Doxxed - Trump's MAGA has gone nuts

Help me out here. The person who has the potential to be the next president and is currently arguing before SCOTUS that presidents should enjoy some sort of free pass immunity where his lawyers argued he could use the military to kill rivals is also asking to have the gag order lifted so he could speak on the unknown members of the jury that just convicted him?
Call it what you will, but it is not “campaign funds” given to his “campaign”. Words have meanings.
Then let's say they are funds that go into or benefit campaigns in the manner I pointed out and "subject to the regulations set forth by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and other relevant laws."
Then let's say they are funds that go into or benefit campaigns in the manner I pointed out and "subject to the regulations set forth by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and other relevant laws."
And the relevant laws are the ones that keep the liberals down…

Be sure to talk to Daddy Vlady about elections…
You can run but you cant hide you communist leftist jurors! Call to jury duty, executed for treason! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! Anyone see Trumps rally Vegas? Oh probably not, you will wait to see what the communist media reports! All youd have to do is watch his rally and then watch what the communist media reports to see how many lies they actually tell! But no, you leftists are too stupid to figure that out! He also doesnt seem to worry about going to jail or prison! not in the least! hes having to much fun! Mean while....

U.S. Navy JAG investigators have arrested a fourth juror who dishonestly found President Trump guilty of doctoring business records to obfuscate payments allegedly made to a skanky porn star so his unproven tryst with her wouldn’t damage his 2016 presidential run.

As reported last week, U.S Marines and Special forces snatched up three of twelve charlatan jurors as part of a broader mission to crush both the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and jurors it bribed or otherwise influenced to incriminate an innocent man.

According to a JAG debriefing report reviewed by Real Raw News, the fourth juror—name redacted but described as a male in the finance industry—was apprehended in the parking lot at Republic Executive Airport in Farmingdale, New York, where he intended to board a Cessna Citation he had chartered to fly him to Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Investigators shadowing him for days converged on his car at 7:45 p.m. Friday, yanking him from the driver’s seat and hurling him to the ground after he tried reversing into a three-point turn to escape. He soiled himself when told he was under arrest for suspicion of treason and would soon answer the charge at a Guantanamo Bay military tribunal.

The debrief states he cowered in fear and sobbed hysterically as an investigator snapped the cuffs on him and informed him that he was now a detainee, or enemy combatant, and had thus forfeited his rights.

“At that point,” He said he didn’t know if Trump was guilty and was just toeing the line because that’s what the court and the other jurors expected of him. Then he really blundered.”

The juror told investigators a bulging duffel bag with $1.75 million cash was in the car trunk and that they could have it if they let him catch his flight, to which they cordially informed him they were seizing the money and arresting him regardless.

“He wasn’t broke, made a decent living but not that good. We investigated his finances and saw he is mortgaged up the ass and had 50 grand in credit card debt. And he never had that much cash in his account to withdraw. We don’t know how and from whom he got it—he didn’t while we had him under surveillance.”

Our source added that the juror has since been taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and interrogated.

“The weasel said it wasn’t a bribe, but we’ll find out if it was. He claims he was squirreling money away for a rainy day. Well, for him, it’s pouring out, and he’s screwed. We’ll put that money to good use—a donation to Trump’s campaign,” our source said in closing.
You can run but you cant hide you communist leftist jurors! Call to jury duty, executed for treason! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! Anyone see Trumps rally Vegas? Oh probably not, you will wait to see what the communist media reports! All youd have to do is watch his rally and then watch what the communist media reports to see how many lies they actually tell! But no, you leftists are too stupid to figure that out! He also doesnt seem to worry about going to jail or prison! not in the least! hes having to much fun! Mean while....

U.S. Navy JAG investigators have arrested a fourth juror who dishonestly found President Trump guilty of doctoring business records to obfuscate payments allegedly made to a skanky porn star so his unproven tryst with her wouldn’t damage his 2016 presidential run.

As reported last week, U.S Marines and Special forces snatched up three of twelve charlatan jurors as part of a broader mission to crush both the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and jurors it bribed or otherwise influenced to incriminate an innocent man.

According to a JAG debriefing report reviewed by Real Raw News, the fourth juror—name redacted but described as a male in the finance industry—was apprehended in the parking lot at Republic Executive Airport in Farmingdale, New York, where he intended to board a Cessna Citation he had chartered to fly him to Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas. Investigators shadowing him for days converged on his car at 7:45 p.m. Friday, yanking him from the driver’s seat and hurling him to the ground after he tried reversing into a three-point turn to escape. He soiled himself when told he was under arrest for suspicion of treason and would soon answer the charge at a Guantanamo Bay military tribunal.

