Ettiquete ... CaPitaLIzaTION

D's mariposa -

I'm glad you were able to realize that the room wasn't good for you, rather than falling into the trap of believing them about not being a good sub. I don't know that I'd have avoided that mistake.
I can't be arsed to do the caps thing...and I hate seeing someone post A/all T/those S/ interrupts my train of thought.
Johnny Mayberry said:
I can't be arsed to do the caps thing...and I hate seeing someone post A/all T/those S/ interrupts my train of thought.

I/i am appalled!
Okay, reeeeaaallly stupid question, but here goes:

If the slashie things bother so many people, then, uh, why is it even done?

See? I told ya it was a stupid question!
never thought i'd say it

i don't use them, but i find the slashes and caps kind of romantic and sweet when used for one's significant others.

i find their use in general conversation kind of annoying but erotic too.
SexyChele said:
Okay, reeeeaaallly stupid question, but here goes:

If the slashie things bother so many people, then, uh, why is it even done?

See? I told ya it was a stupid question!
Damn if I know. People like to be annoying?
Oh good grief. Who cares really? Its important to some people and not at all important to others. Additionally, there are people who don't type well and who have not spent lots of time studying grammar. Lets just show a modicum of tolerance and move on to the far more interesting business of discussing kinky sex.

I have gotten into the habit of using caps when referring to Snooze. But, I have to tell you, my respect for him doesn't change if I use lowercase letters.
"Off for a slash! Back in two shakes."

(now how many of you will get the joke?)
Once, not so long ago, Cellis and I were out on the town and there was an impromptu display of a creative sexual activity in this bar. We, along with several others were watching. At one point, the people involved, asked if anyone else wanted to join in--one particular sub-female said, "Oh, I do!" then stepped forward. She then turned to her top and asked very loudly, "Oh maser! Can I do this?" at which he gave his nonverbal consent.

This woman's actions reeked of immaturity. She had to do everything in her power to pull the focus of everyone in that room to her and scream out for attention. The proper way would have been to ask in a non-overloud voice or simply to ask with a look since her top was across from her in the crowd.

It was annoying enough that Cellis and I discussed it afterward.

The woman was play acting. Not a bad thing unless you are being an asshole about it--which she was (pulling the attention to herself and from the display we were all there to see).

The same thing happens here and in other places where people intentionally distract from their written words with their typing style. Regardless of what you are saying, if you say it in a way that pulls the focus from the conversation--you are demonstrating your immaturity in an effort to say "LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO WHERE ELSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

People who do this are bimbos. I ignore what they have typed unless it is under 2 lines. The person is simply showing that what they have to say is much less important than their typing style. Fortunately, most of the people here are both mature and considerate enough to not put the rest of us through the effort of trying to decipher their extra typed characters.
aerofreak said:
We really didn't intend to start a tirade about all of this, we just wondered what y'all thought - a curiosity after having dealt with a few buttheads. As far as I'm concerned, it's a simple matter, not worth getting worked up over, no matter which view you take, especially since we had forgotten that we even started this thread ages and ages ago ...

Are you kidding? Everything gets worked up over around Lit. It is the nature of the beast.
SexyChele said:
Okay, reeeeaaallly stupid question, but here goes:

If the slashie things bother so many people, then, uh, why is it even done?

See? I told ya it was a stupid question!

Way back when I first wandered online, I was bouncing around the Yahoo rooms. Someone had put together a FAQ which stated that subs had lowercased names and never used caps in their writing/posting so that newcomers would know who was Dom or sub. (I had understood that it was just protocol for chat, but like a bad cold, it spread.) Doms always used caps for themselves, their names, there adjectives and such to signify Doms. The caps slash thing started as a case of courtesy. "G/good M/morning E/everyone" Instead of greeting everyone by name and hoping you didn't miss Someone.. :rolleyes:

and the fount of useless knowledge strikes again
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Oh, I can understand how it spread. Some dominant dickhead (women can be dickheads too!) decided it was a "good idea" (TM) and instructed his/her sumbissives to follow this new style. In typical sheep-wise emulation fashion, other submissives caught on. This inspired dominant wannabes to use it as a way to show that they were "in the know" and before you can say whatever it is you say to show that very little time has passed, "everyone MUST do it..."

<<< lives in a country with 60 million sheep. That's twenty sheep per person! Somehow has never had the urge to join them...
Have any of you considered that some of the subs who type this way are doing so because they were instructed to by their dominant?

Its just a thought I had.
Desdemona said:
Have any of you considered that some of the subs who type this way are doing so because they were instructed to by their dominant?

