Do you believe in...Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghost, Monsters, Suoernatural,Tall Tales, UFO's?

Aliens? Robots? Off world people? Colonies? Replicates? I swear you people are reading way too much science fiction.
The likelihood of life on other planets would seem very high. The Milky Way galaxy has 250 billion stars (give or take 150 billion).

BUT: The likelihood of there being intelligent life? Substantially lower.

AND The likelihood of intelligent life coexisting at the same time as us lowers the probabilities even more.

Our earliest radio waves have only traveled 110 light years. Our earliest television waves only 74 light years.

That means our radio waves have only traveled .001 percent of the way across our galaxy.

Getting noticed in all that noise would be very difficult.

Sorry, I think it's highly unlikely that we're being checked out by ET.
The likelihood of life on other planets would seem very high. The Milky Way galaxy has 250 billion stars (give or take 150 billion).

BUT: The likelihood of there being intelligent life? Substantially lower.

AND The likelihood of intelligent life coexisting at the same time as us lowers the probabilities even more.

Our earliest radio waves have only traveled 110 light years. Our earliest television waves only 74 light years.

That means our radio waves have only traveled .001 percent of the way across our galaxy.

Getting noticed in all that noise would be very difficult.

Sorry, I think it's highly unlikely that we're being checked out by ET.

Agreed. I'll bet thousands of civilizations have grown and died on worlds that were incinerated before the earth was born. The cosmos is a harsh place.
Yes I believe

Why not? Can't be as fucked up as things are today.
Lol @ Zydrate, good one.

Has anybody seen the new show on the History Channel, Project Bluebook? Suppose to be based on true stories. Remains to be seen or believed.

I do believe that people do see things that can't be explain no matter how much our government tries to explain them away. And why would or does the government step in to explain them away? Coverup? Is it because of a danger to national security? Well if it is so secure how did it get seen in the first place by others? Explain that one. How many are true that are not a hoax that government doesn't want known? Weather balloon my ass!

Not to mention the views on this thread, over 2000. Curiosity got the cat or do they believe and just scared of being ridicule for not posting their thoughts about any of this:rolleyes:
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Has anybody seen the new show on the History Channel, Project Bluebook? Suppose to be based on true stories. Remains to be seen or believed.

I do believe that people do see things that can't be explain no matter how much our government tries to explain them away. And why would or does the government step in to explain them away? Coverup? Is it because of a danger to national security? Well if it is so secure how did it get seen in the first place by others? Explain that one. How many are true that are not a hoax that government doesn't want known? Weather balloon my ass!

Not to mention the views on this thread, over 2000. Curiosity got the cat or do they believe and just scared of being ridicule for not posting their thoughts about any of this:rolleyes:

I recommend you read _THE DEMON HAUNTED WORLD: Science a Candle in the Dark_ by Carl Sagan.

When it comes to UFOs, the US spies. A lot. On foe and on friend. Revealing that a recon or warplane was in French airspace would not sit well with an ally. So the US Govt redacts much of those reports.

As for all the other stuff, no one has EVER brought verifiable, repeatable evidence of any of that malarkey.

It might exist, but what's the point?
Its that debatable argument does it or does it not exist. Its not that it might exist, I think some people just want to prove their point and say see it does exist. For others it might be just a closure in affirming what they saw. Then what happens after it is proved? On to something else? Or does it open a whole new can of worms?
It is debatable if you move a lot of goalposts when it comes to logic and physics. I watched a cheesy TV show once about ghosts and haunting of buildings. They did recreations of closets flying open and curtains going all crazy and then the person who claimed to have seen a ghost said 'there's no way anyone could ever do that there's no other explanation.'Except for the recreation that a bunch of Hollywood special effects artist just did.

are lots of very reasonable explanations for the things that people think they see and the things that people want to have be true.

But it's not like I have a strong opinion against kooks who believe in magic and angels and all kinds of wierd shit
Many are aware that the late, great Harry Houdini spent the latter part of his life debunking spiritualists, few know why. After the loss of his mother, Harry desperately wanted to reconnect with her. It's worth noting that at this time in history, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was an ardent believer in spiritualism and a very influential voice in otherworldly matters.

Harry wanted to believe, but as he began visiting spiritualists, he quickly discovered nothing but charlatans passing off simple parlor tricks as proof of contact with the spirit world. That began his crusade to find the real deal. Most saw it as a crusade to debunk spiritualist, but the motivation was quite the opposite.

Houdini promised his wife, if there was a way to reach out from the other side, he would find it and every year since his death there has been a seance held in his name. Their secret code was "Rosabelle believe."

Renown spiritualist Arthur Ford led the seances and recited that line. It's worth knowing, that line had previously been published on page 105 of Harold Kellock's biography Houdini: His Life Story.

There may well be ". . .more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." However, there remains very little proof of it beyond anecdotes.
The potential for it all exists, therefore I cannot discount it. Religion on the other hand ...
Aliens: Yes

Bigfoot: Yes

Ghosts: Yes, but not as spirits of the dead.
My current thoughts on ghosts is that they are cross sections of beings that live in or are passing through the 4th dimension, but we can only perceive them from a 3rd dimension perspective.
That's why we only catch glimpses of them, or can't always hear them quite right.
Imagine you lived on a 2D plane.
If a 3D ball passed through your 2D existence, you'd only see a line that changes size before disappearing completely.
Ghosts are like that, but a 4th dimensional object crossing the 3rd dimensional plane.
Hopefully someone understands my slightly nonsensical rambling.

Monsters: Need specifics, but for example, the Loch Ness Monster, no.

Supernatural: Again, kinda generic, but yes. But also no. Surely there's things that happen naturally, just seemingly supernatural from our perspective.

Tall Tales: No, by definition they are nonsense.

UFOs: Yes. It's almost silly to me that anyone would think we're alone in the universe, and that given the vastness of space itself, there's no other intelligent life out there.
It's even sillier to think they wouldn't come here.
We're already going out there ourselves.
We have already sent craft beyond our solar system, and have an RC car on Mars.
If the only thing limiting us from sending ourselves out there currently is our own technological limitation, what do you think any intelligent species out there that has had a couple thousand year or more head start is doing?
I'm influenced by skepticism, Buddhism and Charles Fort.

Rational skepticism has taught me that it is impossible to prove that something does not exist. One can prove that a given instance of an alleged phenomenon is false but not all instances. There is always the possibility that the next instance is real.

Charles Fort in his life study of anomalous phenomena never expressed belief or disbelief. He doubted but did not dismiss.

The Buddha teaches us the beauty of "don't know mind." This is the state of peace that comes from not allowing one to clinging to an opinion. An understanding the the true nature of the universe is not something that can be truly understood through conscious thought.

In other words, I have a well considered lack of an opinion.
Ever since I was younger I've always believed in all of these things. I'm attracted to mysterious things, mysteries, the unknown, thinking outside the box. Many people have laughed at me in the past but I've learned to ignore them.


My GF and I had a great discussion about UFOs and think we have a plausible theory. Here goes.....
There have been more sightings of unknown craft for centuries and we've been monitoring space for decades, yet no reports of any craft being seen approaching Earth. We can spot meteors billions of miles away, but we can spot a space craft approaching from millions of miles away. This is why we think that is.

The Earth we know exists on a certain measurable frequency that we can measure. If the Earth is like a radio that has hundreds of frequencies, any one of them could have an alternate existence of "Alien" beings that can cross frequencies like a car radio does when its tuned to one station and picks up another.

That's why there's different styles of crafts and different beings reported. They're Earthlings from a different dimension, or frequency.

Made sense to us, lol:D