Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

Trump's memory 'very foggy,' says author who interviewed him post-presidency​

“The reason I’m doing this and devoting a lot of time to it, I have to get back up, because I’m doing the whole thing with the Afghanistan," Trump told author Ramin Setoodeh in a post-presidency interview. "Has he blown that Afghanistan?”

He did not address why Trump discussed handling a foreign policy matter when he no longer held those powers.

I guess the Stigmata has miraculously disappeared. Now, we have more wounds than Reagan's torso and JFK's dome.


There is sooooo much to unpack in that interview, but it is a must watch piece of journalism.


My takeaway from the interview:

"The left" (center left in my case) must not fall into the trap of thinking that there are NO valid concerns / issues regarding immigrant intrusions, gender intrusions, cultural intrusions, globalism intrusions, morality intrusions, etc, to be considered in the grand scheme of things when it comes to the American electorate. Despite the corrupt orange traitor’s dementia and malignant narcissism, that orange POS’s cult message resonates with the MAGAts (and some "independents") because there
ARE some valid concerns / issues in that message that need to be addressed regardless of who is in office.

What the MAGAts (and some "independents" get sooooo wrong, is that President Biden (center left at best) DOES take those concerns / issues seriously, and he has been more than willing to compromise. (See the immigration reform and border security bill that the corrupt orange traitor sabotaged, the CHIPS and Science Act, the efforts to protect women, and the building of an international bulwark against China, Russia, Iran, etc)


Meanwhile: The corrupt orange traitor did nothing but sell out America and democracy.


What I find most ironic, is the fact that the biggest losers, if the corrupt orange traitor does manage to get re-elected, will be The Far Left average workers who didn’t vote for President Biden, and The Far Right average workers who did.

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