Don't you hate it when ...

When you're lying on the beach in your male g-string (ssshhh!), and there are literally SO many beautiful, scantily clad women around of all ages, shapes and sizes that you can't pick which one to write an erotic story about! 😋
I've got a few chapters to go in my story, I had to go on a break because of a health crisis, and now I can't seem to get started again. I feel like I have to finish this story though, I owe it to the readers.
You briefly mentioned a minor character earlier in a story you were working on a few weeks ago. You are ready to pick up where you left off and you can't remember the character's name and have to reread the whole thing to find the reference.
I write mostly series, often with long time gaps between. This happens in every new chapter with most male (usually husbands) characters I write. But strangely I could wake up at 3 in the morning and recite the names of all of my female MC’s including their hair color and approximate measurements.
you need a word for the sound that a man's dress shoe makes when he walks across a wooden floor.
clop clop? He's not a horse.
tap tap tap? He isn't dancing.
click clack? He's not a chicken on a typewriter.
Damnit. Help!
DYHIW you're on a roll, with the perfect scene in mind and writing the perfect story with the greatest dialog ... and your spouse shouts "GET OFF THAT COMPUTER and help me with this!!!"
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Yeah, I guess I’m just not very good at this whole writing thing.
You're not alone. I'll still be correcting and adding to posts a half hour after the original posting. I think it's an editor's "thing."
When you can't write, at least write proper words and not acronyms to express your inner self.
DYHIW you have a whole evening before you, just for writing, but suddenly it's past midnight and all you've done is post nonsense in the AH.
you need a word for the sound that a man's dress shoe makes when he walks across a wooden floor.
clop clop? He's not a horse.
tap tap tap? He isn't dancing.
click clack? He's not a chicken on a typewriter.
Damnit. Help!
Just make it so he wears very dressy slippers.
you need a word for the sound that a man's dress shoe makes when he walks across a wooden floor.
clop clop? He's not a horse.
tap tap tap? He isn't dancing.
click clack? He's not a chicken on a typewriter.
Damnit. Help!
The distinctive footfalls of a man on a mission echoed from the hardwood...

Let the reader's imagination fill in the blanks
Don't you hate it when you can't think of exactly the right word and you can't find that... you know, your book thingy with all of the words and other words that mean the same thing?

Why can't I remember what that book thingy is called?
Don't you hate it when you can't think of exactly the right word and you can't find that... you know, your book thingy with all of the words and other words that mean the same thing?

Why can't I remember what that book thingy is called?
DYHIW when you're stuck at a scene change, your characters need to go to dinner, there's supposed to be a minor plot twist, so you decide to take a break and listen to a little music to let your subconscious figure it out...

Now it's two months later, you have eight new story ideas you're working on and no fucking idea where the original story is going yet...except that it involves a 1973 Mercury Montego, moonshiners, and the Witness Protection Program.

Sometimes, I hate my brain and my muse.