Doxxed - Trump's MAGA has gone nuts

I don't believe you have any friends.
943 Posts, 1452 reactions

15,796 Posts, 798 reactions

Oh she has WAY more Friends then you, hands down!
That's how what work's. I have more of a clue than you.
Thanks for the laugh.
I listened word for word the whole exchange and anyone who professes that they understood the convoluted arguments is a liar.
You only hear what you want to hear...
You can run but you cant hide you communist leftist jurors! Call to jury duty, executed for treason! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! Anyone see Trumps rally Vegas? Oh probably not, you will wait to see what the communist media reports! All youd have to do is watch his rally and then watch what the communist media reports to see how many lies they actually tell! But no, you leftists are too stupid to figure that out! He also doesnt seem to worry about going to jail or prison! not in the least! hes having to much fun! Mean while....

U.S. Navy JAG investigators have arrested a fourth juror who dishonestly found President Trump guilty of doctoring business records to obfuscate payments allegedly made to a skanky porn star so his unproven tryst with her wouldn’t damage his 2016 presidential run.

As reported last week, U.S Marines and Special forces snatched up three of twelve charlatan jurors as part of a broader mission to crush both the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and jurors it bribed or otherwise influenced to incriminate an innocent man.

According to a JAG debriefing report reviewed by Real Raw News, the fourth juror—name redacted but described as a male in the finance industry—was apprehended in the parking lot at Republic Executive Airport in Farmingdale, New York, where he intended to board a Cessna Citation he had chartered to fly him to Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Investigators shadowing him for days converged on his car at 7:45 p.m. Friday, yanking him from the driver’s seat and hurling him to the ground after he tried reversing into a three-point turn to escape. He soiled himself when told he was under arrest for suspicion of treason and would soon answer the charge at a Guantanamo Bay military tribunal.

The debrief states he cowered in fear and sobbed hysterically as an investigator snapped the cuffs on him and informed him that he was now a detainee, or enemy combatant, and had thus forfeited his rights.

“At that point,” He said he didn’t know if Trump was guilty and was just toeing the line because that’s what the court and the other jurors expected of him. Then he really blundered.”

The juror told investigators a bulging duffel bag with $1.75 million cash was in the car trunk and that they could have it if they let him catch his flight, to which they cordially informed him they were seizing the money and arresting him regardless.

“He wasn’t broke, made a decent living but not that good. We investigated his finances and saw he is mortgaged up the ass and had 50 grand in credit card debt. And he never had that much cash in his account to withdraw. We don’t know how and from whom he got it—he didn’t while we had him under surveillance.”

Our source added that the juror has since been taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and interrogated.

“The weasel said it wasn’t a bribe, but we’ll find out if it was. He claims he was squirreling money away for a rainy day. Well, for him, it’s pouring out, and he’s screwed. We’ll put that money to good use—a donation to Trump’s campaign,” our source said in closing.
Whatever. Just keep your ugly wife Trudy out of the pic threads.
So much better than listening to someone who is clearly not interested in facts

I don't believe you have any friends.

That's how what work's. I have more of a clue than you.

I listened word for word the whole exchange and anyone who professes that they understood the convoluted arguments is a liar.
You cowards that put people on ignore are just classless. Trump was very rarely mentioned in the arguments. The crux of the arguments was to determine due to lack of precedence how to protect the office of the presidency from future civil or criminal prosecutions once a president leaves office which would cripple a president's latitude to make controversial decisions and severely render the office of the president fragile and inept to pursue tough decisions without fearing future political retribution. SOTUS was saddled with a decision of how much immunity is enough immunity and when to send it to the lower courts.
.... I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for a illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
Bingo. This whole "presidential immunity" case is a charade.

There is no deep "constitutional issue" to be addressed here, this is 5 or 6 "Justices" running a delaying action for convicted felon Donald J. Trump until the 2024 election is over.
Bingo. This whole "presidential immunity" case is a charade.

There is no deep "constitutional issue" to be addressed here, this is 5 or 6 "Justices" running a delaying action for convicted felon Donald J. Trump until the 2024 election is over.
No it’s not. For those Trump haters any immunity granted to Trump’s executive branch is just that shallow political expediency.

