Do you show your REAL self here?

CuriousMiss said:
I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.
You know what "they" say about making assumptions, don't you?

Any opinions?
Yes, loads of them.

I liked the thread title question better--"Do you show your REAL self here?"
To that, I have an answer: No.
My REAL self is not easily summed up in digitization.

Now, shoo-fly, you bother me.

Resident Cynic
curious2c said:
Well...I have come here to learn more about BDSM. I am also honest in my posts. I do not 'give' out all my information of course, but what I do say or tell is true about me. I have nothing to hide nor do I have an agenda other than learning more about the lifestyle and how I fit into it.

I think that you must be a very special person t be able to tell who is real and who is not. You should try to bet on horse races or play the lottery too. If you can tell real from fantasy anywhere on the net you have more physic skills than most.:devil:

I agree with curious2c I say exactly what I think. I don't try to hide anything. As for being real, this is about the only board where I think most people are honest and want serious discussion. What would be the purpose of not being that way?
To all who keep replying to this thread,

Do you realize that the thread starter, a guest, has not returned to answer any of your posts?

There are lots of great threads on the boards to post to. To the newbies here, scroll back a few pages and read some of them. Adding your thoughts and comments to those topics would be better than continuing this one.

Just a thought.
Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

RisiaSkye said:

I liked the thread title question better--"Do you show your REAL self here?"
To that, I have an answer: No.
My REAL self is not easily summed up in digitization.

Now, shoo-fly, you bother me.

Resident Cynic

I'm sorry I bothered you and I'm sorry I screwed up and didn't do my question right. I registered but for some reason after I did my question it said I wasn't. I didn't want to make anyone mad. I just want to know if people are making up stories here. I have had a Dom for almost five years and he says that the stuff I tell him I see here is not all true and that people hide who they really are. I said I can usually tell when someone is telling the truth and he disagrees with me. He says people can fool you if they want to. That is where my question came from. I am vary vary sorry I made people so mad.
If I am welcome here I will stay and ask my questions. If I am not welcome I will leave.
You are very welcome here. Ask all the questions you want. Most of us will at least try to answer them... or at least point ya in the right direction.

Re: Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

CuriousMiss said:
If I am welcome here I will stay and ask my questions. If I am not welcome I will leave.

You are, of course, welcome here and it is true, not everyone is truthful, here or anywhere else on the net.

I think after some time, we learn to pick out hte liars and who we want to talk to.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you Mr Walker and MissTaken. I got a little scared when I read all the mean stuff people said. I wasn't trying to make people mad.
The next time I ask a question I will ask someone to read it first and see if I did it ok.

Soemtimes, it is history that brings out the worst in people.

Your question is a good one when rephrased, but as I said before, using the word "real" tends to put some of us oldsters on our guard.

No biggie.

Now, let's go fidn something fun and informative to read :D
Re: Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

CuriousMiss said:
I'm sorry I bothered you and I'm sorry I screwed up and didn't do my question right. I registered but for some reason after I did my question it said I wasn't. I didn't want to make anyone mad. I just want to know if people are making up stories here. I have had a Dom for almost five years and he says that the stuff I tell him I see here is not all true and that people hide who they really are. I said I can usually tell when someone is telling the truth and he disagrees with me. He says people can fool you if they want to. That is where my question came from. I am vary vary sorry I made people so mad.
If I am welcome here I will stay and ask my questions. If I am not welcome I will leave.

I think MissT said it best. A lot of us have heard this question used to try and say the way one person practices BDSM is better than the way others do. I guess the phrasing of your question struck a nerve with me as well.

When you didn't return, I felt that people were responding to an issue that has literally been talked to death here, and if you weren't even coming back to respond, why bother posting.

Sorry if we seemed harsh to you. My intent was never to offend you. We welcome all who wish to discuss BDSM and learn more. Please feel free to keep asking questions.

I for one, am sorry if I made you feel unwelcome.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

zipman7 said:
I think MissT said it best. A lot of us have heard this question used to try and say the way one person practices BDSM is better than the way others do. I guess the phrasing of your question struck a nerve with me as well.

When you didn't return, I felt that people were responding to an issue that has literally been talked to death here, and if you weren't even coming back to respond, why bother posting.

Sorry if we seemed harsh to you. My intent was never to offend you. We welcome all who wish to discuss BDSM and learn more. Please feel free to keep asking questions.

I for one, am sorry if I made you feel unwelcome.


I haven't seen that question asked before so I asked it. My Dom said I asked it wron and he is right again.
I am happy that everything is ok now.
I didn't come back cus it is hard to get a computer to use.
I hope I can buy my own soon.
Miss, please do come back whenever you can get online. Most of the time, our bark is worse than our bite. But, there are those who will gladly bite if you ask nicely. ;) You are most welcome here.
Welcome to the boards, CuriousMiss. I think what offset some folks was when you seemed to imply in your post that you could pick out who was "real" and who wasn't.

So far, no one here has given me any cause to not believe what they have said happened to them. Some state fantasy - but they will state it is such.

I've talked to many Dominants in the past few months, and a couple have intimated that this place isn't "real". That is their opinion, and I respect it. Doesn't mean I have to go along with it. ;)

Enjoy and have fun!

I, too, misunderstood your question, and made all the same assumptions based on how the post read to me. Thanks for coming back to clear it up.
CuriousMiss said:
I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.

Any opinions?

Curious,...welcome to the Forum. I hope to read many of your posts. If you haven't already,...please take time to read the top 3 *sticky* threads,...they contain a lot of GOOD information. My favorite is Nemoalia's Library thread. It gives easy access to many topic's which may hold your interest.

I hope you don't mind my shortening your ID,...and please,...just call me Art. Once again,...a warm welcome is extended to you,...and if your Dom chooses to post,...the same warm welcome will be extended to Him. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

CuriousMiss said:
I'm sorry I bothered you and I'm sorry I screwed up and didn't do my question right. I registered but for some reason after I did my question it said I wasn't. I didn't want to make anyone mad. I just want to know if people are making up stories here. I have had a Dom for almost five years and he says that the stuff I tell him I see here is not all true and that people hide who they really are. I said I can usually tell when someone is telling the truth and he disagrees with me. He says people can fool you if they want to. That is where my question came from. I am vary vary sorry I made people so mad.
If I am welcome here I will stay and ask my questions. If I am not welcome I will leave.
I don't think anyone was angry so much as we are, as a group, likely to dismiss Unregistered posts--particularly those which seem accusatory--as trolling. In any case, no reason to leave.

And yes, almost certainly some people are making up stories here. In any group, some people are truthful, and some are liars. Some are trustworthy, and some will hurt you if given the opportunity. Like everything else, you have to enter it with your eyes open, sort through what you encounter, and decide who's for real, and whose opinions and thoughts matter to you.

It's not unique to this forum, but yes, it's a real phenomenon. People do lie about their interests, their experience, and all kinds of other things as well. That's the way of the world, and it's only made easier by the fact that we're all just words on a screen.

JMO, of course.

Resident Cynic