The debrief states he cowered in fear and sobbed hysterically as an investigator snapped the cuffs on him and informed him that he was now a detainee, or enemy combatant, and had thus forfeited his rights.

“At that point,” He said he didn’t know if Trump was guilty and was just toeing the line because that’s what the court and the other jurors expected of him. Then he really blundered.”

The juror told investigators a bulging duffel bag with $1.75 million cash was in the car trunk and that they could have it if they let him catch his flight, to which they cordially informed him they were seizing the money and arresting him regardless.

“He wasn’t broke, made a decent living but not that good. We investigated his finances and saw he is mortgaged up the ass and had 50 grand in credit card debt. And he never had that much cash in his account to withdraw. We don’t know how and from whom he got it—he didn’t while we had him under surveillance.”

Our source added that the juror has since been taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and interrogated.

“The weasel said it wasn’t a bribe, but we’ll find out if it was. He claims he was squirreling money away for a rainy day. Well, for him, it’s pouring out, and he’s screwed. We’ll put that money to good use—a donation to Trump’s campaign,” our source said in closing.
It’s so funny, you seem to think that just saying something makes it true. If anything you said was based in reality, you’d post a link or provide a citation of some kind.
But instead you just spew unsupported nonsense.
It’s almost as if you are in a cult.
Help me out here. The person who has the potential to be the next president and is currently arguing before SCOTUS that presidents should enjoy some sort of free pass immunity where his lawyers argued he could use the military to kill rivals is also asking to have the gag order lifted so he could speak on the unknown members of the jury that just convicted him?
Yes, that is exactly what’s happening.
What you aren’t seeing is worse. 6 justices are trying their level best to find a way to give him the immunity he needs WITHOUT completely giving in to what even they know is absurd.

It is honestly anyone’s guess as to what this ends up meaning for SCOTUS.
It could end up with an honest to god constitutional crisis.
What you aren’t seeing is worse. 6 justices are trying their level best to find a way to give him the immunity he needs WITHOUT completely giving in to what even they know is absurd.
The task of those six justices is even worse. They have to figure out how to give immunity to Trump without also giving it to other presidents, since they're smart enough to realize that the current president is someone they don't want to give this to and that presidents for the foreseeable future aren't going to be coming from the imploding Republican Party.
The task of those six justices is even worse. They have to figure out how to give immunity to Trump without also giving it to other presidents, since they're smart enough to realize that the current president is someone they don't want to give this to and that presidents for the foreseeable future aren't going to be coming from the imploding Republican Party.
Given how they give zero fucks about precedent, that doesn’t seem like a big issue. Give it to Trump, then if a Dem wants it, just change
It’s so funny, you seem to think that just saying something makes it true.
It's amazing how often this happens.
Trump has normalized "my opinions/beliefs are equal to your facts" and the Christian Nationalist and Fascists sects have never looked back.

"2+2=5 if you really Really REALLY believe it!"
Help me out here. The person who has the potential to be the next president and is currently arguing before SCOTUS that presidents should enjoy some sort of free pass immunity where his lawyers argued he could use the military to kill rivals is also asking to have the gag order lifted so he could speak on the unknown members of the jury that just convicted
Can you cite your source on that nonsense? Using the Military to kill rivals? You do understand that military personnel are obligated by UCMJ to disobey unlawful orders.
Can you cite your source on that nonsense? Using the Military to kill rivals? You do understand that military personnel are obligated by UCMJ to disobey unlawful orders.
It’s not that I won’t answer, it’s just that why? I mean, how many times do you answer a question posed to you by someone here wanting clarification?
Can you cite your source on that nonsense? Using the Military to kill rivals? You do understand that military personnel are obligated by UCMJ to disobey unlawful orders.


ineedhelp1 lives under a rock.



ineedhelp1 is dumber than a box of low-education rocks.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

Can you cite your source on that nonsense? Using the Military to kill rivals? You do understand that military personnel are obligated by UCMJ to disobey unlawful orders.