The crux of the argument;

While the court’s three liberal justices appeared most sympathetic to prosecutors, the court’s conservatives seems to have differing views on the scope of presidential immunity, making it unclear exactly how the court will rule.

Several justices raised concerns about the broad implications for future presidents, with most steering clear of discussing the specific allegations against Trump.

“If an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election, knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement, but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?” asked conservative
“If an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election, knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement, but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy?” asked conservative
What's Trump been saying again about the DOJ, the Courts,even the Military, being a Dictator for a day....the only party who is running the risk of destabilisation is Trump's party.
Bingo. This whole "presidential immunity" case is a charade.

There is no deep "constitutional issue" to be addressed here, this is 5 or 6 "Justices" running a delaying action for convicted felon Donald J. Trump until the 2024 election is over.
There's an up side to that, though. Trump suffers this hanging over his head for as long as it does. He's obese. He chugs McD cheeseburgers. He's 78 in a couple of days. Suffering is high blood pressure tension. Tick, tick, tick.
There's an up side to that, though. Trump suffers this hanging over his head for as long as it does. He's obese. He chugs McD cheeseburgers. He's 78 in a couple of days. Suffering is high blood pressure tension. Tick, tick, tick.
I have a special bottle of scotch waiting to be opened on that happy occasion.
Hypothetical arguments. Arguments design to clarify, differentiate between a possible legal presidential action and a criminal action for personal gain. No one was suggesting that immunity to assassinate a political opponents was ever on the table. I don't believe there are article II clauses in the constitution that restrict the DOJ from prosecuting a sitting president. That DOJ explanation is a DOJ rule not constitutional law.

I did listen, word for word, the arguments by both sides and the SCOTUS opinions. I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for a illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
You should be listening to Donald Trump's take on this. Those Supreme Court hypotheticals clearly give a president the authority. The attorney he paid to represent him at the SC level answered that he believed a president had that authority!

Trump has even said that Biden authorized the FBI to assassinate him and his family at Mar-a-Lago. Damn, it was lucky for him he wasn't on-site when they came armed with machine guns, armor-piercing bullets, and fixed bayonets to collect those classified documents. The classified orders to shoot on sight had to be in the vest pockets of those snipers on the surrounding rooftops. They missed him by this much... 🤪
You should be listening to Donald Trump's take on this. Those Supreme Court hypotheticals clearly give a president the authority. The attorney he paid to represent him at the SC level answered that he believed a president had that authority!

Trump has even said that Biden authorized the FBI to assassinate him and his family at Mar-a-Lago. Damn, it was lucky for him he wasn't on-site when they came armed with machine guns, armor-piercing bullets, and fixed bayonets to collect those classified documents. The classified orders to shoot on sight had to be in the vest pockets of those snipers on the surrounding rooftops. They missed him by this much... 🤪
I don’t believe any president should have unlimited immunity from prosecution. Trump’s case can be litigated outside the realm of total immunity strictly based on constitutional law and 1st amendment protections.

The Mar-a-Lago raid should never have happened. NARA should never have involved the DOJ,
NARA along with the courts could have led Trump step by step to relinquish control of whatever documents they wanted back. This was abuse of power. If Biden can walk so can Trump. I know in your eyes I’m carrying water for Trump but I’m not. Equal application of the law, equal protection under the law.
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The Mar-a-Lago raid should never have happened. NARA should never have involved the DOJ,
If Trump had just given back the documents,the DOJ wouldn't have been involved.
NARA along with the courts could have led Trump step by step to relinquish control of whatever documents they wanted back.
They did, Trump fucking lied that he had given them back all the documents he had. Hell his lawyers even wrote a letter saying as much. It was only after that, DOJ and the FBI got involved. If Trump had just co-operated,none of this would have happened. It would have been just like Biden and Pense.
This was abuse of power. If Biden can walk so can Trump. I know in your eyes I’m carrying water for Trump but I’m not. Equal application of the law, equal protection under the law.
It was equal application. Biden and Pense co-operated,and Trump lied. We can all see what happened,quit making excuses you fucking water boy.
If Trump had just given back the documents,the DOJ wouldn't have been involved.

