Doxxed - Trump's MAGA has gone nuts

I don’t know, I’m way past trying to validate any media sources for truthfulness.
You can not know that he was on tape stating that he didn't declassify documents. That has no bearing on that fact
You can run but you cant hide you communist leftist jurors! Call to jury duty, executed for treason! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! Anyone see Trumps rally Vegas? Oh probably not, you will wait to see what the communist media reports! All youd have to do is watch his rally and then watch what the communist media reports to see how many lies they actually tell! But no, you leftists are too stupid to figure that out! He also doesnt seem to worry about going to jail or prison! not in the least! hes having to much fun! Mean while....

U.S. Navy JAG investigators have arrested a fourth juror who dishonestly found President Trump guilty of doctoring business records to obfuscate payments allegedly made to a skanky porn star so his unproven tryst with her wouldn’t damage his 2016 presidential run.

As reported last week, U.S Marines and Special forces snatched up three of twelve charlatan jurors as part of a broader mission to crush both the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and jurors it bribed or otherwise influenced to incriminate an innocent man.

According to a JAG debriefing report reviewed by Real Raw News, the fourth juror—name redacted but described as a male in the finance industry—was apprehended in the parking lot at Republic Executive Airport in Farmingdale, New York, where he intended to board a Cessna Citation he had chartered to fly him to Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Investigators shadowing him for days converged on his car at 7:45 p.m. Friday, yanking him from the driver’s seat and hurling him to the ground after he tried reversing into a three-point turn to escape. He soiled himself when told he was under arrest for suspicion of treason and would soon answer the charge at a Guantanamo Bay military tribunal.

The debrief states he cowered in fear and sobbed hysterically as an investigator snapped the cuffs on him and informed him that he was now a detainee, or enemy combatant, and had thus forfeited his rights.

“At that point,” He said he didn’t know if Trump was guilty and was just toeing the line because that’s what the court and the other jurors expected of him. Then he really blundered.”

The juror told investigators a bulging duffel bag with $1.75 million cash was in the car trunk and that they could have it if they let him catch his flight, to which they cordially informed him they were seizing the money and arresting him regardless.

“He wasn’t broke, made a decent living but not that good. We investigated his finances and saw he is mortgaged up the ass and had 50 grand in credit card debt. And he never had that much cash in his account to withdraw. We don’t know how and from whom he got it—he didn’t while we had him under surveillance.”

Our source added that the juror has since been taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and interrogated.

“The weasel said it wasn’t a bribe, but we’ll find out if it was. He claims he was squirreling money away for a rainy day. Well, for him, it’s pouring out, and he’s screwed. We’ll put that money to good use—a donation to Trump’s campaign,” our source said in closing.
I thought I told you to keep that nasty cunt off the pic threads.
I’m all done with you, you’re an arrogant fuck laden with TDS on steroids. You just refuse to see very similar unethical and criminal behavior in your own backyard. You point to Trump being guilty on all charges, I’m more concerned about our legal system being broken. Just answer one question to yourself, would Alvin Bragg have conjured up this elaborate scheme against Joe Biden.
Hurts to be you under my arrogant gaze and sometimes razor-sharp arguments, I suppose.

I see you as a man looking for a moral way out of supporting Trump and using the claim our legal system is broken to salve your angst. Don't be so angry; grow a pair, and acknowledge he is bad, bad for anybody: his wife, his children, his 'Party,' and our country.

I believe Bragg would have. Had Joe Biden participated the way Trump did in this matter. An important point for you is to distinguish between those two. Trump's actions occurred after he left office. You know the justice system makes a distinction between charging sitting versus non-sitting President. Maybe, who knows the future, some stalwart DA might come back around for Biden – unless that would be a case of double jeopardy. That's a question outside my knowledge level.
The case is a lot more complicated then Trump just lying…

As it stands now the case is a very complex one…

I'm sure there are many subplots such as what was the real motivation…

You’ve said this again and again on separate posts. This seems to be a theme with things being complicated and beyond your current capabilities to comprehend. It’s fair to say you’ll await the trial’s outcome but maybe not make a fool of yourself with your limits on thinking with wild speculation until then.
Hypothetical arguments. Arguments design to clarify, differentiate between a possible legal presidential action and a criminal action for personal gain. No one was suggesting that immunity to assassinate a political opponents was ever on the table. I don't believe there are article II clauses in the constitution that restrict the DOJ from prosecuting a sitting president. That DOJ explanation is a DOJ rule not constitutional law.

I did listen, word for word, the arguments by both sides and the SCOTUS opinions. I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for a illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
The DOJ itself isn't mentioned in the Constitution, just sayin'.
The DOJ itself isn't mentioned in the Constitution, just sayin'.
I can't find anywhere within the constitution that blanket immunity for a president is a thing. Can't find anywhere in the constitution where it states that a sitting president can't be prosecuted while in office. Since the DOJ comes under the control of the executive branch what DOJ would prosecute its own boss? We do have the impeachment and removal process overriding the DOJ but the final step for prosecution still comes from the DOJ. If the president went up to an individual and put a bullet in his/her head I'm sure law enforcement could detain the president and press formal charges. Because it never happened just means it's untested.
Enjoy tour trip, I think Harpy want's to go!!! :nana: 🇺🇲:D👈
Ah, make it a threesome. All of you should make that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy—wine, historic tours, and cultural enrichment. Take a break from this 'toxic' place for a month or so.
Insurrectionist is planning civil war from within prison . What the actual???
Years after being accused of swinging a baseball bat at police officers during the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, Edward “Jake” Lang is now using encrypted messaging channels to create a nationwide network of armed militias in all 50 states.

Though he has been in prison for over 1,200 days, Lang is working with a network of election deniers and conspiracists to promote the North American Patriot and Liberty Militia, or NAPALM for short. The group officially launched last week with 50 state-specific militia groups on Telegram.

Lang claims that the Telegram groups already have 20,000 members.
“We are pro open carry, pro always have it on you, rather than waiting for somebody else to be able to defend your life,” says Lang.

As the 2024 US election approaches, Lang says that Napalm will be focusing on potential “civil unrest” around the vote. “We have to make sure that we're prepared for any real-time scenarios, any eventualities,“ says Lang. “Civil unrest at any given moment, especially around an election time, is something that could come along, and so we have to plan for that contingency as well.”
In addition to the election, Lang says that Napalm will respond to everything from natural disasters to Federal overreach, political protests, and potential Chinese invasions.

Much, much more worrying stuff in the article linked. The guy is training his followers what to do 'if the internet goes down'. It sounds like he needs to be surrounded by padding on his cell walls.
Insurrectionist is planning civil war from within prison . What the actual???

MAGA is all about grifting. This quote sums up the situation:

“It's important to recognize that Lang is, first and foremost, a grifter who knows that his ‘political prisoner’ schtick is his only shot at relevance,” says Jon Lewis, a research fellow at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism. “This is someone who has intentionally delayed his own trial date in an effort to remain in the spotlight and who continues to promote violent conspiracies.”

What a pack of useless morons.