OMG...just came back to the board and am seriously laughing my ass off! You people slay me! LOL

Ok, Nurse honey, sorry for being such a slut today darlin'. C'mon Nicole, out from under that rock...you show her your shaved pussy and I'll show her mine...then we'll see about that whole enema thing, ok? :D
Im complaining!!!!!

On the sexual role playing board...ENOUGH INCEST!!!!


I DONT LIKE IT!!!! theres like 10 incest posts! fuck!
Sorry siren baby...was offering a popsickle to Sammy, and forgot about the chips.

But I'm makin' it up to ya' darlin'...here's the chips, dips, chains and whips...now let's get this party rollin' again!

WTF is up with wizard? Damn it, you look like a California Raisin dude...get the fuck outa the pool!!!
<wakes up after passing out>......Where did everone go.? Hello ....Hello anyone out there?
OMG WIZARD!!!!!! Did you pass out in a pool of your own piss???? Wake up honey...it's morning!! Siren, bring your hose on over here...I think Wizard needs a hose job. :D
Gee. I was going to bitch about something, but I started reading and everyone said it already, and it's really hot, so I'll just go skinny-dipping instead.

Oh, yes; I brought some more wine . . .

(sheds clothing and dives in)
Ok Here's my complaint of the day: I HATE 3 HOUR CLASSES ABOU ANCIENT ROME WITH A DEAF TEACHER WHO CAN"T SLOW DOWN SO I CAN TAKE PROPER NOTES!!!!!!!!!!! I hate judgemental people! I hate college Men! I hate that my parents and my permanent residence is moving! ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! I hate the adminstative building at my school, I Hate how much everything costs, I hate having to work!

Ok Rant over for now. I feel better.
How about people that post like 20 times or so to their own thread encouraging people to post to it???
MEN!!! I really can't stand them. Why do they make US chase THEM??? I'm sick of it!!! I want someone to chase me for a while. I mean, I'm attractive (anyone seen my pic? you can vouch for this), single, and horny...
what more do men want? I'm honest, caring, sweet, sexy, loving, did I mention horny?

Well, anyways...I just wanted to bitch about men, cuz no matter how many hints you give them, they don't take them ;) yet, they want the woman to do all the chasing...it does get aggravating.
Bitch , Complain, Whine,
Ok my bitch is having to keep putting on sunblock to spend the day outside (pool side)

Another thing that bugs me like the record store is why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?

I feel better now. :D
Sorry. I just realized that I was posting opposition. I'll post it somewhere else.

[This message has been edited by whispersecret (edited 06-14-2000).]
Originally posted by Dixon Carter Lee:
Why do we still say "Dial the phone"?

Thanks for letting me rant.

Er, well WE don't say it! Why do you?
100 degrees,dusty, windy, no airconditioner, whiskey is low, no women. Fifty miles to town on a dirt road. Halucinating about the commercial "BUD LIGHT" it can't get any better than this!!!! Its been another good day... I got my PC and all of you...
Oh, rats . . . okay. I remembered what I was going to bitch about.

Short-fused persons (myself included) who post before they think. There.

Can I go back in the pool now?
Ok, I gotta bitch here. SOMEBODY seems to feel it necessary to STROKE his ego by insinuating that I would waste MY time to call HIS pager number! Of course, we all know what he's REALLY stroking!

WTF??? Get a goddamn life you moron! And get a clue while you're at it, ya' fool!

Much better now, thank you siren for the thread. :D

Now, I'm gonna cool off in the pool...has Wizard made it outa there yet?
Still floating around , and I mean FLOATING , I had to keep drinking the beer ya know <shriveling up as we spaek> boy I feel like a prune now.