They did, Trump fucking lied that he had given them back all the documents he had. Hell his lawyers even wrote a letter saying as much. It was only after that, DOJ and the FBI got involved. If Trump had just co-operated,none of this would have happened. It would have been just like Biden and Pense.

It was equal application. Biden and Pense co-operated,and Trump lied. We can all see what happened,quit making excuses you fucking water boy.
Remember, Trump literally tried to bargain over the documents.
Clarification: Clarence Thomas is not Von Schittinpants' lawyer.

He is Harlan Crow's lawyer. This is why Clarence is rich whilst Giuliani is bankrupt with a suspended law license.
This is Harlan’s son. Funny how it’s the QAnon folks that are so worried about sex trafficking. What do you all have to say about this?

These drugs were then allegedly used to control the women, and if they refused to participate in various sex acts were withheld or threatened to be withheld, causing the two to fear for their lives.

In their complaint, the women claim Crow “was a key” to the scheme’s “existence and long running success,” which they assert began in 2010.

The women claim that in exchange for financial support, Richard Hubbard would “supply drugs for Crow’s parties, would force [Julia] Hubbard to have sex with Crow’s then-girlfriend in front of Crow…, would force Goedinghaus to have sex in front of Crow…, and would traffic other victims” to Crow’s “Forced Sex Parties.”
Bingo. This whole "presidential immunity" case is a charade.

There is no deep "constitutional issue" to be addressed here, this is 5 or 6 "Justices" running a delaying action for convicted felon Donald J. Trump until the 2024 election is over.

If Trump had just given back the documents,the DOJ wouldn't have been involved.

They did, Trump fucking lied that he had given them back all the documents he had. Hell his lawyers even wrote a letter saying as much. It was only after that, DOJ and the FBI got involved. If Trump had just co-operated,none of this would have happened. It would have been just like Biden and Pense.

It was equal application. Biden and Pense co-operated,and Trump lied. We can all see what happened,quit making excuses you fucking water boy.
And Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. The case is a lot more complicated then Trump just lying. There's the issue of intent. As president did Trump believe he had the authority to declassify all the documents he had in his possession. Did he believe he had a right to keep those documents. There is no doubt that he believes those documents belong to him. I'll wait for the trial. As it stands now the case is a very complex one and as of now no politician has been incarcerated for possession. However, the FBI is infamous for using gestapo tactics, pressuring individuals to answer misleading questions, setting up perjury traps basing their cases on process crimes over relevant criminal behavior. I'll wait for the trial. I'm sure there are many subplots such as what was the real motivation for NARA to involve the DOJ, don't believe there's any precedent in the past for such an over the top legal pathway.

Biden had unauthorized possession of classified documents from when he was a senator, Hillary has authorized possession but failed to handle confidential material in accordance to US Code.

There's the issue of intent. As president did Trump believe he had the authority to declassify all the documents he had in his possession. Did he believe he had a right to keep those documents. There is no doubt that he believes those documents belong to him. I'll wait for the trial.
He's on tape saying that he hadn't declassified the documents.
I don’t believe any president should have unlimited immunity from prosecution. Trump’s case can be litigated outside the realm of total immunity strictly based on constitutional law and 1st amendment protections.

The Mar-a-Lago raid should never have happened. NARA should never have involved the DOJ,
NARA along with the courts could have led Trump step by step to relinquish control of whatever documents they wanted back. This was abuse of power. If Biden can walk so can Trump. I know in your eyes I’m carrying water for Trump but I’m not. Equal application of the law, equal protection under the law.
The circumstances, @icanhelp1, are as different as night is to day. I have seen justice hamstrung in these situations. I agree with your statement that Presidents should not have unlimited immunity; that's an absurd demand and an abomination. But Trump's case requires litigation because his actions are outside the realm of a rational man's responses.

