Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

Nice clip.

President Biden definitely needs to give a succinct cliff-notes summary / synopsis of the corrupt orange traitor’s faults and failures, while simultaneously presenting the Biden - Harris administration’s strengths and successes.

President Biden also needs to explain directly and concisely how Greedflation, climate change, and Putin’s bullshit war have exacerbated the hardships many Americans are dealing with, while also highlighting how the corrupt orange traitor sabotaged the recent immigration reform and border security bill AND the 2018 immigration reform bill: Two bills which would have addressed many important issues.


I disagree with Peter Zeihan as much as or more than I agree, but he makes a distinction between deluding and dementing.
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He's a renowned doctor and professor from John Hopkins.

You can disagree with him but to outright dismiss his analysis of the observable and public behaviors of the two men would be disingenuous. At best.
Did it ever Dawn On You that we are all dying from the moment of conception to the grave? So of course you can point out examples of the negative effects of aging on anyone. Perhaps you have a mirror in your home. However, when it comes to Trump, what I see is a brilliant man that has energy beyond any that I have ever seen in any man at any age. He is a creative genius that knows how to manipulate the fake news media by pushing their hot button and then milking the attention to get his message out. His message is so clear and simple and makes sense to rational, hardworking people. It is a nightmare to the swamp creatures that feed off of the insanity of the left. So, I agree he is getting older but I think if you are fair minded you will be quick to admit that he can run circles around you. I am less than half his age and I could never do what he has done.
Based on his Cabinet picks so far, Trump is dementing.
People that have a different viewpoint than you must be demented. That seems to be your logic. But, to those that want the swamp drained his choices are genius.