Don't kiss my butt! (a rant)

Despite the heckling
from under age
barely mustached young man
the cold Diet Blatz
is worth every drop
of sweat it nurtures
space that rocks
rolling would plug
Wicked, your master wouldn't crush me with his manly hands.

I am far too charming for that.

Plus, I run really fast. Really, really fast.
smithpeter, I used to like Stroh's until they moved the brewery out of Detroit. Must have been something in that Detroit River water. The land of the sky-blue (and green and purple and orange)waters.
karmadog said:
Wicked, your master wouldn't crush me with his manly hands.

I am far too charming for that.

Plus, I run really fast. Really, really fast.
Well if you're bad, then he'll just rub your nose in whatever naughtiness you got yourself into. Though, I think you'd like that. :catroar:
Blatz Light? Strohs?

Those are some beers. Right up there with Schlitz. (I did like Rolling Rock, though). I'm inclined to send each of you a case of Champale, the "Champagne of Malt Liquors," brewed with water from the not-so-mighty Delaware and bottled in my lovely hometown in Nueva Jersey. The bottling plant is right next to the place where they manufacture Van Camp's Pork and Beans, the "Caviar of Pork and Beans" (ok I made that part up). But they are next-door neighbors.
Woo hoo! Party at Angeline's house!!!

I don't believe I've ever had a Champale, but I'm willing to try.

Seriously, I've had literally, thousands of imports and microbrews, some are good, some are bad, but I'll never understand why people drink Corona. I once did a blind taste test for some of my customers. I put Corona with lime in one glass, and Miller Lite with lime in the other. Every one of them thought that the Miller Lite was better. Before you suggest that they were mere ignoramuses with untrained palates, they all worked in fine dining.

Mexican beer I like would be something like Modela, Negra Modela in particular. MMMMmmm. Been mowing the lawn, I could use one.
WickedEve said:
[...]Now getting to the matter of kissing my butt. Most of you don't. Do some of you? I don't know. But don't do it! If I write something that isn't good, let me know. Help me be a good writer, and not a mediocre one that gets undeserved praise.

Thanks for reading my rant.

A justified, true praise (which includes an analysis of the poem) is the hardest to deliver. Of course the poem in question has to be very good. On some occasions it took me years to fully appreciate a poem, despite the fact that I liked those few poems instantaneously. I liked them still more after I understood them more in full. Who knows, I might go back to them and find still more to delight in or to get moved by them. Such poems r rare, very rare. The next hardest thing after true praise is insightful criticism. Superficial praise is about the easiest. When someone at least points to a good line or two in your poem then it is already somewhat useful (of course a good critical comment should do it too). An empty praise is pretty much useless.

Besides the ass kissing there is a related danger of general self-satisfaction on our forum. The local peculiarity is that it correlates with a mistaken view on the erotic poetry. here it often gets degenerated to a pretty much routine, mechanical stuffing protrusions (tongue, dick often called meat -- oh, how poetic :)) into one orifice after another in a predictable manner.

If a text described the inside of a mouth or nose, then under ordinary circumstances it would not be poetic, it would be repulsive. (There are exceptions, e.g. a scene from a hospital). The general principle is that anatomy which is not on surface (forget clothes of course) is not any object for poetry. Whether it is ear, heart, intestines, or genitals--it's all the same, it doesn't matter. The same with juices. Whether it is saliva or sexual juices there is nothing poetic to it. Sexy smells--fine. But the way our self-preservation survival instinct works, we do not like to get into things which associate with infection, sickness etc. Here, on Literotica, our perception is somewhat skewed, and we have a much greater tolerance for physiological symptoms which ordinarily the health reflex wants to hide. But can one get poetry out of it? U need to be truly imaginative to overcome such odds stacked against U. Routine indulgence won't do. A lack of taste won't do either.

It's interesting that it were U, Eve, who raised the issue of ass kissing. Indeed, U have an aptitude for learning, and U need challenge not empty praise.


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Why is it interesting that I raised the issue of ass kissing? You think I wallow in it? :p
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while we are on the subject

The beer brewed for people who hate the taste of beer.

btw, is this thread just for ranting or has it taken a turn away from WE's intent?

Let's talk about food. Anyone had a good ear of corn? Not me.
Re: while we are on the subject

smithpeter said:
The beer brewed for people who hate the taste of beer.

btw, is this thread just for ranting or has it taken a turn away from WE's intent?

Let's talk about food. Anyone had a good ear of corn? Not me.
whippedpeter, this is a butt kissing thread. Not a beer thread. Not a corn thread. Though, I will discuss tomatoes. I have 8-10 tomato plants in my garden. The tomatoes are still green and little. Everyone else has fat red ones. Anyway, my 3 year old pulled most of the tomatoes off. That's it -- that's my tomato rant.
Re: Senna

WickedEve said:
Why is it interesting that I raised the issue of ass kissing? You think I wallow in it? :p
Somehow you have misread my words, which you had in front of you. My comment was stating, that indeed, you need authentic discussions, not butt kissing.

BTW, in the same spirit, since you started a thread about SP 's poetry, you should present a couple of his poems, at least one, and show their merit. (You took this obligation on yourself. Otherwise your action is contributing to a lesser athmosphere on our forum). Go for it, Eve, it will be great.

Re: Re: Senna

Senna Jawa said:
Somehow you have misread my words, which you had in front of you. My comment was stating, that indeed, you need authentic discussions, not butt kissing.

