Don't you hate it when ...

I have used dream, or dream-like sequences in my material, but I balk at stretching the narrative too much
Don't you hate it when...

... you spend months on a story. It's the final part of a much longer Saga you've been crafting. It's the hardest thing you've ever attempted, and as you put that final edit on it, you believe deep in your heart It's your best work.

But then reality sinks in: It's part 3 of a much longer story. It's also interconnected with stories a friend of yours has written in this shared universe you've both created.

Oh, and it's in Sci Fi / Fantasy. And it hardly has any sex.

And you finally understand that you'll be lucky if more than ten people read it.
You're writing a story that takes place in the Nineteenth Century.

One of your characters is "Miss Abigail Barlow".

Your fingers will not type that. They type "Ms. Barlow". Every. Single. Time.

You get 22K words into a story and realize you don't know your MCs last name, or if they even have one, and you need it right now.
When in doubt, call your MC Hammer.
The sign of a true pantster.