“Justice Clarence Thomas posed the first question to Trump’s attorney John D. Sauer, by asking him to define how the justices could define what constitutes official presidential acts. That started a series of hypothetical debates about what presidential conduct could fall into this category, from a president appointing an ambassador in exchange for a bribe; to a president issuing a self-pardon, or pardoning a former president, such as Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon; to a president ordering the assassination of a political opponent or ordering the military to stage a coup.”
The task of those six justices is even worse. They have to figure out how to give immunity to Trump without also giving it to other presidents, since they're smart enough to realize that the current president is someone they don't want to give this to and that presidents for the foreseeable future aren't going to be coming from the imploding Republican Party.
I fear that if they rule in his favor, as Alito seems to have leanings towards, then the justices with this line of reasoning will be hedging on the decency of Biden to show care for the continued peaceful transfer of power that they will be crapping on. And, I believe, a democrat in the office would follow constitutional precedent despite a SCOTUS ruling that is democracy ending.
Can you cite your source on that nonsense? Using the Military to kill rivals? You do understand that military personnel are obligated by UCMJ to disobey unlawful orders.
You didn’t follow the arguments before SCOTUS?

You know like an actual legit source and not the garbage you like…

Thanks for looking over actual facts.

Is there a dessert fried potato product you sell? Don’t burn it!

ineedhelp1 lives under a rock.



ineedhelp1 is dumber than a box of low-education rocks.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣


Yeah, he is full of it. Why should we be like SCOTUS and rehash things the Appeals Court addressed in full? But I do want to answer his question about the military following orders.

Was Ronnie Jackson upholding military and medical code when he was the White House doctor? Or was he being coerced by the office of the presidency? John Kelly and Michael Flynn are canaries in the coal mine to indicate that our military could be influenced. IMO Charles Flynn Should Be court Martialed right now for J6. Though not military, Richard Nixon fired a string of Attorneys General until he found a lackey to do his bidding.

Ican’t is purposely naive.

“Justice Clarence Thomas posed the first question to Trump’s attorney John D. Sauer, by asking him to define how the justices could define what constitutes official presidential acts. That started a series of hypothetical debates about what presidential conduct could fall into this category, from a president appointing an ambassador in exchange for a bribe; to a president issuing a self-pardon, or pardoning a former president, such as Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon; to a president ordering the assassination of a political opponent or ordering the military to stage a coup.”
Hypothetical arguments. Arguments design to clarify, differentiate between a possible legal presidential action and a criminal action for personal gain. No one was suggesting that immunity to assassinate a political opponents was ever on the table. I don't believe there are article II clauses in the constitution that restrict the DOJ from prosecuting a sitting president. That DOJ explanation is a DOJ rule not constitutional law.

I did listen, word for word, the arguments by both sides and the SCOTUS opinions. I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for a illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
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Hypothetical arguments. Arguments design to clarify, differentiate between a possible legal presidential action and a criminal action for personal gain. No one was suggesting that immunity to assassinate a political opponents was ever on the table. I don't believe there are article II clauses in the constitution that restrict the DOJ from prosecuting a sitting president. That DOJ explanation is a DOJ rule not constitutional law.

I did listen, word for word, the arguments by both sides and the SCOTUS opinions. I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for a illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
This is why I refused to entertain your question. This member believes in his heart of hearts that in viewing the Sun it tastes purple. I like not testing my sanity.
Hypothetical arguments. Arguments design to clarify, differentiate between a possible legal presidential action and a criminal action for personal gain. No one was suggesting that immunity to assassinate a political opponents was ever on the table. I don't believe there are article II clauses in the constitution that restrict the DOJ from prosecuting a sitting president. That DOJ explanation is a DOJ rule not constitutional law.

I did listen, word for word, the arguments by both sides and the SCOTUS opinions. I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for an illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
That’s how these things work. That’s exactly how they work. Have you considered that you don’t have a clue about the law? Asking for a friend.
Hypothetical arguments. Arguments design to clarify, differentiate between a possible legal presidential action and a criminal action for personal gain. No one was suggesting that immunity to assassinate a political opponents was ever on the table. I don't believe there are article II clauses in the constitution that restrict the DOJ from prosecuting a sitting president. That DOJ explanation is a DOJ rule not constitutional law.

I did listen, word for word, the arguments by both sides and the SCOTUS opinions. I didn't surmise that either side was attempting to provide immunity for a illegal presidential action, more like send it back to the lower courts for judicial review.
Wait, hold on, don’t answer before I fix this.

*hits ignore button*
This is why I refused to entertain your question. This member believes in his heart of hearts that in viewing the Sun it tastes purple. I like not testing my sanity.
I would appreciate if you didn't respond to my posting!
That’s how these things work. That’s exactly how they work. Have you considered that you don’t have a clue about the law? Asking for a friend.
I don't believe you have any friends.

That's how what work's. I have more of a clue than you.

I listened word for word the whole exchange and anyone who professes that they understood the convoluted arguments is a liar.