BTW, in the same spirit, since you started a thread about SP 's poetry, you should present a couple of his poems, at least one, and show their merit. (You took this obligation on yourself. Otherwise your action is contributing to a lesser athmosphere on our forum). Go for it, Eve, it will be great.

Senna, you either crack me up or piss me off. Could it be love? :heart: What are wearing right now? Do you ever wear butt-huggin' jeans? Will you write a poem about your butt and share it with us?
SJ, I was kidding about the wallowing thing. Darn my sense of humor.
Sure, I'll post sp's poems and talk about them. Yes, I will go for it! Yes, it will be great!
And SJ, I don't want to contribute to a lesser atmosphere on this forum. I'm here to discuss poetry. I will even try to curb my tendency to talk about things like my dildo, and how I'm the Goddess of the Dildo, and how I like butt sex, and... Oh yeah, how much I love giving head (have I mentioned any of this before?) And of course, I love poetry! :D
This thread

This thread was hillarious, especially the line about Coors!

The scary thing is I was thinking about tomatoes when Eve brought it up, except I was thinking about how restaraunts don't have a high standard about not giving you a slice with part of the stem connection part.

And bacon. Why can't there be a consistency thing with cooking bacon? I hate it when it's too fatty or soggy.

As you imagine, it's hell to get a good BLT for me.

a HUNDRED posts until we get a AV?!?! But my penis is ready for a picture NOW!!!!!!
S at S

God forbid that we make your penis wait any longer. Hurry up with those last few posts!
I have a personal request. I'd like an AV of your penis with a slice of tomato, hold the mayo.
I don't want to contribute to a lesser atmosphere on this forum. I'm here to discuss poetry. I will even try to curb my tendency to talk about things like my dildo, and how I'm the Goddess of the Dildo, and how I like butt sex, and... Oh yeah, how much I love giving head
I take a couple of sick days and look what happens: Eve threatens to raise the tone of the discussions on here! I won't even bother to go into why that is sick and wrong. Well, okay, I will.

This is literotica, not snoberotica. I want to hear about Eve's butt sex, and studious pursuit of blowjob preeminence. Really, once you reach such a level of fellatio erudition, you have a responsibility to share the knowledge.

Not there's anything wrong with discussing iambophilia, or the tetrametric system used by the pygmy poetslaves of the Amazonian Dildo Goddess. Oh wait, starting to waver... Fever's not gone... starting to shake... fucking malaria...

Must... have... gin and... tonic.
paranoid dildo rant

I have 3 dildos... so far. Cream, black, and purple. I was discussing my buddies with someone today. I was wondering what would happen if they had tiny arms and legs, and if they could talk. Would they try to climb into bed with me at night? When they're tucked away in their box do they talk about me? Compare notes? I wonder if they're rating me!
The black and cream ones have names and get to come out and play more than the purple one. I wonder if the purple one resents them for getting more action? I'm seriously thinking of splitting them up. I think I'll give them each their own box. Don't you think it's best? They could be conspiring against me at this moment!
Jealous dildos...

WE, I think you have a poem in there somewhere...

But seriously, I throw all mine in the same box, keeping each other company, you know. Sometimes I have to take the batteries out of Mango 'cause he will start up in the middle of dinner for no reason ~ just to act up. Makes for an interesting dinner party...

Re: Jealous dildos...

nakedangelina said:
WE, I think you have a poem in there somewhere...

But seriously, I throw all mine in the same box, keeping each other company, you know. Sometimes I have to take the batteries out of Mango 'cause he will start up in the middle of dinner for no reason ~ just to act up. Makes for an interesting dinner party...

Solomon, Goliath, and purple all have their own personalities. Purple is no longer allowed batteries because of his volatile shaking disorder. :rolleyes: Sol and G like to work as a team. :D
By the way, I'm working on a dildo poem now.
I can't wait to read it! An ode to Dildos or will you be including vibrators, bullets, clit clips, nipple clamps...
*Errrr, sorry, got a little carried away there.*:eek:

How did the "don't kiss my butt" thread come to sex toy talk? It was that dirty karmadog, wasn't it? He is always stirring things up.

WE, can we do a "this is your life" thread on you? Please, please... *:kiss: 'ing your butt*

How did the "don't kiss my butt" thread come to sex toy talk? It was that dirty karmadog, wasn't it? He is always stirring things up.
That's my motto: If you can't stretch it out--stir it up!
This is literotica, not snoberotica. I want to hear about Eve's butt sex, and studious pursuit of blowjob preeminence. Really, once you reach such a level of fellatio erudition, you have a responsibility to share the knowledge.

ohh K dog i bet your heads really hurting now ? :p

Eve ,, a box each would turn them in to anitsocial devients ,,, . desperate to get out and do their stuff ,, mybe its better if you let them mingle ,, perhaps invite others over , have seminers on controling the shakes ,
battery conservation,,,
discussions on whats the best speed, deepth ,

fashion , acssories.. the slip on waterprof covers avalable in hundreds of differant designs and colors ,, lol ..
letting my tongue tease your nipple
I apply gentle pressure to the dildo
tucked away in your pocket
letting my thumb rub circles around your clit
I listen to the eratic rythim of your breathing
waiting for the right moment
to nibble and pinch
an ode to dildoes....

solemn silver pleasure steed..
fair accomplice to me in my need...

all right, so rhyming is not in the cards today ...

if i can hunt through the piles of unfinished notebooks, i actually wrote a poem about the taste of cum in my mouth..
i will have to find it an re re re edit of course...