Do you write from real experiences?

Sorry if its shit writing and not the place for it. Just let me know
Posting explicit personal experiences is not something that we usually do in these threads, although I don't really mind it myself. We all write smut here, after all. It was the explicit visuals that made it so much over the top ;)
You removed them now, so it's no big deal. (y)
It isn't the place for it and you risk removal from the site for such a massive rule violation.

It's also an incredibly egregious and disrespectful violation of your wife's privacy.
So sorry, i'm a dope i guess. Not my wife though and I would never post something without all parties consent. Thanks for looking out though
I certainly write from real experiences about the places I've been, or non-sexual things I have done in those places. I don't think I would portray a real life sexual experience in vivid detail, but there are only so many ways to have sex, so I certainly pull elements from real experiences, mix in some other fantasies, and let my characters go at it.
I should be so lucky. Hell I should be one quarter as lucky.

That said I do have specific real peoole in mind as the launching point for my main characters. They end up highly fictionalized but the roots are there for me.
I’d suggest that to write about BDSM, you’ve had to have some cursory exposure to the concept at some level; maybe you read Fifty Shades of Gray, or you wouldn’t know it exists.
Actually, my fantasies (always BDSM, but not in the relational interpretation), started pre-latency. That was 70 years ago. I guarantee I had never read nor seen any such thing.
Actually, my fantasies (always BDSM, but not in the relational interpretation), started pre-latency. That was 70 years ago. I guarantee I had never read nor seen any such thing.
Curious, but I can relate. I’ve wanted to be a girl since well before puberty. I wonder if fetishes and gender dysphoria are somehow predisposed, or even genetic.
I don't know about from real experiences, per se. If I pieced small bits of this and that like what I like or how something feels, then a little bit. I definitely think "how would I respond to this situation" and my main characters are typically based on me physically and personality wise and similar interests so it is easier for me to write from their point of view because it lets me sort of put myself into the story in a way. If I did everything my characters did, it wouldn't be fantasy 😅
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