On your left, your honor, we have an elderly, seemingly honest man by most morally upright citizens striving to govern a country. He has not been indicted for any wrongdoing. When he realized he may have breached security protocols regarding classified documents, he willingly opened his home, office, and other buildings to inspection. He admitted his mistake and respected the decision of the special prosecutor's findings. Though he takes umbrage with being categorized as a doting elderly statesman and that a sympathetic jury would find him not guilty due to his age and poor memory, and thus the prosecutor chose not to indict.

Sitting on your far-right, your honor, we have an elderly man having done his best to overthrow a country during a legal and time-honored certification of a free and fair election process on January 6th, a day that will be forever recorded in our history books as a disgraceful political attempt to thwart our democratic process. When he realized he may have violated security protocols regarding classified documents, he denied he had classified materials. Under threat of legal action, he gave some back, declaring he 'declassified' them on national television. When, under further scrutiny and a warrant, more documents were found. Yet, more actions have come to light, your honor, to show he attempted to hide those documents from his attorneys and delete video surveillance tapes of those attempts. To this very day, sir, he declares he has done nothing wrong and that this is a politically motivated attempt to prevent him from regaining the Presidency. He has neither acknowledged the error nor been given a speedy trial; instead, he is obfuscating and currying favor in the justice system to avoid his days in court.

Your honor, there is a clear distinction between these two elderly men. One is a flag bearer for justice; the other is a convicted felon, a man whose supporters carry tainted water. Let's resolve to give the recalcitrant man his day in court.

I ask you, your honor, to remove the impediments to the second man's trials quickly. Let's have a day in court before a jury of his peers before the November election.

The prosecution rests, your honor.
And Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation. The case is a lot more complicated then Trump just lying. There's the issue of intent. As president did Trump believe he had the authority to declassify all the documents he had in his possession. Did he believe he had a right to keep those documents. There is no doubt that he believes those documents belong to him. I'll wait for the trial. As it stands now the case is a very complex one and as of now no politician has been incarcerated for possession. However, the FBI is infamous for using gestapo tactics, pressuring individuals to answer misleading questions, setting up perjury traps basing their cases on process crimes over relevant criminal behavior. I'll wait for the trial. I'm sure there are many subplots such as what was the real motivation for NARA to involve the DOJ, don't believe there's any precedent in the past for such an over the top legal pathway.

Biden had unauthorized possession of classified documents from when he was a senator, Hillary has authorized possession but failed to handle confidential material in accordance to US Code.

I've done some editing for you that helps keep the conversation on topic and avoid wandering into the deep to pick up red herrings. It's about Trump, not Russian herrings or Hillary.

You know well that Trump's conversations off-camera [on audio recording] point to the fact that he didn't have the authority to declassify. That is evidentiary; he admitted as much. Did he believe it was his right to keep them - sure – still, he knew it was wrong. It wasn't a matter of not realizing he was wrong. It was a matter of Trump's intent to lie as usual, believing he could bluster his way or pay his way out of legal actions—a morally broken man.

It is not that complicated at all. Rules are rules... for everyone. When your mother caught you with your hand in the cookie jar for the second time, you knew that was wrong even though you felt it was okay to disobey. After all, no harm if you're not caught...
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I've done some editing for you that helps keep the conversation on topic and avoid wandering into the deep to pick up red herrings. It's about Trump, not Russian herrings or Hillary.

You know well that Trump's conversations off-camera [on audio recording] point to the fact that he didn't have the authority to declassify. That is evidentiary; he admitted as much. Did he believe it was his right to keep them - sure – still, he knew it was wrong. It wasn't a matter of not realizing he was wrong. It was a matter of Trump's intent to lie as usual, believing he could bluster his way or pay his way out of legal actions—a morally broken man.

It is not that complicated at all. Rules are rules... for everyone. When your mother caught you with your hand in the cookie jar for the second time, you knew that was wrong even though you felt it was okay to disobey. After all, no harm if you're not caught...
I’m all done with you, you’re an arrogant fuck laden with TDS on steroids. You just refuse to see very similar unethical and criminal behavior in your own backyard. You point to Trump being guilty on all charges, I’m more concerned about our legal system being broken. Just answer one question to yourself, would Alvin Bragg have conjured up this elaborate scheme against Joe Biden.