Exclusive: The story you haven’t yet heard about Bowe Bergdahl’s desertion

IS a foreign concept to you..

Kate Clark of the Afghanistan Analyst Network spent weeks researching the five men’s biographies in 2013, and came up with a much more nuanced picture.

“It is mystifying to know where the Guantanamo Bay authorities got the idea that Khairkhwa was known, in their words, as a ‘hardliner in terms of Taliban philosophy.’ During the Emirate, he was considered one of the more moderate Taliban in leadership circles,” she writes.

Noori and Fazl had negotiated surrender of Taliban fighters to General Abdul Rashid Dostum in November, 2001, based on what they believed was a promise of safe passage home. Instead, hundreds of Taliban fighters were massacred, and Fazl and Noori were arrested.

Wasiq was taken in a sting operation — according to Clark, he was cooperating with the US at the time and was trying to arrange reintegration with the new government. Instead, he was arrested and sent to Guantanamo.

The Guantanamo Docket, a project of The New York Times based on the WikiLeaks documents, also yields some interesting information.

Omari, for example, was a minor Taliban figure who said he was selling used cars when the war started. He also claimed that he was given $500 and a cell phone by a CIA officer named Mark and told to go find Mullah Omar. When he failed to deliver, he was arrested.

Not a very impressive background for what the media are calling the “worst of the worst.”

Interesting read. I doubt the "Impeach Teh Negar!" crew will respond to it.
Laurel provides a bozo like you the edit feature for a reason, you know...

...perhaps instead of whining like a little baby about posters you don't like starting threads, you should pay more attention to the nonsensical drivel you actually post.

I mean, in your spare time...

...when you're not focusing your "remaining days on the generational problems being faced now by the human race."


Don't worry about my spare time. Focus instead now why you're rationalizing cowardice.

ps - Laurel also offers the opportunity for a name change. I'll ask her to reserve 'StrategicCowardice' for you.
*LOL* somehow I think I will take our intelligence groups evaluation of these enemy combatants over a group of folks floundering around with funds from Sweden. For Christ sakes, who will we hear from next The Three Stooges New Network?
*LOL* somehow I think I will take our intelligence groups evaluation of these enemy combatants over a group of folks floundering around with funds from Sweden. For Christ sakes, who will we hear from next The Three Stooges New Network?
Give us the facts, ma'am.

Nauseating: Obama State Department Refers To Taliban 5 As “Gentlemen”…

Then again, it’s not like they are wanted by the UN for war crimes for killing thousands of people . . . no, wait?

Via Weekly Standard:

A spokeswoman for the State Department referred to the Taliban operatives released from Guantanamo Bay as part of the deal to retrieve Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl as “gentlemen.” In a Monday afternoon appearance with Andrew Mitchell on MSNBC, Marie Harf, the deputy spokesperson at State and an alumna of the Obama campaign, argued with Mitchell over the question of whether or not Congress should have ben notified about the exchange before it occured. [...]

“Under this administration, we’ve put in very stringent processes to determine that we can sufficiently mitigate the risk that the terrorists, the possibility that these gentlemen will go back to the battlefield,” Harf says

Nauseating: Obama State Department Refers To Taliban 5 As “Gentlemen”…

Then again, it’s not like they are wanted by the UN for war crimes for killing thousands of people . . . no, wait?

Via Weekly Standard:

A spokeswoman for the State Department referred to the Taliban operatives released from Guantanamo Bay as part of the deal to retrieve Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl as “gentlemen.” In a Monday afternoon appearance with Andrew Mitchell on MSNBC, Marie Harf, the deputy spokesperson at State and an alumna of the Obama campaign, argued with Mitchell over the question of whether or not Congress should have ben notified about the exchange before it occured. [...]

“Under this administration, we’ve put in very stringent processes to determine that we can sufficiently mitigate the risk that the terrorists, the possibility that these gentlemen will go back to the battlefield,” Harf says

They love terrorists. Too bad they hate America.
St Ronnie HATED 'Murica. He backed the Taliban, but changed their name to Mujahideen, so he could send them illegal arms.
The GOP in Congress state they weren't going to help this president, stated it publicly.

GOP legislators were calling for Bergdahl's return from day 1, but change their minds when this president did it.

And Dems and Libs "hate" America?

WTF? tell us all how that makes sense
Bergdahl is not my son, so I would have been fine with letting him stay where he was. He chose the path he took, and he caused good men to die searching for him, from all appearances. And now five terrorists are free to kill again as a result of his actions. He gets zero sympathy from me.

lol... that's ok.. you don't have to admit anything. It's obvious in your posts and thanks for proving my point whether you actually own it or not.
The facts are Larry, Moe and Curly, with Shemp as a backup journalist, are in the Hindu Kush as we speak gathering all the info we will need to know.
Oh, so "our intelligence groups" are American Thinker, National Review, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.
The GOP in Congress state they weren't going to help this president, stated it publicly.

GOP legislators were calling for Bergdahl's return from day 1, but change their minds when this president did it.

And Dems and Libs "hate" America?

WTF? tell us all how that makes sense

Not one bit of difference from the days of General Betrayus and the many pronouncements that the surge was a failure and the war last even before the troops were in Iraq.
The GOP in Congress state they weren't going to help this president, stated it publicly.

GOP legislators were calling for Bergdahl's return from day 1, but change their minds when this president did it.

And Dems and Libs "hate" America?

WTF? tell us all how that makes sense

you are a really dumb NIGGER:rolleyes:
Bergdahl is not my son, so I would have been fine with letting him stay where he was. He chose the path he took, and he caused good men to die searching for him, from all appearances. And now five terrorists are free to kill again as a result of his actions. He gets zero sympathy from me.

The GOP in Congress state they weren't going to help this president, stated it publicly. ...Obama is out to dismantle the US....why should they help?

GOP legislators were calling for Bergdahl's return from day 1, but change their minds when this president did it.....They wanted him freed, not at the cost of releasing KILLERS that will KILL US

And Dems and Libs "hate" America?......They do

WTF? tell us all how that makes sense
