What do you do to get eyes on your work?

On a few erotica subs. If you haven't had DMs full of dick pics and increasingly angry demands for reciprocity, you're doing better than me
Oh, no, I totally have, just not recently. Seems like it's been cleaned up in the past year. When I first joined a few years ago it was real bad. Still some good people among the desperate, but mostly "Oh... you're *actually* a woman writing porn... I thought they were all guys. Here's my crooked half-floppy dick that you didn't ask for but I'm real damn proud of for non-visible reasons." Worst one was a dick that had been... You know what, I'm not going to inflict that mental image on anyone considering I threw up after seeing it.

The death threats came later, which is funny because just before I got those, I also got a PM from someone telling me my writing was good enough for here and I should join and submit stuff here instead. I nuked my account and switched to here. Death threats are highly motivating for a venue change.
I know this is old school, but I log every email I get from readers who reach out into an excel database and sort them by category type. I have 275 contacts. I send a blind copy email to everyone in those categories the night before my new stories publish.

Some would suggest it’s redundant with those who follow me, but I’ve learned about half of them aren’t even Lit members.

It helps create a quick jumpstart with my most loyal readers.
I know this is old school, but I log every email I get from readers who reach out into an excel database and sort them by category type. I have 275 contacts. I send a blind copy email to everyone in those categories the night before my new stories publish.

Some would suggest it’s redundant with those who follow me, but I’ve learned about half of them aren’t even Lit members.

It helps create a quick jumpstart with my most loyal readers.
GDPR notwithstanding, I'm into this. I might post a profile update asking readers to tell me if they want to be added to a list.
GDPR notwithstanding, I'm into this. I might post a profile update asking readers to tell me if they want to be added to a list.
Another thing you can do is send a thank you PM to members who follow or favorite your stories and make sure to include your email. If they respond back you’ll now have their email address and you can ask if they would like to be on your distribution list. In truth you might hear back from 10-20%, but it only takes a minute and what do you have to lose? I’ve rarely had one tell me they don’t want to be on the list. I only use it to promote new stories so I don’t inundate their inbox (especially at the pace I’ve been publishing lately 😉).
To reach new readers, consider promoting your stories on social media, engaging in writing communities, and exploring book promotion services. Check out WebiMax https://www.webimax-reviews.com/review.html for marketing solutions; they offer services like SEO, social media, and online reputation management to boost your online presence and attract more readers.
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