Oh, I know full well that this is often the case. But how did the Dominants learn to want that? Why do they want it? It's a puzzle...
Good grief

i've seen posts with misspellings, poor punctuation and an appalling lack of grammar all over this board.

Big whoop.

i once talked about this particular subject on a similar post. If you come across a post with the offending usage of the caps, ignore it. Or as an alternative, try to get past the style of what was written and get to the point trying to be made.

Simply, if we will start harping on the caps thing, what's next oh people of perfect typing? Spacing between lines? Length of paragraphs? The dreaded lack of or overuse of ellipses?

i say lets castigate those who deliberately post like poor Charly from Flowers for Algernon. i just don't think it's cute. Or kewt as it were.

froggy_day said:
So is the I/i capitalization thing typically done online or is that poor manners?

I learned BDSM on my own with women who were also inexperienced. I didn't read a book or look through the internet to to teach me how to be dominant. Now that I have formed my own ideas, it is interesting to come to forums like Literotica or read books and see how other people treat the topic. The capitalization thing is a great example of these differences. Just seems silly to me, but more power to the people who enjoy it!
Etoile said:
I didn't resurrect the thread because of you. I resurrected it because I wanted more discussion on the topic.

I don't particularly care why the thread was resurrected, to be honest, all I was saying was that we hadn't intended for it to become a huge thing. It was a simple question as far as we were concerned, and since most people here agree, the tirades appear to me to be a case of 'preaching to the choir' and thus rather pointless.
Oh yeah

Just another thing ... we weren't actually asking about the A/all, W/we thing, simply if it is the norm for references to dominants to be capitalized at all times & references to submissives to always be lower case. We have neither one ever done the slash thingy, cuz we are too damned lazy and quite frankly, we don't care.
I'm just lazy. If i really think about it, if i'm trying to sound smart, or if it's at the beginning of a sentence i'll use capitols. most of the time everything is lowercase for me. I have to go through my formal essays for school fixing all my lowercases.

I once was on an IRC chat network and my friend got me to go to another network and join a BDSM room as a lark. He warned me against going in there with a lowercase name but i didn't feel like changing it... let me say it was nearly traumatic... after being assaulted about properly addressing people and describing myself and the like i decided it wasn't as amusing and left the channel... one of the dommes messages me in private bitching me out and being horribly rude to me, like it was the end of the world that i didn't treat everyone who bothered to capitalize their names with the respect i would "treat your ultimate owner" (yeah she said that.)
One of the reasons i love this community all the better... yeah... i'm submissive. It doesn't mean i'm inferior. I surrender power... not intelligence.
Desdemona said:
Have any of you considered that some of the subs who type this way are doing so because they were instructed to by their dominant?

If any top required this of me, I would automatically assume he had zero real-time experience and was only interested in the fake chat room masturbation play.

Even before I was active as a real time experienced SM participant, I found this to be an immediate turn off. Separates the men from the boys, so to speak.
(Hint: If you are a guy who is thinking of IM-ing me to ask me about spanking my ass, don't bother putting on a show--just be yourself, I am much more likely to be impressed by a genuine human than a bad actor.)
BlondGirl said:
If any top required this of me, I would automatically assume he had zero real-time experience and was only interested in the fake chat room masturbation play.

Even before I was active as a real time experienced SM participant, I found this to be an immediate turn off. Separates the men from the boys, so to speak.
(Hint: If you are a guy who is thinking of IM-ing me to ask me about spanking my ass, don't bother putting on a show--just be yourself, I am much more likely to be impressed by a genuine human than a bad actor.)

I hear what you're saying and you certainly have a right to that opinion. However, I don't think we can automatically discount someone's "realness" based on how they type a few words. As Eb says, YMMV. LOL
Desdemona said:
However, I don't think we can automatically discount someone's "realness" based on how they type a few words.
Considering the volume of internet Romeo (wanna-be) men, I use every method available for weeding out those who are pretending or married and seeking a way to sorta cheat. I can't see how making an opinion of someone based on his/her intentionally written expressions of though would be invalid. Especially on the 'net where liars are everywhere on the prowl.
Re: Oh yeah

aerofreak said:
Just another thing ... we weren't actually asking about the A/all, W/we thing, simply if it is the norm for references to dominants to be capitalized at all times & references to submissives to always be lower case. We have neither one ever done the slash thingy, cuz we are too damned lazy and quite frankly, we don't care.
Once again, the thread isn't necessarily here because you replied to it. The discussion needn't revolve around you. That said, thank you for your input.