Do you prefer younger or older and why ?


At my age I'm already dating older and that's wonderful.
Younger ladies are on my menu. I enjoy the romance with the fulfillment of pleasure for both participants.
I’m 35. Always hold a flame for an older woman. Really attracted to the no bullshit and maturity, along with sexy confidence
Older men... 100pc. They're so much hotter. They have experience in bed and know how to please a woman. They've learned how to balance life and they know what they want and go after it when they see it. Older men are generally charming without being egotistical but have a sense of quiet confidence. They're more interesting to talk to because of their experience in the world.

Nice way of expressing this :)
When I was younger I prayed for an older woman to take me away and teach me the things that would make a woman feel good. The reality was that I lacked confidence and had I been lucky enough I'd have probably come as soon as she slipped her tongue in my mouth.
Nowadays I see young girls as eye candy and nothing more. Fine to look at but don't even make an appearance in any of my fantasies.
I find myself wondering about the sexual ability of women from the age of 50 upwards if they catch my eye. I might even quickly come up with a vision of what we would be like as lovers. Not that anything would ever occur as I'm fortunate enough to be still head over heels in love with my wife.
Any of you younger guys preferring older women would put her on your wish list if you met her. I would if I was in your position💙
I would prefer an Older woman. I believe with the passage of time comes wisdom, openness, maturity and a rare vulnerability which is beautiful to behold and experience in an older lady. They value connections more than anything, beyond the rp's and surface relationships. Meaningful experiences, whether it is simple conversations, friendship, lovemaking or simple nurturing & caring is what you may attain from a more mature lady. I have been fortunate to find a few beautiful brief connections here over the years and each of them has helped me evolve to be a better person. Yes, I find a mature woman more attractive and sensual physically, the beauty of a mature body is simply marvelous, sensual and yet it is the persona which truly attracts my soul and desires. They have more time, are not in a hurry and if you can be truly authentic and real in the presence of such a woman, the resulting alchemy can be so fulfilling and joyous. And they will treat you beautifully. When you respect and truly adore such a lady, expect to be blown out of your minds. And I now miss such a person....
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I’m starting to have a thing for younger guys. I love their energy, willingness to learn and that they seem to be able to go again and again.
Ahhh yes… the energy of youth! I like my style now that I’m older… not in a rush to get to the end.
I enjoy both. I love how eager and curious younger women can be and some of my interactions have been very intense and exciting. But as I've grown a little older I've also become very attracted to older women, who can be so caring and gentle and sensuous, I think being with them is a different kind of intense that I'm more and more eager to explore.
Like many here I always lusted after older women when I was young, hopefully to teach me a thing or two about something I yearned for yet didn't even know what I wanted them to do. I suppose it was a sort of instinct thing in those days. Nowadays being so, so much older I lust after younger women mainly as there are not many older women left. However I do find that older or shall we say more "mature women" are far more sensual and knowing obviously than their younger counterparts. Having thought about it I can no longer rationalise which I prefer, thankfully I don't have to make that choice but just enjoy the qualities of both.
By the time a man is older and been in a relationship long term.. Or Even a few short term ones, whatever the case: he's came to understand what us younger women need.
Oh I agree with that. It took me a while as a younger man to figure out what I liked. And of course I pursued that. In turn I began to learn about women and what you want. I have gleaned far more satisfaction from satisfying a woman's desires than my own. I kinda wish I knew that in my 20's.
No preference, I think there are pros and cons to both in general, but it is always about the person themselves and how well you connect.