More a pet peeve than a 'bitch', really. Now, no personal attack intended, this is simply superficial...'Creamy Lady's' name just give me some sort of disgusting mental image. Really...don't ask me why. And NO, I won't descibe the aforementioned image. :)
My pet peeve, as I've stated a gazillion times, is people who come here, express their opinions, get criticized, and then try to act like they're being "censored". Like somehow, they are the only ones allowed free speech, and anyone criticizing them is "cliquish" and "intolerant".


Okay, where's the pool?
ok ..here goes ....complaints and nothing but complaints.

I hate people that walk slow,jabbering, taking up the whole fucking aisle down at the local wal mart. you can't get around them and you can't say"EXCUSE ME" cause they dont speak fucking english.

I hate that im sitting here single and alone
reading the BB, instead of snuggeled up on the couch or in bed with someone.

now! let me get my reboks on do some strecthes,so i can head off after sammyjo

(sorry, that last part wasn't a complaint)
Hey Lauel, over here,<waving arms> the water is nice, and the beer is still cold !!!
Wizard has now become one with the pool.....
Wizard is now one with the pool and water...
Wizard has become the defacto pool God...

The honorable Wizard will now grant those that seek his wisdom and guidance, peace and happiness.......

The Great Pool Wizard will now depart some words of wisdom, "Another cold beer, please."
Siren...where is that whip I brought earlier. I need to get R4S to back down...he loves me, ya' know.

Back...back, I say! *whipping R4S*

Oh shit! He LIKES it...He really likes it! Damn it R4S...is your name Mikey?

Wizard, you poor guy...I think your body has absorbed all the water in the pool. *shaking head*
Ditto on the Walmart complaint.....I swear to God the walmart here is redneck headquarters....

My bitch??? Idiots that do not know how to use an onramp.....Accelerate Goddamnit!

Losers who drive around the parking lot for ten minutes looking for a space close to the doors....usually some slob that needs the exercise. Then they push a cart through the store for three small items and instead of carrying that One bag out they push the cart all the way to their car...which they leave out in the right of way to invariably start rolling on a direct path towards my car! Cruise missiles should have that kind of accuracy...and force of impact.

can I get in the pool now???

OH yeah...if all you women are chasing men, sammyjo, why don't I hear footsteps??? Huh? HUH? ;) Where is this pic you mentioned?
I absolutely, positively, most emphatically HATE people who don't fucking READ a post before they post a 500 word diatribe against an insult that doesn't exist!!!!
Tony...I don't really run, reeboks are optional.

Thumper...I didn't say we DO chase men, just that they expect us to. Here's the deal guys, I don't mind doing my SHARE of the chasing, but if I spend upwards to a week, and sometimes more trying to get your attention...and you have no response...I'm outta here...I'm sick of having to "prove" myself, or giving you jerks an ego trip.

It's time we took a stand here. Men, it IS common courtesy to open doors for women. It IS still ok for you to make the first move. If you like someone, go for it...don't wait for her to stroke your ego (or other parts, as the case my be)...

You know what? Forget it...this is a little dream world I'm living in.

And yes, I realize I just posted for nothing, but I don't fucking care...this is the bitch thread for god's sake.

Oh, and not everyone is special enough to have seen the pic...If you want it THAT bad, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. :)
I'm thinking only good thoughts, and I hate every minute of it.

[This message has been edited by CreamyLady (edited 06-15-2000).]
Love ya siren....THUMP THUMP THUMP

Gotta answer this...I still open doors for ladies....cept now all ya gotta do is stand in front of it to get it to open..EZ :)

I only make a "first" move if an inkling of interest is shown....

Hey sj...going to the Poison/Dokken/Slaughter concert next Tuesday! Wanna Go?

Lotsa Hair and spandex! :D
Hey siren...c'mere a minute. What the hell is THAT floating in your kiddie pool? Looks like a fish...wait! OMG...it's not a fish....it's the man who KISSES like a fish! Wizard...dude...are ya' ok? Shit, I don't do seafood...I ain't givin' him mouth to mouth! Where's skitten?

Ok...my bitch for today is that I have nothing to bitch about. Good enough to keep me in the thread? :D
You don't Get Sex? Or you don't understand SEx?

Just trying to be clear :D

Oh, never mind...This is the bitch/complaint thread...I GET it :D: :D

Hey Chef buddy. Long time no see...

[This message has been edited by magic merlin (edited 06-16-2000).]

Aw, c'mon it had to be said.
It's just no fun without the challenge!
Sammyjo reminded me of one... when you go to open a door for a lady and she gives you the "eat shit, I can open my own door" look. Sorry, but I believe that you treat all women like ladies until they prove otherwise...

Also, when you work up the nerve to finally come out of your shy hiding place to ask someone out and they just act like they didn't hear you ask when you damn well know that they did. I mean a no is bad enough but being ignored.... :(

Siren, I'm gonna crawl back into my shy place but know that I'm sending my luv out to ya even though you can't see me :)
Siren...borrowing tokens from me??? And getting hugs from DCL??? *pout*

I wanna trade my tokens for hugs from DCL!!!!
i hate when people put up goodbye threads just to see how many people beg them to stay and posts more...i know that some are valid but i rather see..."who loves me" posts than cry cry cry no one likes me posts

[This message has been edited by Rosebud (edited 06-16-2000).]
LOL @ Rosebud Okay, I'll do it!

DOESN'T ANYBODY LOVE ME? I even started my own thread, but nobody wants to play with me! waaaaah! What do I have to do to get some attention around here? HUH? :)