping down right over the car (like flying no more than 2 feet above the roof. It was large enough to cover the entire car. And I could see right thru it. The wings and body were transparent. I assumed that the car lights made it appear we could see thru it, but we both DID see right thru it. Anyway, strange.

The second event involved my standing in the parking lot of my wife's work building, which was just next to the freeway - separated by a fence. Again, it was dark. I was leaning against my car trunk when I saw this brilliant white light. It seemed to be across the freeway and pointed at me. It was a single light, very bright and not moving at all. It stayed that way for about a minute, then blinked off. The next day I was back at her work in the day time, and stood at the same spot. That direction was a mountain. It's POSSIBLE, due to fog or something that the light was from a road. but it was BRIGHT and right at me. it wasn't TWO lights, like headlights - just a single light. Again, strange.
Do you believe in...Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghost, Monsters, Supernatural,Tall Tales, UFO's?

Aliens? They live in south florida.

Bigfoot? I wear a size 13.

Ghosts exist.

Monsters- I call them politicians.

Supernatural? Only if you don't understand it.

Tall tales? Everybody's got one...or two

UFO's? They exist.