Do You Like It On Your Tummy...

McKenna said:
Sickeningly Sweet Cuddlers: 1 (You know who you are!)

Who me? I can't believe we are the only SSCs on the entirity of Lit.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Who me? I can't believe we are the only SSCs on the entirity of Lit.

The Earl

My hubby and I are fairly compatable sleepers. (Are we part of the SSC?)

I need a sheet, blanket, warm comforters and I love to bundle up. I usually sleep on my left side, sometimes hugging a pillow.

My husband usually sleeps on his back and only wants a sheet or light blanket even if we open the window a crack. While I just love to be toasty warm under the covers while the room is cool, he doesn't need it as his body temp is naturally very warm.

We usually start out bedtime spooning (he'll sleep on his left side with me). We can do that for awhile, and then we'll have to disentangle. That's when he moves to his back and I snug against his side.

Works for us!
TheEarl said:
Who me? I can't believe we are the only SSCs on the entirity of Lit.
Nonono, absolutely not. I just don't tend to cuddle all that much in connection with sleep. It's much more enjoyable if you can do it fully awake, and devote an hour or two to it.

To fall asleep all SSC'ed up might be nice, but it usually ends fo us with me waking up the next morning with a numb arm, cold from zero bloodflow, heading rapidly for rigor mortis.
Icingsugar said:

To fall asleep all SSC'ed up might be nice, but it usually ends fo us with me waking up the next morning with a numb arm, cold from zero bloodflow, heading rapidly for rigor mortis.

Mmm, morning rigor mortis....*drifts off*

Oh, what? Not that kind? Drat....*sigh*

Whisper :rose:
Wishfulthinking - what the heck is a doona? 'Fraid you're going to have to translate for this poor American - McKenna

Sorry to confuse you with Aussie slang! I'm afraid to say it is neither a bloke nor a poor substition, but a bed spread or quilt or whatever you yanks call it!:D
I tend to move around a lot, as I have Restless Legs Syndrome. But on a good night, I'll only change positions about 6 times. I never sleep on my back though, and I refuse to sleep in a pitch black room. I have to have at least a little light, or a little noise to make me comfortable, because I've been known to wake up in a panic because I tend to forget where I am when I come out of a dream state.
I still sleep with the teddybear I've had since I was 5, and I curl up into the fetal position, or I sleep on my side with a leg up, or flat on my stomach with a leg up and my arms under me.. Well, pretty much the only way I don't sleep is on my back.

And why is it that it's easier for me to sleep with my head at the foot of the bed, or stretched out horizontally across the mattress?
Cool thing is, none of us know how we sleep. We know how we are when we fall asleep and how we are when we wake up, but for the in-between, we have to rely on the word of someone else. For all we know, we might be up doing the Charleston on the dining room table, and they'd never tell (why spoil the fun?)

dr_mabeuse said:
Cool thing is, none of us know how we sleep. We know how we are when we fall asleep and how we are when we wake up, but for the in-between, we have to rely on the word of someone else. For all we know, we might be up doing the Charleston on the dining room table, and they'd never tell (why spoil the fun?)



Actually, dr.M., there are several members of Lit who must post in their sleep. :D

I mean, why else would they constantly subject all to their non-stop barrages of hate and stupidity?

No conscious person would ever do that!