Drip and Squish

Okay, now you guys are making me feel self-conscious about my erotic shit....

for about 10 seconds.....


I think some of these icky words would make fine poems.....If I ever wrote 'em.... :p
My 2 cents

A Lit poet once suggested that "cock" was too harsh a word in Orange Glow

This was my response.

fucking haiku
by Syndra Lynn ©

I love cock slipping
off my tongue dripping with cunt
together they rock

I used a form of drip. Sorry Eve. :rolleyes:

Syn :kiss:
Misty water colored

I have to say I'm in the Angeline/Lauren camp here...

For me, authenticity is important. One might find a thesaurus filled with synonyms that are more appropriate but, if they take away from the authenticity of one's voice, they probably won't be better.

Also, I'm fond of defining terms so that we can attempt, at least, to be on the same page when we're discussing abstract and subtle ideas. For example, according to Webster:

Erotic - of, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire

You'll notice that, nowhere in that definition is there any mention of taste, word choice, etc. To me, what this means (and this may be too obvious to mention) is that what makes my cock drip may not be what make's Eve's inner being thrum with desire. (btw, the penicillin is clearing the drip up nicely!) We, each of us, with our unique nervous systems, have found unique ways to arouse sexual love or desire. As long as the reality of our arousal does not require the injury or harm of another, all is well!

I remember a lesson my father taught me at a very young age. Every year the big touring circus would come to Manhattan for a run at Madison Square Garden. The circus train cars would be all the way across town and they'd have to transport everything and everyone to the garden. Thus, it became a 'parade.' I remember, quite vividly, standing with my father, watching as clowns and animals walked by. At the very end of the procession, there was a fellow with a wheel barrow and shovel, scooping up the big piles of steaming elephant dung. I turned to my father, saying something like "Eeeewwwww! I wouldn't want to have that job!" My father, ever wise, replied, "Son, always remember that one man's shit is another man's bread and butter."

Syndra Lynn said:
A Lit poet once suggested that "cock" was too harsh a word in Orange Glow

This was my response.

fucking haiku
by Syndra Lynn ©

I love cock slipping
off my tongue dripping with cunt
together they rock

I used a form of drip. Sorry Eve. :rolleyes:

Syn :kiss:

I remember that
i also remember that haiku causing me to sleep on my back for 3 nights...

by the way..
nice " two" cents..
I have an ever-growing list of words that bug me. And I fully admit to being odd about words and how much they can bother me.

One word can ruin a whole poem for me, even if the rest is well-written because my mind will just keep going back to it to obsess with why it doesn't work for me.

They are usually words that seem lazy to me, like they weren't thought about before they were placed into the poem. They feel like poetic buzz words or clichés.
Fflow said:
...there was a fellow with a wheel barrow and shovel, scooping up the big piles of steaming elephant dung. I turned to my father, saying something like "Eeeewwwww! I wouldn't want to have that job!" My father, ever wise, replied, "Son, always remember that one man's shit is another man's bread and butter."


I'll bet you looked at dinner differently after that!
*Catbabe* said:
I have an ever-growing list of words that bug me. And I fully admit to being odd about words and how much they can bother me.

One word can ruin a whole poem for me, even if the rest is well-written because my mind will just keep going back to it to obsess with why it doesn't work for me.

They are usually words that seem lazy to me, like they weren't thought about before they were placed into the poem. They feel like poetic buzz words or clichés.

well now i'm gonna be self conscious every time you look at one of my poems


BooMerengue said:
and thats what he tells me, but its not true...
You know, it's gonna be funny when you two turn the lights on and find your sleeping with each other!
flyguy69 said:
You know, it's gonna be funny when you two turn the lights on and find your sleeping with each other!

uhhh... if I turned on the light and found someone sleeping in my bed I would be pissed. I sleep alone; if theres anyone in my bed, he better be on the clock!!
BooMerengue said:
uhhh... if I turned on the light and found someone sleeping in my bed I would be pissed. I sleep alone; if theres anyone in my bed, he better be on the clock!!
How much do you pay for this service, Boo?
flyguy69 said:
How much do you pay for this service, Boo?

Work At (my) Home!!

WickedEve said:
No, this isn't about my sex life. :rolleyes:

Are there words that you dislike seeing in a poem? I was commenting on a poem on another board. The poem contained the words maggots and flies. Of course, the poet was talking about the belly and eyes of a dead bear, so those unappealing words fit.

But how about erotic poetry with drip, dripping, drippy? Squish? "Her womanhood oozed with my slimy love." In the past few years, I've read similar here at Lit. Of course, all words can work perfectly fine in the right poem. I still don't like drip, squish and maggot.

I also wonder about clowns with cotton candy in the middle of a serious poem about how God created mountains and seas. Or a erotic poem with breathtaking imagery that suddenly flings at the reader a "I'll roll over like a puppy for you" line.

Tell me which words bug you, so I don't end up thinking it's just me and my squishy weirdness.


Well, I don't 'mind' the word drip, but not drippy. Sounds a bit weird. Squish? Ugh, no. Ooze reminds me of a boo boo. If we're speaking erotic, oozed or ooze, another, ugh no. I just think about my kids boo boo knees that they insist on putting bandades on when they should let them get air, so they can heal.

But I do understand why some may use it.

noun: the process of seeping
noun: any thick messy substance
verb: pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
verb: release through one's pores, as of sweat
(not saying no one knows the meaning <grins>)
BooMerengue said:
Dinner, anyone?


No thanks, I just ate!

I heard they had some big poopy. Boy, were they right! But look at the size of their arse, LOL!

You both frighten and amaze me! That image will be burned into my synapses forever. thank you for that.

thank you very much.

As for words...

In any context, 'anyways'.

Also, 'feltch' except when tongue-in-cheek

How about 'dysentery'?


I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with more.
For Your Consideration

Sausage, bubbling with
Maggots and Man-Paste,
Squishes between my toes
As my throbbing manhood drips

Dysentery flies like burning love,
An azure ooze dribbles: plop.

Lickety ooze, anyways.

I feltch pre-cum.
Fflow said:
Sausage, bubbling with
Maggots and Man-Paste,
Squishes between my toes
As my throbbing manhood drips

Dysentery flies like burning love,
An azure ooze dribbles: plop.

Lickety ooze, anyways.

I feltch pre-cum.

OMG is all I have to say and LMAO!!