Double Blind 3 - July 10

Poem #4 has been posted.

I am so sorry it got posted so much later in the day than the others. I've had some serious technical difficulties today.

Poem #4 has been posted.

I am so sorry it got posted so much later in the day than the others. I've had some serious technical difficulties today.
That might keep it from sounding like it's going to melt down. Thanks.

Loud noise is usually the cooling fan going bad or covered in so much dust it wobbles and vibrates. Shoot some compressed air into it; the kind you clean keyboards with. Dirty fans can cause overheating, leading to crashes.
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Loud noise is usually the cooling fan going bad or covered in so much dust it wobbles and vibrates. Shoot some compressed air into it; the kind you clean keyboards with. Dirty fans can cause overheating, leading to crashes.

Yeah, it's the fan. Cleaning doesn't seem to have helped much, so a new fan's been ordered. It went from sounding fine to sounding very much not fine all of a sudden. It's out of commission until the new fan gets put in.

Don't worry though, the next poem should be posted on time.
Yeah, it's the fan. Cleaning doesn't seem to have helped much, so a new fan's been ordered. It went from sounding fine to sounding very much not fine all of a sudden. It's out of commission until the new fan gets put in.

Don't worry though, the next poem should be posted on time.

Whew! Spankings on the house!

Bend over and take it like a man, Ash.
I'm travelling right now, so took the opportunity to post the latest entry, though it's a wee bit early.

I didn't want to take the chance that Mags would panic if I posted late again. :D
I'm travelling right now, so took the opportunity to post the latest entry, though it's a wee bit early.

I didn't want to take the chance that Mags would panic if I posted late again. :D

It is wise of you not to anger the Heathen Poetry Gods with anymore tardiness..
I'm going to have withdrawl symptoms when this is over.

Yes, that's how its spelted.



definition: accompanied by a southern accent

example: He spoke withdrawl so twangy and thick, his words were tangy like Trix's barbecue sauce.
I have one 'maybe' in the works, but if it doesn't come through soon, the current poem will be the last.

So, authors, if you've done your revisions, feel free to send them to me at any time.

If the current poem turns out to be the last, I'll post the revisions on Saturday, if I've heard back from all the authors. If I don't hear back from everyone, I'll post revisions on Sunday, and repost the original poems from those who without revisions.

The word 'revisions' is starting to sound weird right now.

If I do receive a final poem, the posting of revisions will likely be done Monday or Tuesday.

Short version: Revisions, please, if you're doing one, authors! :)
Does anyone want to volunteer as shepherd for Double Blind 4?

If not, I'll happily do it again. But, the opening is there if you want it. :)
Mags: :caning:

Thank you, Calli, for running the challenge and being so thoughtful. Enjoy your travels!

Thanks, Mer, it was a quick, last-minute trip, planned after all this started, so I didn't want it to interfere too much with the challenge. :)

noun pural

definition : recurring visions

example : I'm having weird revisions of Jesus descending from the clouds on a holy rollercoaster.
Ok, it's official, since my maybe is now a no, the current poem will be the last in this challenge.

I think I'm going to reveal the authors when I post their edited versions, unless there is a great desire to be kept in the dark for another day after that round of posting. Let me know, eh?

Let the guessing begin!

ETA: Someone asked me if it was okay to add comments on feedback along with the revised poem. If any of you want to do that, so it's all in the same post, feel free.
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Legacy - AH

The paradelle - Magnetron

Thirst - greenmountaineer

Truth to Flesh - Sinseria

M'Lady's shallott - Piscator or maybe Angie

The Good Night - GP, perhaps?...really not sure
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Legacy - Magnetron

The paradelle - Harry

Thirst - Tod

Truth to Flesh - Champagne

M'Lady's shallott - UYS

The Good Night - legerdemer
Does anyone want to volunteer as shepherd for Double Blind 4?

If not, I'll happily do it again. But, the opening is there if you want it. :)

I would be willing to do it. But I have a harebrained idea for a theme. My proposed theme would be that each contestant write a humorous parody of a famous poem. I'm running this idea up the flagpole now to see whether anyone salutes.