Dog cages, meat hooks w/chains, razor cuts and razor paddles...

From what i have observed .when people cut or disform them selves is that .1 they have a great need to go through rites of passage for what ever the reason it might be..and i have seen some horrible stuff <<sakes head ..BUTyou originaly mentioned sexual pleasure in the equation..well 2 for me is the animalistic soul with in us..especialy att he hieght of the sexual act just before the climax and some times after.if you take your mind as far back as the cave man there has alwasy been some sort of the sake of sexual procreation to show your prowess in dominance through the vilioent act as the cave man had it to use as a tool to scare or dominate the wild life around him.and to be the king of that hill..the same act was bought tot he relation ship . violence and blood where common in the cave and out side the cave. and if the cave man was weak the woman would turn on him or even provoke him to dominate her .even if blood or viloence was endured in that provocation to the woman it meant a sure prengancy and full fillment .to the man he still was king of the hill.. and there will alwasy be that in all of man kinds future eons.the trick is to make the violence pleasurable thats where imagination comes in to play.can you cut! some one yes..but how deep before you do any damage .self controll is an art in its self.seems you hear crimes of passion periodically.special for people who try new ideas who have no control either with in them or know when to stop before damage has occured..there is nothing more pleasurable than having done some thing risque,and derived a huge rush of ephoria out of .with out any damage done..there fore in my belief its not if there is pleasure in cutting some one. or if its got any thing to do with sexual act .but rather how can i make this work with control to make the act a pleasurable one..after all there is a risk crossing the street i think you got to have self controll there too dont you.