Dog sex in a bdsm relationship.

Wow -- I sure didn't mean to spark the kind of strife that seems to be resurfacing here. Still, UCE, feel free to direct your agreement at me any day!

Now if only I could interpret my "it's all one big grey area" comment into one that has some real opinions as well as caveats in it, I could actually call myself proud.
Satan speaks

I was actually hoping to put that ugliness between Unda and myself behind us and to begin anew with her now that she's returned. Its funny because, my own Master and I live very much as she describes her relationship. I gave my consent once, to become his. He has never asked my consent from me since and I don't question his commands. I don't see this as non consensual and I've never gotten any flack from any other person in the community for it. In fact, the only negative comments I've ever gotten were from Unda herself who was so offended by my posts about speaking and acting respectfully to and about my Master. Hence the tyrade quoted above by Zipman.

I am shocked by her descriptions of her treatment by others in the community and wonder if anyone else here has had to deal with those kinds of attitudes. All of us here live a fringe lifestyle and no one has the right to question or negate the way others choose for themselves.


Again We can here the sound of some ones mind closing shut. I have been involved with D/s for a long time. I do remeber when the term of SSC came into use. To say that some hide behind it as cowards show limited thinking on a some peoples part. I am not going to spend any more time in the reply to touch on that, to do so would take away from what I wanted to say. What I do want to touch on is what My gem had started.

I agree that the word safe, sane and consensual are thrown around more and more now. I often say that many quote it but few understand it. I feel that it comes down to something personal as most does in this lifestyle. As general terms they are very vauge. But if We apply it to Ourselves then they take on the meaning that works. When entering anything one should ask the three questions to them selves. Do I fell safe doing this...( Do I have enough understanding to carry this out/ do I trust this person to do this to Me). Am I being influnced to do this/am I in enough control of My self to be making a decsion on this now. And am I agreeing to do this on My own terms and wishes. If you can answer all those with a yes then you are practing bdsm in the safe, sane , consensual way each and everytime. whether you know you are or not.

thank you for the time...
NemoAlia said:
Wow -- I sure didn't mean to spark the kind of strife that seems to be resurfacing here. Still, UCE, feel free to direct your agreement at me any day!

Did you you mean disagreement? LOL! I didn't mean my message to sound strifeful to you. It just contains the usual strong and long-held and well-tested-by-time, experienced, informed and "everybody would be a dummy not to agree with them" opinions I always have! :p

If by strife, you're talking about any replies to my opinionated messages, well I wouldn't know about that. All my usual Lit mosquitos and gnats--I mean the people that just act like total asses and don't add anything constructive to a thread--are safely and most pleasantly on ignore.


PS: what is the grey area about that you speak of?